Creates a window in YouTube's the live chat window that shows live translations and spanner comments.
YouTube Live Translation Collector is a script for the Tampermonkey Add-on. It adds a window to Youtube live stream chat that displays the messages left by the channel owner, moderators (Spanner icon) and viewers doing live translation.
Currently I do a case insensitive check for messages that start with the following:
EN | translation | tr | 英訳 | 英訳/EN |
[EN] |
[translation] |
[tr] |
[英訳] |
[英訳/EN] |
(EN) |
(translation) |
(tr) |
(英訳) |
(英訳/EN) |
EN: |
translation: |
tr: |
英訳: |
英訳/EN: |
EN : |
translation : |
tr : |
英訳 : |
英訳/EN : |
EN- |
translation- |
tr- |
英訳- |
英訳/EN- |
EN - |
translation - |
tr - |
英訳 - |
英訳/EN - |
EN} |
translation} |
tr} |
英訳} |
英訳/EN} |
EN } |
translation } |
tr } |
英訳 } |
英訳/EN } |
/[EN] |
/[translation] |
/[tr] |
/[英訳] |
/[英訳/EN] |
/EN: |
/translation: |
/tr: |
/英訳: |
/英訳/EN: |
/EN : |
/translation : |
/tr : |
/英訳 : |
/英訳/EN : |
/EN- |
/translation- |
/tr- |
/英訳- |
/英訳/EN- |
/EN - |
/translation - |
/tr - |
/英訳 - |
/英訳/EN - |
/EN} |
/translation} |
/tr} |
/英訳} |
/英訳/EN} |
/EN } |
/translation } |
/tr } |
/英訳 } |
/英訳/EN } |