Hi there, my name is Gilbert Ardila
I am a Javascript fullstack developer and I love what I do!!
I live in Bogotá-Colombia, I have been working in many personal proyects for professional growth and I invite you to glance at my GitHub account
I have knowledge in Html/Css/JavaScript/Tailwind CSS/React/NextJs in front-end, and also in Nodejs/Express/Java/Springboot/SQL in back-end , but I am learning new things as well.
#Some of My projects:
it is a web site were you can see the movies billboard and also create a favourites movies list it was made in html/css/javascript (vanilla Javascript) consuming a public API called themoviedb.
Movies+ V2.0
Developed in Next.Js now you can use the new version of this app
M3U2TrelloApp-GilbertArdila (Trello clon)
This application is a Trello board clone where we can create taskes, move it from board to board (to-do, doing, done), it will show the creation date and finishing date, Title, User and Estimated time and off corsse we can delete it. -whatch the video
Alura Hotel
this web site allows you to create a registration as a customer and once you are register you can make a checkin choosing initial and final day, room kind, payment way and kids and adults guests quantity. the reservation price depends on this variables. According to the dates the sistem will calculate hight or low season price, also every room kind have a diferent cost, kids guest have 40% off than adults, and you can choose between cash, debt card or credit card for payment way.
this app was developed with Java/Java springboot on the backend side
Proyecto SENA
this is a proyect for the SENA academy in Colombia, this is a decoupled project(frontend/backend) first part is backend: made in Java and SpringBoot is connected to a SQL data base, here we use the abstraction concept, we have layers to save the data integrity. as a dependencys in this project we use Loombok, spring-data jpa, thymeleaf, spring web, spring dev tools, MySQL conector.
as a second part we have the frontend: it was made in html/css and javascript only. also we consume the Jquery and uuid libraries.
this is a virtual store, but focuses in the administrator user; customer can see the products, filter them by name, see the diferentent categories and echa product by it self, but there is not a purchase method implemented; administrator can handle a CRUD in all the produts, can change pictures too.
Created on javascript/html/css and using json-server as a data base
web architecture.
In my repository I have many web architecture projects, like Alura-clon, Batatabit,Google-clon, blog this projects are made only in html and css to create the main structure of a page
Some technologies I use: