What it does:
searches through every kind of folder/file/content after predefined searchStrings; optional opening of files at the end of the search, designed to work from context menu (setup for that is now available under the release section)
Provide a path via console or by opening it in the context menu of a specific folder
Pick one or multiple words to search for
Pick some files to open in explorer
-Program may appear stuck-
either run the setup program
drop it in some folder
Create Registry Keys like you see here
The location in the registry must be the same, the name of the WinXSearch key, the MUIVerb and Path of the command default value can be changed ^^ Don't forget the %w at the end of the path and format your path the same as I did.
I really suggest to just use the installer though :D
If you've read this far and enjoyed my little program, please consider to give me a star <3 Also I'm always endorsing feedback! Thx alot!