LittleLanguageModel is a Transformer-based language model, designed for text generation and sequence modeling tasks. This repository contains the implementation of a transformer architecture, with a specific instance called DanteGPT, trained on a dataset of Italian text.
The model is based on the Transformer architecture, utilizing multiple layers of self-attention heads and feedforward neural networks to generate human-like text. DanteGPT is a variant of LittleLanguageModel, specifically trained to generate text inspired by Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy.
- Transformer Architecture: Multiple attention heads and layers to handle complex relationships within the input sequence.
- Text Generation: Capability to generate text based on an initial prompt using a temperature-controlled sampling technique.
- Training: The model is trained on a large corpus of Italian text to capture language structure and style.
To set up the environment, clone the repository and install the dependencies:
git clone
cd LittleLanguageModel
pip install -r requirements.txt
To train the model, use the train_model()
function with the desired parameters. This function will train the model on a dataset, periodically evaluating and logging the loss.
from model import LittleLanguageModel
from train import train_model
import torch
file = 'file.txt'
text = open(file, 'r', encoding='utf-8').read()
vocab = sorted(list(set(text)))
encode = lambda s: [vocab.index(c) for c in s]
decode = lambda l: "".join([vocab[c] for c in l])
# Split the dataset into training and validation sets
x = int(0.9*len(text))
text = torch.tensor(encode(text), dtype=torch.long)
train, val = text[:x], text[x:]
# Define the model parameters
vocab_size = len(vocab) # Based on the dataset
embed_size = 512
num_heads = 8
head_size = embed_size // num_heads
num_layers = 6
block_size = 128 # Example sequence length
batch_size = 64
# Find the device (GPU or CPU)
device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')
# Instantiate the model
model = LittleLanguageModel(vocab_size, head_size, embed_size, block_size, num_heads, num_layers, device).to(device)
optimizer = torch.optim.AdamW(model.parameters(), lr=1e-3)
# Train the model
EPOCHS = 5000
train_losses, val_losses = train_model(model, train, val, block_size, batch_size, device, optimizer, EPOCHS)
To generate text using the trained model, you can use the generate()
method. You provide an initial prompt and the number of tokens to generate.
# Example for generating text
ids = torch.tensor(
encode("Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita"),
generated_ids = model.generate(
: Trains the model on the training dataset and evaluates on the validation set.generate()
: Generates text based on an initial prompt.
- Embedding Layer: Encodes input tokens into dense vectors.
- Positional Encoding: Adds positional information to input tokens to maintain the sequential nature of the data.
- Multi-Head Attention: Multiple self-attention heads to capture different types of relationships in the data.
- Feedforward Layers: A fully connected neural network for further learning.
- Layer Normalization: Normalizes the input to each layer to speed up training and improve stability.
DanteGPT is trained on a text corpus that includes a selection of classical Italian literature, primarily focusing on Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy.
- The Transformer model architecture is based on the paper: "Attention is All You Need".
- Special thanks to the open-source community for the contributions that made this project possible.
You can customize the sections (especially the usage and requirements) based on the specific details of your project.