To learn more about this structure and how it is meant to be used throughout different stages of the project, see this presentation.
|- <- Top-level README on how to use this repo
|- data <- Data files. Create subfolders as necessary.
|- docs <- Documentation.
|- models <- Trained models, model summaries, etc.
|- notebooks <- Jupyter notebooks and R markdown. Naming convention TBD. Use jupytext to convert
| to .py before committing and do not commit the notebook itself. Suggest having
| subfolders for different subsets of analysis. Could also have different
| subfolders for each person if that makes more sense for your project/team.
|- outputs <- Models results, static reports, etc. Create additional subfolders as necessary.
| |- figures <- Create versioned figures folders if desired.
|- queries <- SQL files (.sql, .jinja2, etc). Create subfolders as necessary. When creating
| new tables in BigQuery, be sure to use a schema with good field descriptions.
|- scripts <- Regular python and R files. These may use code from <module> but are not
| notebooks. A good place for scripts that run data pipelines, train models, etc.
|- .gitignore <- Modify as necessary.