------.` sss-
:ssssssss/` sss-`oso` +ss.`oso` +ss.
:sso:.-+ss+ sss-`sss. oss-`sss. oss-
/sso` :sso sss-`sss. oss-`sss. oss-
`osssoosss- sss- +sso::+sss- +sso::+sss-
-/++osss/ oss. :osssssss. :ossssoss.
.-----+sso ` ```` `` ``` ``
This module is responsible for acting as a single SP proxy.
It's initially intended to be used by gluu-server:
- ✅ Automatic fetch remote IDP data from metadata
- Automatic remote idp key rotation handling
- ✅ Expose single metadata to be consumed by all remote IDPs
- ✅ Create (register) Trust Relation and remote IDP provider providing metadata url
- ✅ SP initiated authentication
- IDP initiated authentication
Please check CONTRIBUTING.md
Independent modules:
You can ask and find related questions in gluu community support portal