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PostgreSQL Class.

  • Full name: \MaHarder\classes\PostgreSQL



DB Host of PostgreSQL, default: localhost

private string $host


DB name

private string $db


DB username (user login)

private string $user


DB user password

private string $password


DB port, default: 5432

private int $port


DB Connection When not all creditional are given returns a NULL

private ?PDO $pdo



Class init / constructor.

public __construct(string $db, string $user, string $password, string $host = "localhost", int $port = 5432): PDO|null


Parameter Type Description
$db string Database name
$user string Database user
$password string Database password
$host string Database host, default: localhost
$port int Database port, default: 5432


Automatically disconnects PDO connection.

public __destruct(): mixed


Public function to return setted PDO connection.

public getConnection(): PDO|null


For inserting multiple values into the same table.

public insertList(string $table, array $names = [], array $data = []): array


Parameter Type Description
$table string Table name
$names array List of keys
$data array Array of data arrays for keys

Return Value:

Parameter Type Description
[] array Array of inserted values in DB


Inserts single values into a table After success execution returns complete inserted data with row id as array.

public insert(string $table, array $data = [], string $id_field = "id"): array


Parameter Type Description
$table string Table name
$data array Array of keys and their values
$id_field string Used for update data if dataset conflicts with existing entry, default: id

Return Value:

Parameter Type Description
[] array Returns either array of data of inserted values or array with error and its description


public insertOrUpdate(string $table, array $data = [], string $field = "id"): array


Parameter Type Description
$table string Table name
$data array Data that will be insert or updated in table
$field string ID field of the table for update entries, default: id

Return Value:

Parameter Type Description
[] array Returns answer of the request in form of an array


Updates dataset in a table.

public update(string $table, array $data = [], array $where = [
		'query' => '',
		'arr' => [],
		'arr_param' => 'AND',
	]): array


Parameter Type Description
$table string Table name
$data array Array of keys and their values
$where array Array of parameters with predefined values
$where['query'] string|array Custom where query without 'WHERE'
$where['arr'] array Array of keys and values for where clause
$where['arr_param'] string Binder between multiple search keys, default: AND

Return Value:

Parameter Type Description
[] array List of updated dataset


Fetches all rows in a single table.

public fetchAll(string $table, array $order = []): array


Parameter Type Description
$table string Table name
$order array Sort arguements of the output in format column => sort direction, eg. 'date' => 'ASC'

Return Value:

Parameter Type Description
[] array List of entries


Fetches entries in DB with custom definitions.

public fetch(string $table, array $select, array $params = ['where' => ['query' => null, 'arr' => [], 'arr_param' => 'AND'], 'order' => [], 'limit' => 'ALL', 'offset' => 0]): array


Parameter Type Description
$table string Table name
$select array List of DB columns of the table, default: *
$params array Predefined array of parameters for custom selects
$params['where'] array Array of parameteres for where clause
$params['where']['query'] array|string Custom raw sql select (where clause) array of strings or a single string, use without 'WHERE'
$params['where']['arr'] array Array of where keys and these values
$params['where']['arr_param'] string Binder of multiple where array, default: AND
$params['order'] array Array of ORDER by statement, use this way: 'name' => 'SORT value', eg. 'date' => 'ASC'
$params['limit'] int|string Either ALL or an Integer to limit output, no use if ORDER is empty
$params['offset'] int Skips first X entries, no use if ORDER is empty

Return Value:

Parameter Type Description
[] array List of filtered entries


Deletes an entry in table by ID.

public delete(string $table, string $field, string $id): int|array


Parameter Type Description
$table string Table name
$field string Columns for filter
$id string Value of columns

Return Value:

Parameter Type Description
rowCount() int|array Returns affected rows or error in form of an array


Deletes all entries in a table.

public deleteAll(string $table, bool $restart = true, bool $cascade = true): int|array


Parameter Type Description
$table string Table name
$restart bool Restart sequences of table, default: true
$cascade bool Automatically truncate all tables that have foreign-key references to any of the named table, default: true

Return Value:

Parameter Type Description
rowCount() int|array Returns affected rows or error in form of an array


Custom SQL query with secure parameters.

public query(string $query, array $vals = []): string|array


Parameter Type Description
$query string String with SQL query (for values use :column name)
$vals array Array of column names and their values

Return Value:

Parameter Type Description
$out string|array Returns custom query request or error in form of an array


Checks value and converts it into given type.

protected defType(string|int|float|bool $value, string $type): float|int|string|bool


Parameter Type Description
$value string|int|float|bool The value for the column
$type string Type of the used value


Checks value for sign for transmission into DB If %sign% has been given on the first place before the value, so function will transform it in right definition.

protected getComparer(string $value): array
First sign Description
! Negative statement. Transforms = into <>
<(=) More (equal) than... statement. Transforms = into < or <=
>(=) Less (equal) than... statement. Transforms = into > or >=
(!)% (NOT) LIKE expression. Transforms = into (NOT) LIKE and value becomes % wrapped around (eg. %value%)

For more statements please inform author


Parameter Type Description
$value string Column value with or without a comparison sign

Return Value: array

Parameter Type Description
sign string statement sign (=, <>, <, >, etc)
value string output value with predefined type


Prepares array with splitted data Splits in keys and values.

private _prepareData(array $data = []): array


Parameter Type Description
$data array Array with keys and values

Return Value: array

Parameter Type Description
'0' array Array of name keys
'1' array Array of values


Uses defined private variables to connect to pqsql db.

private _connect(): null|PDO