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File metadata and controls

655 lines (508 loc) · 25.7 KB

BigQuery Serverless Ingest

Flexible service for performing BigQuery file loads to existing tables. This service handles splitting load jobs when the data volume exceeds the BigQuery 15TB load job limit. The goal of the service is to orchestrate BigQuery Load Jobs to many bigquery datasets / tables from a single bucket providing transparent configuration that is overridable at any level.


GCS Object Naming Convention

Data Files

Data should be ingested to a prefix containing destination dataset and table like so: gs://${INGESTION_BUCKET}/${BQ_DATASET}/${BQ_TABLE_NAME}/*
If the path does not contain a destination table, one can be provided in a load.json file placed in a parent _config directory. See

Note, the table prefix can contain multiple sub-prefixes for handling partitions or for configuring historical / incremental loads differently.

Configurable Naming Convention with Regex

By Default we try to read dataset, table, partition (or yyyy/mm/dd/hh) and batch id using the following python regex:

    r"^(?P<dataset>[\w\-\.]+)/"  # dataset (required)
    r"(?P<table>[\w\-]+)/?"  # table name (required)
    # break up historical v.s. incremental to separate prefixes (optional)
    r"(?P<partition>\$[\d]+)?/?"  # partition decorator (optional)
    r"(?:"  # [begin] yyyy/mm/dd/hh/ group (optional)
    r"(?P<yyyy>[\d]{4})/?"  # partition year (yyyy) (optional)
    r"(?P<mm>[\d]{2})?/?"  # partition month (mm) (optional)
    r"(?P<dd>[\d]{2})?/?"  # partition day (dd)  (optional)
    r"(?P<hh>[\d]{2})?/?"  # partition hour (hh) (optional)
    r")?"  # [end]yyyy/mm/dd/hh/ group (optional)
    r"(?P<batch>[\w\-]+)?/"  # batch id (optional)

you can see if this meets your needs in this regex playground Otherwise you can override the regex by setting the DESTINATION_REGEX to better fit your naming convention on GCS. Your regex must include Python Regex with named capturing groups for destination dataset, and table.

Note: dataset can optionally, explicitly specify destination project (i.e. gs://${BUCKET}/project_id.dataset_id/table/....) alternatively, one can set the BQ_STORAGE_PROJECT environment variable to set to override the default target project for datasets at the function level. The default behavior is to infer the project from Application Default Credential (the project in which the Cloud Function is running, or the ADC configured in Google Cloud SDK if invoked locally). This is useful in scenarios where a single deployment of the Cloud Function is responsible for ingesting data into BigQuery tables in projects other than the one it is deployed in. In these cases it is crucial to ensure the service account that Cloud Functions is impersonating has the correct permissions on all destination projects.

Your regex can optionally include for

  • partition must be BigQuery Partition decorator with leading $
  • yyyy, mm, dd, hr partition year, month, day, and hour (depending on your partition granularity)
  • batch an optional batch id to indicate multiple uploads for this partition.

For example, if your datafiles were laid out like this:




Then you could use this regex:


In this case we can take advantage of a more known rigid structure so our regex is simpler (no optional capturing groups, optional slashes).

Note: We can use the region= string (which may have been partitioned on in an upstream system such as Hive) as a batch ID because we might expect that an hourly partition might have multiple directories that upload to it. (e.g. US, GB, etc). Because it is all named capturing groups we don't have any strict ordering restrictions about batch id appearing before / after partition information.

Providing Destination Regex in a Config File

Instead of specifying a single constant DESTINATION_REGEX value which remains static for all cloud function invocations, you can provide a destination regex in a load.json config file (placed in a _config/ directory at table or parent directory level) as shown below:

    "sourceFormat": "PARQUET",
    "destinationRegex": "(?P<table>.*?)(?:[\\d]{4})?/?(?:[\\d]{2})?/?(?:[\\d]{2})?/?(?P<batch>[\\d]{2})/?",

Destination regex specified in a load.json config file takes precedence over the value defined in the DESTINATION_REGEX variable.
Providing regex via load.json files allows one cloud function deployment to handle many different GCS path naming conventions.

Providing Destination Table in a Config File

When your dataset and table names are not present in the Cloud Storage file paths, you can explicitly specify a destination table via a destinationTable mapping in the load.json file as shown below:

    "sourceFormat": "PARQUET",
    "destinationRegex": "(?P<table>.*?)(?:[\\d]{4})?/?(?:[\\d]{2})?/?(?:[\\d]{2})?/?(?P<batch>[\\d]{2})/?",
    "destinationTable": {
        "projectId": "YOUR_PROJECT_ID",
        "datasetId": "YOUR_DATASET_ID",
        "tableId": "YOUR_TABLE_ID"

Note: Your destination regex must include a table group, but the rest of the groups are optional. The table group is needed in order for the cloud function to determine the table prefix of GCS data files. It uses the table prefix as the prefix path for the _backlog directory when performing ordered loads.

A destination table specified in a load.json config file takes precedence over a table matched by the destination regex group.

Dealing with Different Naming Conventions in the Same Bucket

In most cases, it would be recommended to have separate buckets / deployment of the Cloud Function for each naming convention as this typically means that the upstream systems are governed by different teams.

Sometimes many upstream systems might be using different naming conventions when uploading to the same bucket due to organizational constraints. In this case you have the following options:

  1. Provide an explicit destination table and destination regex in the load.json configuration file as detailed in the following sections:
  2. Try to write a very flexible regex that handles all of your naming conventions with lots of optional groups. Regex101 is your friend!
  3. Create separate Pub/Sub notifications and separate deployment of the Cloud Function with the appropriate DESTINATION_REGEX environment variable for each GCS prefix with a different naming convention.

Configuration Files

The Ingestion has many optional configuration files that should live in a special _config/ prefix at the root of the bucket and/or under the dataset and/or table and/or under the partition prefixes.

For example if you have the following files:


The json objects will be merged where key conflicts are resolved by config in the closest directory to the data. If the files contents were like this: gs://${INGESTION_BUCKET}/_config/load.json:

  "sourceFormat": "CSV",
  "writeDisposition": "WRITE_APPEND",
  "schemaUpdateOptions": [


  "sourceFormat": "AVRO"


  "writeDisposition": "WRTITE_TRUNCATE"

The result of merging these would be:

  "sourceFormat": "AVRO",
  "writeDisposition": "WRITE_TRUNCATE",
  "schemaUpdateOptions": [

This configuration system gives us the ability to DRY up common defaults but override them at whatever level is appropriate as new cases come up.

Note on Delimiters: Use Unicode

For CSV loads the fieldDelimiter in load.json to external.json should be specified as a unicode character not a hexidecimal character as hexidecimal characters will confuse python's json.load function. For example ctrl-P should be specified as:

  "fieldDelimiter": "\u0010"

Transformation SQL

In some cases we may need to perform transformations on the files in GCS before they can be loaded to BigQuery. This is handled by query on an temporary external table over the GCS objects as a proxy for load job. gs://${INGESTION_BUCKET}/${BQ_DATASET}/${BQ_TABLE_NAME}/_config/bq_transform.sql

By default, if a query job finishes of statement type INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE, or MERGE and numDmlRowsAffected = 0 this will be treated as a failure (See Query Job Statistics API docs) . This is usually due to a bad query / configuration with bad DML predicate. For example running the following query on an empty table:

UPDATE dest ... FROM temp_ext src WHERE =

By failing on this condition we keep the backlog intact when we run a query job that unexpectedly did no affect any rows. This can be disabled by setting the environment variable FAIL_ON_ZERO_DML_ROWS_AFFECTED=False.

A CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE is not DML and will not be subject to this behavior.

Cost Note

External queries will consume query slots from this project's reservation or count towards your on-demand billing. They will not use free tier load slots.

External Table Name: temp_ext

Note: The query should select from a temp_ext which will be a temporary external table configured on the fly by the Cloud Function. The query must handle the logic for inserting into the destination table. This means it should use BigQuery DML to mutate the destination table.

For example:

INSERT {dest_dataset}.{dest_table}
SELECT * FROM temp_ext

Note: The {dest_dataset} and {dest_table} placeholders will be replaced at runtime by either:

  • The GCS path destination regex group matches for dataset and table.
  • The destinationTable entry in a load.json file.

The query will be run with the appropriate external table definitions defined in: gs://${INGESTION_BUCKET}/${BQ_DATASET}/${BQ_TABLE_NAME}/_config/external.json If this file is missing the external table will be assumed to be PARQUET format.


Partition Table Decorators

Note: If the directory immediately before the triggering successfile starts with a $ it will be treated as a BigQuery Partition decorator for the destination table.

This means for:


will trigger a load job with a destination table of$20201026 This allows you to specify write disposition at the partition level. This can be helpful in reprocessing scenarios where you'd want to WRITE_TRUNCATE a partition that had some data quality issue.

Hive Partitioning

If your data will be uploaded to GCS from a hadoop system that uses the supported default hive partitioning you can specify this in the hivePartitioningOptions key of load.json for that table.

Any non-trivial incremental loading to partitions should usually use the Transformation SQL to define the INSERT / MERGE / UPDATE / DELETE logic into the target BQ table as these DML semantics are much more flexible thant the load job write dispositions. Furthermore, using external query has the added benefit of circumventing the per load job bytes limits (default 15 TB) and commiting large partitions atomically.

Handling Incremental Loads

This solution introduces the concept of batch_id which uniquely identifies a batch of data committed by an upstream system that needs to be picked up as an incremental load. You can again set the load job or external query configuration at any parent folders _config prefix. This allows you dictate "for this table any new batch should WRITE_TRUNCATE it's parent partition/table" or "for that table any new batch should WRITE_APPEND to it's parent partition/table".

Controlling BigQuery Compute Project

By default BigQuery jobs will be submitted in the project where the Cloud Function is deployed. To submit jobs in another BigQuery project set the BQ_PROJECT environment variable.


Monitoring what data has been loaded by this solution should be done with the BigQuery INFORMATION_SCHEMA jobs metadata If more granular data is needed about a particular job id

Job Naming Convention

All load or external query jobs will have a job id with a prefix following this convention:

job_id_prefix = f"gcf-ingest-{dest_table_ref.dataset_id}-{dest_table_ref.table_id}"

Note: The prefix gcf-ingest- is configurable with the JOB_PREFIX environment variable.

Job Labels

All load or external query jobs are labelled with functional component and cloud function name.

    "component": "event-based-gcs-ingest",
    "cloud-function-name": getenv("FUNCTION_NAME"),
    "bucket-id": "<bucket-for-this-notification>"

If the destination regex matches a batch group, there will be a batch-idlabel.


   (SELECT value FROM UNNEST(labels) WHERE key = "component") as component,
   (SELECT value FROM UNNEST(labels) WHERE key = "cloud-function-name") as cloud_function_name,
   (SELECT value FROM UNNEST(labels) WHERE key = "batch-id") as batch_id,
   (SELECT value FROM UNNEST(labels) WHERE key = "component") = "event-based-gcs-ingest"

If your external queries have mutliple sql statements only the parent job will follow the gcf-ingest-* naming convention. Children jobs (for each statement) begin with prefix _script_job. These jobs will still be labelled with component and cloud-function-name. For more information see Scripting in Standard SQL


GCS Object Finalize triggers can communicate with Cloud Functions directly or via Pub/Sub topic. This function supports both reading bucket / object id from the Pub/Sub attributes or the Cloud Functions event schema. Pub/Sub triggers offer some additional features as opposed to Cloud Functions direct including filtering notifications to a prefix within a bucket (rather than bucket wide) and controlling message retention period for the Pub/Sub topic. More info can be found here: Pub/Sub Storage Notification Cloud Functions direct trigger

  1. Trigger on _SUCCESS File to load all other files in that directory.
  2. Trigger on non-_SUCCESS File will no-op

Continuous Integration

We run the following CI checks to ensure code quality and avoid common pitfalls:

This CI process is defined in cloudbuild.yaml and can be run locally with cloud-build-local from the root of the repo with:

cloud-build-local --config=tools/cloud_functions/gcs_event_based_ingest/cloudbuild.yaml --dryrun=false .

Optimizations / Philosophy

This CI system uses kaniko cache to speed up builds and defaults cache expiration to two weeks. This notably does not pin python package versions so we know if one of our dependencies or CI checks has been updated in a way that breaks this tool. It's better for us to make a conscious decision to adopt new features or adjust CI configs or pin older version depending on the type for failure. This CI should be run on all new PRs and nightly.

Note: All functionality of the cloud function (including ordering) is integration tested against buckets with object versioning enabled to ensure this solution works for buckets using this feature.

Just Running the Tests

Running in Docker

# Build Docker image
PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config get-value project)
docker build -t$PROJECT_ID/gcs_event_based_ingest_ci -f .
# Run unit tests
docker run --rm -it$PROJECT_ID/gcs_event_based_ingest_ci -k "not IT"
# Run integration tests
docker run --rm -it$PROJECT_ID/gcs_event_based_ingest_ci -k "IT"
# Run all tests
docker run --rm -it$PROJECT_ID/gcs_event_based_ingest_ci

Running on your local machine

Alternatively to the local cloudbuild or using the docker container to run your tests, you can pip3 install -r requirements-dev.txt and select certain tests to run with python3 -m pytest.

Note: This is not quite the same as callin pytest without the python -m prefix (pytest invocation docs) This is mostly useful if you'd like to integrate with your IDE debugger.

Caution: Integration tests will spin up / tear down cloud resources that can incur a small cost. These resources will be spun up based on your Google Cloud SDK Application Default Credentials

Pytest Fixtures

All Pytest fixtures are DRY-ed up into tests/ This is mostly to share fixtures between the main integration test for the cloud function and the integration tests for the backfill CLI. See more info on sharing pytest fixtures in the pytest docs .

Running All Tests

python3 -m pytest

Running Unit Tests Only

python3 -m pytest -m "not IT"

Running Integration Tests Only

python3 -m pytest -m IT

Running System Tests Only

The system tests assume that you have deployed the cloud function.

export TF_VAR_short_sha=$(git rev-parse --short=10 HEAD)
export TF_VAR_project_id=jferriero-pp-dev
python3 -m pytest -vvv e2e


It is suggested to deploy this Cloud Function with the accompanying terraform module

Google Cloud SDK

Alternatively, you can deploy with Google Cloud SDK:

Pub/Sub Notifications


# Create Pub/Sub Object Change Notifications
gsutil notification create -f json -t ${PUBSUB_TOPIC} -e OBJECT_FINALIZE gs://${INGESTION_BUCKET}

# Deploy Cloud Function
gcloud functions deploy test-gcs-bq-ingest \
  --region=us-west4 \
  --source=gcs_ocn_bq_ingest \
  --entrypoint=main \
  --runtime=python38 \
  --trigger-topic=${PUBSUB_TOPIC} \
  --service-account=${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL} \
  --timeout=540 \

Cloud Functions Events


# Deploy Cloud Function
gcloud functions deploy test-gcs-bq-ingest \
  --region=us-west4 \
  --source=gcs_ocn_bq_ingest \
  --entrypoint=main \
  --runtime=python38 \
  --trigger-resource ${INGESTION_BUCKET} \
  --service-account=${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL} \
  --timeout=540 \

In theory, one could set up Pub/Sub notifications from multiple GCS Buckets (owned by different teams but following a common naming convention) to the same Pub/Sub topic so that data uploaded to any of these buckets could get automatically loaded to BigQuery by a single deployment of the Cloud Function.

Ordering Guarantees

It is possible to configure the Cloud Function to apply incrementals in order if this is crucial to your data integrity. This naturally comes with a performance penalty as for a given table we cannot parallelize ingestion of batches. The ordering behavior and options are described in detail in


There are some cases where you may have data already copied to GCS according to the naming convention / with success files before the Object Change Notifications or Cloud Function have been set up. In these cases, you can use the CLI utility to crawl an existing bucket searching for success files. The utility supports either invoking the Cloud Function main method locally (in concurrent threads) or publishing notifications for the success files (for a deployed Cloud Function to pick up).

Backfill and Ordering

If you use the ordering feature on a table (or function wide) you should use the NOTIFICATIONS mode to repost notifications to a pub/sub topic that your deployed Cloud Function is listening to. The LOCAL mode does not support ordering because this feature relies on (re)posting files like _bqlock, _BACKFILL and various claim files and getting re-triggered by object notifications for these. The script will publish the notifications for success files and the Cloud Function will add these to the appropriate table's backlog. Once the script completes you can drop the START_BACKFILL_FILENAME (e.g. _HISTORYDONE) for each table you want to trigger the backfill for. In general, it would not be safe for this utility to drop a _HISTORYDONE for every table because the parallel historical loads might still be in progress.


python3 -m backfill -h
usage: [-h] --gcs-path GCS_PATH [--mode {LOCAL,NOTIFICATIONS}] [--pubsub-topic PUBSUB_TOPIC] [--success-filename SUCCESS_FILENAME] [--destination-regex DESTINATION_REGEX]

utility to backfill success file notifications or run the cloud function locally in concurrent threads.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --gcs-path GCS_PATH, -p GCS_PATH
                        GCS path (e.g. gs://bucket/prefix/to/search/)to search for existing _SUCCESS files
                        How to perform the backfill: LOCAL run cloud function main method locally (in concurrent threads) or NOTIFICATIONS just push notifications to Pub/Sub for a deployed
                        version of the cloud function to pick up. Default is NOTIFICATIONS.
  --pubsub-topic PUBSUB_TOPIC, --topic PUBSUB_TOPIC, -t PUBSUB_TOPIC
                        Pub/Sub notifications topic to post notifications for. i.e. projects/{PROJECT_ID}/topics/{TOPIC_ID} Required if using NOTIFICATIONS mode.
                        Override the default success filename '_SUCCESS'
                        Override the default destination regex for determining BigQuery destination based on information encoded in the GCS path of the success file


BQ Tail

bqtail is a similar serverless configuration driven ingest to BigQuery from GCS that achieves batching based on window in processing time (as driven by Cloud Scheduler). BQ Tail has nice features for triggering Post actions (BQ queries / GCS file moves or deletes) once the data is ingested, and slack notifications. bqtail is well suited for use cases where the atomicity of event partition is not important (e.g. many distributed publishers uploading logs to GCS). Due to dependency of certain features of bqtail on Cloud Scheduler it cannot be used inside VPC-SC perimeters. This tool might be more appropriate when the publisher is authoritative on the atomicity of batches (e.g. an upstream hadoop job responsible for commiting an event time hour's worth of data).

BigQuery Data Transfer Service

Cloud Storage Transfer can also be used but requires separate configurations per table and supports only scheduled (rather than event based) loads. This can cause issues if the upstream publisher of data is behind schedule. This service does not support external query to perform transformations upon ingest.