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Multi-Cluster Gateway Blue/Green Cluster Pattern (internal)

Multi-cluster Gateway for GKE is a cloud-hosted Gateway API controller for GKE clusters. It's a Google-hosted service that supports deploying shared load balancing resources across clusters and across regions.

Note: in this guide, MCG will be used as shorthand for Multi-cluster Gateway.


The MCG Blue/Green cluster pattern is designed to address Kubernetes cluster lifecycle use cases where a given GCP region has two or more GKE clusters hosting the same application(s).

Redundant GKE clusters are commonly deployed so that one cluster can be removed from service at a time, upgraded, and returned to service, while the other cluster(s) continue to service client traffic. Within this example recipe, we will leverage the Gateway API's expressive feature surface to implement the following:

  • Traffic mirroring to a new set of resources to confirm readiness for release
  • Traffic weighting across clusters to enable the canary release pattern
  • Header-based routing to target specific clusters

In this example, both clusters reside in the same GCP region to demonstrate a blue/green upgrade pattern where one cluster at a time can be removed from service, upgraded, and returned to service, all while clients can continue to access a given application. Additionally, this example uses a GatewayClass of type gke-l7-rilb-mc, meaning the MCG endpoint will be a private IP address within your VPC. For testing, the infrastructure build instructions include the deployment of a GCE virtual machine in the same VPC that will be used as the test client.

Relevant documentation

Manifest samples

Before you get hands-on, let's look at some snippets of the various Custom Resources used in this recipe to understand what you'll be building.

A Gateway resource represents a load balancing resource and its associated configuration. The following example references the GatewayClass of type gke-l7-rilb-mc, meaning the Gateway is a multi-cluster internal Layer 7 load balancer on GCP:

kind: Gateway
  name: multi-cluster-gateway
  namespace: mcgi-bg
  gatewayClassName: gke-l7-rilb-mc # Layer 7 internal load balancer, accessible via private IPs within its VPC
  - protocol: HTTP
    port: 80 # listening on port 80
      kind: HTTPRoute
          gateway: multi-cluster-gateway

A ServiceExport resource is used to expose a Kubernetes service in a given cluster for use in a multi-cluster gateway:

# expose the sample-app-blue service to a multi-cluster gateway
kind: ServiceExport
  name: sample-app-blue # maps to a service object
  namespace: mcgi-bg

A ServiceImport resource is used to consume a ServiceExport from a given cluster for use in a multi-cluster gateway when it is referenced in an HTTPRoute resource. The HTTPRoute resource specifies how requests to a given Gateway are routed to backend services:

kind: HTTPRoute
  name: sample-app-route
  namespace: mcgi-bg
    gateway: multi-cluster-gateway # attached to a Gateway
  - forwardTo:
    - backendRef: 
        kind: ServiceImport
        name: sample-app-blue # maps to a ServiceExport (in this case, from gke-blue)
      port: 8080
      weight: 100

Try it out

  1. Download this repo and navigate to this folder

    $ git clone
    Cloning into 'gke-networking-recipes'...
    $ cd gke-networking-recipes/multi-cluster-gateway/multi-cluster-gateway-internal-bluegreen
  2. Deploy and configure your GCP project, the two clusters (gke-blue and gke-green) and your client VM (client-vm), as specified in environment setup

  3. Deploy the application to the gke-blue & gke-green clusters

    $ kubectl --context gke-blue apply -f cluster-blue-app.yaml
    namespace/mcgi-bg created
    deployment.apps/sample-app created
    service/sample-app-blue created created
    service/sample-app created created
    $ kubectl --context gke-green apply -f cluster-green-app.yaml
    namespace/mcgi-bg created
    deployment.apps/sample-app created
    service/sample-app-green created created
    service/sample-app created created
  4. Deploy the gateway resource to the config cluster (in this case, gke-blue)

    $ kubectl --context gke-blue apply -f gateway.yaml
    namespace/mcgi-bg unchanged created
  5. Capture the private IP address of the Multi-cluster Gateway

    $ kubectl --context gke-blue -n mcgi-bg get gateway multi-cluster-gateway -o=jsonpath="{.status.addresses[0].value}" # example - save this for use in step 7
  6. Deploy step 1 of the HTTPRoute configuration, where we are routing traffic only to gke-blue

    $ kubectl --context gke-blue apply -f route-step-1-single-cluster.yaml created
  7. SSH to the client-vm and run curl a few times against the private IP from step 5 to verify responses from gke-blue

    $ export MCG_IP= # replace with the private IP from step 5 - this will vary based on deployment
    $ curl $MCG_IP
    "cluster_name": "gateway-test-01", 
    "host_header": "", 
    "metadata": "sample-app-blue", 
    "node_name": "gke-gateway-test-01-default-pool-77e722e1-1ehu.c.am01-gateway-test.internal", 
    "pod_name": "sample-app-57659bccc-br952", 
    "pod_name_emoji": "🗄", 
    "project_id": "am01-gateway-test", 
    "timestamp": "2021-04-22T06:57:33", 
    "zone": "us-central1-f"
  8. Before we add gke-green to the service, mirror traffic to the pods on gke-green so we can verify that it's handling traffic correctly

    $ kubectl --context gke-blue apply -f route-step-2-mirroring.yaml

    From your client-vm, start sending requests continuously

    $ while true; curl http://$MCG_IP; done

    Back on your workstation, tail the pod logs on gke-green to validate that it's receiving the mirrored traffic

    Note: the WARNING messages in the pod logs are expected

    $ kubectl --context gke-green -n mcgi-bg logs -f deployment/sample-app --all-containers=true --since=1m
    2021-04-22 17:43:12,355 - werkzeug - INFO - - - [22/Apr/2021 17:43:12] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 -
    2021-04-22 17:43:12,623 - root - WARNING - Unable to capture pod namespace.
    2021-04-22 17:43:12,623 - root - WARNING - Unable to capture pod IP address.
    2021-04-22 17:43:12,623 - root - WARNING - Unable to capture pod KSA.
    2021-04-22 17:43:12,623 - werkzeug - INFO - - - [22/Apr/2021 17:43:12] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 -
    2021-04-22 17:43:12,935 - root - WARNING - Unable to capture pod namespace.
    2021-04-22 17:43:12,935 - root - WARNING - Unable to capture pod IP address.
    2021-04-22 17:43:12,936 - root - WARNING - Unable to capture pod KSA.
    2021-04-22 17:43:12,936 - werkzeug - INFO - - - [22/Apr/2021 17:43:12] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 -
    2021-04-22 17:43:15,050 - root - WARNING - Unable to capture pod namespace.
    2021-04-22 17:43:15,050 - root - WARNING - Unable to capture pod IP address.
    2021-04-22 17:43:15,050 - root - WARNING - Unable to capture pod KSA.
    2021-04-22 17:43:15,051 - werkzeug - INFO - - - [22/Apr/2021 17:43:15] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 -
  9. Now perform a canary release to gke-green by sending 10% of traffic to the sample-app-green ServiceImport

    $ kubectl --context gke-blue apply -f route-step-3-canary.yaml

    From your client-vm, start sending continous requests to the metadata path of your service, which will filter out the response to only include information about source of the response. If the canary is working correctly, roughly 10% of the responses should be from gke-green

    $ while true; curl http://$MCG_IP/metadata; printf "\n"; done
    sample-app-green # <----- coming from gke-green
  10. Now that you know that gke-green is handling traffic correctly, we can move to an explicit 50/50 split of traffic between the clusters

    $ kubectl --context gke-blue apply -f route-step-4a-explicit-even-split.yaml

    On the client-vm, verify that there's a roughly 50/50 split

    $ while true; curl http://$MCG_IP/metadata; printf "\n"; done
  11. Transition from an explicit 50/50 traffic split (that reference two different, cluster-specific ServceImports) to an implicit 50/50 traffic split by using a common ServiceImport across both clusters

    $ kubectl --context gke-blue apply -f route-step-4b-implicit-even-split.yaml
  12. Complete this tutorial by enabling header-based routing to specific clusters in your HTTPRoute configuration

    $ kubectl --context gke-blue apply -f route-step-5-header-routing.yaml

    Now, from the client-vm, include a Cluster header in your requests. This can be used to explicitly route requests to a given cluster

    $ curl http://$MCG_IP/metadata --Header "Cluster: cluster-blue"
    $ curl http://$MCG_IP/metadata --Header "Cluster: cluster-green"
  13. If you're done testing out this recipe, please clean up the infrastructure resources associated with it