Hewlett Packard Enterprise Aruba Central is unified network management platform for wired, wireless and SD-WAN networks.
With Aruba Central REST API module pycentral it is possible to automate data collection from devices managed by Aruba Central.
With collect_data.py you can:
- Select devices based on events
- Use CSV file to select devices
More details about Aruba Central REST API pycentral information is available on Aruba Developer hub.
- Install prerequisites.
- Clone github to destination folder or download zip file and unpack it in destination folder.
To change default values update config.py.
Template JSON files are available in templates directory. Copy JSON templates into working directory where run.py resides and update values.
Create Aruba Central JSON Token and save it. Default filename is central.json
Create debug commans JSON file. Available command depend on device type. More detail can be found in Aruba Central Swagger Page. Here is the example file to collect
show tech-support
show ap debug crash-info
"device_type": "IAP",
"commands": [
"command_id": 115,
"arguments": [
"name": "",
"value": ""
"command_id": 34,
"arguments": [
"name": "",
"value": ""
- Create filter JSON file, if you will select APs by event type
"device_type": "ACCESS POINT",
"sort": "-timestamp",
"event_type": "AP Exception",
"from_timestamp": "2024-01-10"
All filter fields:
"group": "string",
"swarm_id": "string",
"label": "string",
"from_timestamp": "string YYYY MM DD hh:mm:ss", # it will be converted to int timestamp
"to_timestamp": "string YYYY MM DD hh:mm:ss", # it will be converted to int timestamp
"offset": integer,
"limit": integer,
"macaddr": "string",
"bssid": "string",
"hostname": "string",
"device_type": "string", ["ACCESS POINT", "SWITCH", "GATEWAY", "CLIENT"]
"sort": "string", ["-timestamp", "+timestamp"]
"site": "string",
"serial": "string",
"level": "string", ["normal", "positive", "negative", ]
"event_description": "string",
"event_type": "string", ["AP Exception", "AP Offline", "AP Online", "Security", ...]
"fields": "string", comma separated list [number, level]
"calculate_total": "boolean"
Or create a csv file if you will select APs from CSV.
Copy logconfig.json file from templates directory.
| run.py
| | collect_data.py
| | requirements.txt
| | ...
| |
| |---lib
| | arguments.py
| | central.py
| | logconfig.py
| | utilities.py
| | ...
| |
| |---templates
| | ap_commands.json
| | central-token.json
| | central.json
| | commands.json
| | filter.json
| |
| ...
run.py is example script how to call and run the collector.
For now you can call the collect_data from your script or use run.py or you can run it as a module from command line.
- $ python run.py
- $ python -m collect_data
$ python run.py --help
$ python -m collect_data --help
usage: run.py [-h] [--csv_input CSV_INPUT] [--csv_sn_column CSV_SN_COLUMN] [--csv_delimiter CSV_DELIMITER] [--json_central JSON_CENTRAL] [--json_filter JSON_FILTER] [--json_commands JSON_COMMANDS] [--event_list EVENT_LIST]
[--data_directory DATA_DIRECTORY] [--start_date START_DATE] [--end_date END_DATE] [--debug_level DEBUG_LEVEL] [--inverse_search]
........ Log collection App for Aruba Central REST API .....
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--csv_input CSV_INPUT
CSV input file containing list of AP serial numbers to collect data from. (optional)
--csv_sn_column CSV_SN_COLUMN
Column # or name where device Serial number is stored. (optional, default=0)
--csv_delimiter CSV_DELIMITER
Column delimiter (optional, default=',')
--json_central JSON_CENTRAL
JSON file with Aruba Central Access Token (Optional, default=central.json)
--json_filter JSON_FILTER
JSON file with device select filter (optional, default=filter.json)
--json_commands JSON_COMMANDS
JSON file with list of commands to execute for each device (optional, default=commands.json)
--event_list EVENT_LIST
Summary Output of all events (optional, default=event_list.txt)
--data_directory DATA_DIRECTORY
Directory for result files (optional, default=data/)
--start_date START_DATE
Event start date in format YYYY-MM-DD (optional, default=<from filter.json>)
--end_date END_DATE Event end date in format YYYY-MM-DD (optional, default=now)
--debug_level DEBUG_LEVEL
--inverse_search Inverse search condition. Return only devices not in input CSV or do not have event from filter.json present
Collect data from devices selected in Aruba Central by events defined in filter.json from start_date.
$ python run.py --start_date="YYYY-MM-DD"
Collect data from devices listed in input.csv file, where colum name SERIAL is containing device serial numbers.
$ python run.py --csv_input=input.csv --csv_sn_column="SERIAL"
Collect data from devices listed in tab-input.csv file, where delimiter is Tab and serial number is in column 3.
$ python -m collect_data --csv_input="tab-input.csv" --csv_sn_column=2 --csv_delimiter="\t"
Collect data from all devices not in the input.csv file.
$ python run.py --csv_input=input.csv --csv_sn_column="SERIAL" --inverse_search
- Device type and debug commands need to match. Only one type of device can be used in a run. Currently only AP device type was tested.
- CSV and Event selections are mutally excluded. Only one type of device selection can be used on a run.
- Default directory for returned data is data/
- Serial number is used for filename for device log results
- Summary event file event_list.txt is stored in log destination directory
- --start_date and --end_date overwrite fields in filter.json
- log and data directories are automatically created if does not exist
Authorization data for REST API Gateway.
Use token or username/password. Do not use both.
central_info = {
"token": {
"access_token": "string",
"refresh_token": "string",
"base_url": "url string",
"customer_id": "string",
"client_id": "string",
"client_secret": "string",
"username": "string",
"password": "string",
CSV file need to contain serial number of the device.
When first record contain header information, provide column name in --csv_sn_column to select column with serial numbers.
When no header record exists in file, use the column number starting with 0.
By default the column number is 0.
Aruba Central GUI has an option to export events and devices in csv format. It use Tab character for delimiter.
Date fields are ignored when using CSV file.
csv file without a header line example:
csv file with header line example:
Devices can be selected directly from Aruba Central based on the filter.json definition. filter.json contains events, dates, sort,.. and other parameters based on device type. You can use --start_date and --end_date to limit events for selection regardless of the settings in json file.
Use subset of fields to filter events. Fields from_timestamp and to_timestamp will be converted to numeric timestamp. String representation in JSON file is for convenience. More information can be found in Aruba Central Swagger.
"device_type": "ACCESS POINT",
"sort": "-timestamp",
"event_type": "AP Exception",
"from_timestamp": "2024-01-10"
All filter fields:
"group": "string",
"swarm_id": "string",
"label": "string",
"from_timestamp": "string YYYY MM DD hh:mm:ss", # it will be converted to int timestamp
"to_timestamp": "string YYYY MM DD hh:mm:ss", # it will be converted to int timestamp
"offset": integer,
"limit": integer,
"macaddr": "string",
"bssid": "string",
"hostname": "string",
"device_type": "string", ["ACCESS POINT", "SWITCH", "GATEWAY", "CLIENT"]
"sort": "string", ["-timestamp", "+timestamp"]
"site": "string",
"serial": "string",
"level": "string", ["normal", "positive", "negative", ]
"event_description": "string",
"event_type": "string", ["AP Exception", "AP Offline", "AP Online", "Security", ...]
"fields": "string", comma separated list [number, level]
"calculate_total": "boolean"
List of debug commands sent to device. List of commands is available in Swagger. Use only commands appropriate for device type selected.
Example of debug commands from swagger:
"category": "System",
"command": "show ap debug crash-info",
"command_id": 34,
"summary": "AP Crash Info"
"category": "System",
"command": "show tech-support",
"command_id": 115,
"summary": "AP Tech Support Dump"
Example commands.json file:
"device_type": "IAP",
"commands": [
"command_id": 115,
"arguments": [
"name": "",
"value": ""
"command_id": 34,
"arguments": [
"name": "",
"value": ""
Test of the update proceduer for AP settings. Read data about AP settings from Central and add possibility to update settings.
Input file --csv_input contain AP serial numbers for update.
Experimental feature. Current version only return values from Central.
Use example:
python update.py --csv_input input.csv
Example csv file: