- Goto nj.com and copy the list of towns and cases from "Atlantic County" to the town named "White." (ex: https://www.nj.com/coronavirus/2020/05/where-is-the-coronavirus-in-nj-latest-map-update-on-county-by-county-cases-may-20-2020.html) I use chrome and simple select and copy.
- Paste that into a month-day.html file in the "towndelta" folder.
- run "all_towns_csv.ps1" - this converts that plain text html copy from NJ.com into a CSV.
- Open the new CSV and review for errors.
- After the new CSV is reviewed and fixed, run "combine_csv.ps1" - this will combine all CSVs into a single combined.csv
- go into \towndelta\split-town in powershell
- run .\main.ps1 in powershell, this reads from combined.csv This will create a lot of CSVs and an HTML table file.
- goto the root
- edit the 5 ps1 files so the variable name matches the first segment of the "month-day" you set before.
- run all 5 ps1 files. you can do this at the same time. These read from \towndelta\split-town\delta.csv
- This will create an SVG for each file.
- Upload to my website and manually make some snapshots and write a title.
- Post on r/newjersey.
- My php site code (It's nothing fancy)
- http://virasawmi.com/gordon/covid-19/ - (Ended Updates Sept/2021, hosted as a legacy reference).
- Hover.css (website)
- chart.js (website)
- I didn't make the base SVG file. That came from a wiki.
- Data comes from NJ.com's report on daily cases per town in NJ.