Alchemy uses yeoman for scaffolding and work flow and jekyll to actually generate our documentation.
git clone <this repo>
cd <this repo>/site
# Note, you MUST be in the site directory to run the following commands.
# Otherwise you will be running commands from the main alchemy app.
# install node modules
npm install
# install bower depedencies
bower install
#install jekyll, kramdown and code-ray (syntax-highlighting)
gem install jekyll code-ray kramdown
# fire up the develoment server
grunt serve
# package the site to go live
All of the configurations for the jekyll reside in the _config.yml
file and the build process can be run manually with jekyll build
Jekyll ignores all coffeescript and scss files and lets the other grunt plugins take care of them. It compiles the index file from the .md files in the _documentation collection. The file (one of the files in the documentation collection) is generated by the .md files located in _configDocs.