Battle simulator made with the game engine JMonkey, using a graph as model. Developed for class Distributed Databases (8INF803) at UQAC (QC, CA).
The GraphX API, which is Apache Spark's API for graphs and graph-parallel computation is used to create the back-end graph.
The main objective of this work was to understand graphs strength in the parallelization of tasks. We used it to compute a small turn based game with dungeon and dragons entities.
You don't need any additionnal software/application to run the simulation. The project contains already a pom.xml
file that list all the maven dependencies used in this project.
In progress..
In progress..
If you still have questions about some aspects of this project, take a look at the .pdf.
The following list is all the maven dependencies we used to make our application works.
- in Progress..
Additionnals dependencies can be found here : link