Welcome to Greg's Task Manager!
Version 2.0 Update Video (Click the unmute icon!):
This application was create using the MEAN stack (MongoDB, Express, Angular, Node.js). Information on installing Node on your machine and starting an instnace of MongoDB through Docker can be found here.
The application first authenticates a user then redirects them to the task manager. The following operations can be performed:
- Configure app display name
- Configure app background color
- Create a user
- Authenticate a user
- Maintain sessions through the use of JSON Web Tokens
- End a user session
- Create a category
- Rename a category
- Delete a category
- Create a task in category
- Rename a task
- Attach a file/image attachment to a task
- Mark a task as complete
- Mark a task as high priority
- Delete a task
- Send daily email summary of all categories/tasks to each user
The application can be used by following these steps:
- Start a MongoDB instance
- Run the following command in the api folder to start the api and connect it to MongoDB:
nodemon app.js
- Run the following command in the frontend folder to start the Angular app:
ng serve
- Open localhost:4200 in a web browser to access Greg's Task Manager