All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
- add 'organizationid' foreign key to 'place' (d09a131)
- add DockerFile and docker-compose for server (64c8366)
- add influxdb script and influxdb configuration (7d08968)
- add login endpoint (5403400)
- add monitor endpoints and several tracking endpoinst (c9aa6ec)
- add project generated with spring initializr (e4228f8)
- add several endpoints \organization (8c440eb)
- add sql code to generate the database (9605fb8)
- add the missing stalker mobile/web app tags (0aa3a5f)
- add the new structure for endpoints' entities (804a9b8)
- add tracking endpoints (7562bfc)
- add user login endpoint (20b2115)
- adding two organization endpoints and one user endpoint (1dbdc58)
- align api declaration with new schemas (551324b)
- change reference path (ef817b0)
- configure relational db with async driver (3c698b3)
- continue designing user endpoints (4c6d564)
- design PoC API subset (#1) (c79cdaa)
- group dependencies into /resources subfolder (20062b6)
- implement 2 organization endpoints (e8afc57)
- implement correct location update endpoint (9f637b7)
- implement entities model (85cd343)
- implement version endpoint (3a63e02)
- implement version endpoint (65baedc)
- improvements to API (b93e359)
- initial configuration (#2) (cd3a7a7)
- modify openapi.yaml, ready to use for POC (81fdc12)
- restructure api schemas (4add301)
- simplify configuration classes (cbd9bfe)
- start API design (2a3824d)
- start cleaning up the poc endpoints (c965205)
- update and add new endpoint for organizations (4b904f4)
- add a verb at the start of the operationIds (77b3969)
- add examples (7df596d)
- always respond with valid json (86d80cc)
- do some other fixes and add version's endpoint (75b135d)
- fix descriptions and operationsIds (68a6fe9)
- fix environment part in docker-compose (319a577)
- fix linter errors (c541026)
- fix name file .env.example in .env (3dfcab5)
- fix some irregularities in api documents (89a083e)
- fix some other typos (5835fbd)
- fix some typos and add bearer JWT tokens (ba13c63)
- fix type (25ae7cf)
- make org data required (58e4b85)
- remove leftover files and rename endpoint (efde945)
- remove misused discriminator property (e8fd0c5)
- remove validation patterns (4053b9b)
- remove wrongly committed folder and simplify gitignores structure (3c9d682)
- replace id with userId in the paths (7c68fc5)
- resolve some fixme and add new ones (b3606ce)
- solve refs problems (5c70574)
- solve warnings and syntax errors, replace id with userId (eebb837)
- switch summary and description of endpoint (22d03e5)
- add fields set schema for timeseries db (dd10cd6)
- add usage documentation (023de4f)
- better specify instructions for windows (50bfdd6)
- change influxdb schema and add comments (22e18ad)
- improve documented procedure (a022a3f)
- start writing the api style guide (9d1e15f)
- add database configuration (4f6c4a5)
- add dump data file to test db (740e62a)
- cleanup unnecessary stuff (851d10b)
- switch 'he' for gender neutral 'they' (6b574d7)
- docker: configure database services (bc6c5d0)
- docker: move services from override to base (21fe49e)
- docker: rdb service is now working as expected (ba431a1)
- docker: switch back to mysql and fix docker errors (472051b)
- docs: add documentation specific gitignore (b580c4c)
- docs: add style for uml class diagrams (e5c8f89)
- gradle: remove non-essential dependencies (27505fc)
- gradle: switch to spring boot 2.3.0 M4 (9657171)
- release: 0.1.0 (9fdc6c1)
- release: 0.2.0 (ad0ce79)
- release: 0.3.0 (3cffe0c)
- commit unfinished work (907c913)
- add default NULL to Organizations.ldapConfiguration (58fec82)
- add docs scope to chore type for git cz (a0d266b)
- add folder structure for database related files (75fee8b)
- add linter for openapi documents (54399e3)
- add release scripts and markdown lint workflow (6189a1a)
- add several improvements to sql file (ca8a60d)
- add some missing settings (4b28cd6)
- change data types of date columns to datetime (73e54a9)
- fix errors from last review (f106816)
- fix releaser script (c1b4f5d)
- docs: add task for image generatin with plantuml (0827750)
- checkout configuration from other branch (5c8fded)
- final touches to configuration (06a8a94)
- fix releaser script (d5af280)
- improve releaser scripts (c9b7c0b)
- init (87512cb)
- prepare gitignore for gradle-based spring project (f49c0a6)
- remove excess dependencies and configure releaser (90d3d4b)
- rename a bunch of files and commit .idea config (d6fc188)
- some changes to configuration (8aebad8)
- streamline some settings in containers and add .env to gitignore (b7a9ee1)
- update configuration (00aaee9)
- update extension list and change commitizen adapter (021c51c)
- update password and email pattern with the ones used in webapp (bf41542)
0.3.0 (2020-04-07)
- add login endpoint (20bacfc)
- add the new structure for endpoints' entities (225e719)
- add user login endpoint (5428780)
- design PoC API subset (#1) (4f880ca)
- implement 2 organization endpoints (01e6db6)
- implement entities model (eedd487)
- implement version endpoint (e670e14)
- simplify configuration classes (4b9ccf7)
- commit unfinished work (97ed1c6)
0.2.0 (2020-04-06)
- add 'organizationid' foreign key to 'place' (e90743a)
- add monitor endpoints and several tracking endpoinst (24840f5)
- add several endpoints \organization (4f576bf)
- add sql code to generate the database (92b680f)
- add the missing stalker mobile/web app tags (19b8e8f)
- add tracking endpoints (77f8f3a)
- adding two organization endpoints and one user endpoint (f6e2af7)
- change reference path (c5c4754)
- continue designing user endpoints (238c340)
- group dependencies into /resources subfolder (185f40c)
- implement correct location update endpoint (4cb317f)
- improvements to API (af2a876)
- modify openapi.yaml, ready to use for POC (0d98dfa)
- start API design (b24c48e)
- start cleaning up the poc endpoints (2a853d6)
- update and add new endpoint for organizations (8b74b57)
- add a verb at the start of the operationIds (7839854)
- always respond with valid json (13952eb)
- fix descriptions and operationsIds (a292bdd)
- fix some irregularities in api documents (5e889be)
- remove misused discriminator property (805a03c)
- replace id with userId in the paths (5fed6bb)
- resolve some fixme and add new ones (e7e3151)
- solve refs problems (d0ade6e)
- solve warnings and syntax errors, replace id with userId (d157951)
- start writing the api style guide (3c80103)
- add docs scope to chore type for git cz (148e306)
- add linter for openapi documents (c8730da)
- fix errors from last review (32dfd9a)
- fix releaser script (329f580)
- docs: add documentation specific gitignore (42b72e9)
- docs: add style for uml class diagrams (ec291d5)
- docs: add task for image generatin with plantuml (7620bb6)
- add .idea to .gitignore (a4c4b1f)
- add folder structure for database related files (4f87777)
- checkout configuration from other branch (fae6726)
- update configuration (5d935c0)
- update password and email pattern with the ones used in webapp (8f32fab)
- update vscode settings (9add93a)
- add DockerFile and docker-compose for server (64c8366)
- add influxdb script and influxdb configuration (7d08968)
- add project generated with spring initializr (e4228f8)
- implement version endpoint (65baedc)
- add default NULL to Organizations.ldapConfiguration (58fec82)
- docker: switch back to mysql and fix docker errors (472051b)
- add several improvements to sql file (ca8a60d)
- add some missing settings (4b28cd6)
- final touches to configuration (06a8a94)
- fix releaser script (d5af280)
- gradle: remove non-essential dependencies (27505fc)
- add release scripts and markdown lint workflow (6189a1a)
- change data types of date columns to datetime (73e54a9)
- improve releaser scripts (c9b7c0b)
- init (87512cb)
- prepare gitignore for gradle-based spring project (f49c0a6)
- remove excess dependencies and configure releaser (90d3d4b)
- rename a bunch of files and commit .idea config (d6fc188)
- some changes to configuration (8aebad8)
- streamline some settings in containers and add .env to gitignore (b7a9ee1)
- update extension list and change commitizen adapter (021c51c)