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Open Source Trello Clone



  1. Fork this repository
  2. Take a ticket from the trello board
  3. Cut a topic branch
  4. Finish the ticket
  5. Submit a pull request

Development Setup

You'll need to register this app as an Oauth application on Github.

Application name
Trossello (development)

Homepage URL

Application description
Open Source Trello Clone made by LearnersGuild (development)

Authorization callback URL

Copy the client id and client secret and use them below:

Create a .env file in the root of the cloned repo that looks like this:


Fork the Project and Add Remote Upstream

Go to Github and fork the project to your repo, then clone the fork. Then run the following:

$ git remote add upstream

Install Postgres

brew install postgresql
brew tap homebrew/services
brew services start postgresql

Ensure ./node_modules/.bin is in your path

Test to see if you have this setup

echo $PATH | grep './node_modules/.bin'

If the grep command above yields zero search results, do this:

# Add this line to your ~/.zshrc (zsh) or ~/.bash_profile (bash)
export PATH="./node_modules/.bin:$PATH"

Create and Migrate the Database

createdb trossello-test
createdb trossello-development
knex migrate:latest

Run the Server!

At this point, you should be able to run 'npm start' without errors.

Running Tests

Ensure npm start is running before you run npm test to run the mocha tests

Cutting a new branch

# clone Trossello
# checkout your clone
# add as a remote called `upstream`
git remote add upstream
Cutting a new branch
git fetch upstream
git checkout -b my-topic-branch upstream/master
git push -fu origin HEAD

Submitting a pull request

Rebase your branch off of the latest upstream/master before submitting your pull request

git commit ... // commit all your changes
git fetch upstream
git rebase upstream/master
// resolve any conflicts
npm install
npm test
git push -f origin HEAD


  • Node
  • Express
  • Webpack
  • Babel es2016
  • SQL via Knex
  • React
  • SASS


We're using knex to generate our SQL


action CRUD verb path
getBoardsByUserId() index get /api/boards
createBoard() create post /api/boards
getBoardById() show get /api/boards/:boardId
updateBoard() update post /api/boards/:boardId
deleteBoard() delete post /api/boards/:boardId/delete
createList() create post /api/boards/:boardId/lists
createCard() create post /api/boards/:boardId/lists/:listId/cards
updateList() update post /api/lists/:listId
deleteList() delete post /api/lists/:listId/delete
updateCard() update post /api/cards/:cardId
deleteCard() delete post /api/cards/:cardId/delete

Standards For Creating New Components

  • Each new Component should be created in its own file where possible.

  • Large Component files should be split up into new subcomponent files.

  • A Component with multiple subcomponents should be reorganized into a Component directory:

    • The Component sharing the folder name should be renamed to index.js and have an accompanying index.sass file.

    • Everything inside the Component directory should only be rendered as a subcomponent of the index Component.

    • Components with many subcomponents of the same type (ex: menu panes) can have a directory for organizing those Components, which should be named in lower case.

  • Component file and directory names should be in UpperCamelCase.

  • Class names for Components inside of a Component directory should start with the Component directory name. (ex: BoardShowPage/CardModal/LabelMenu -> .BoardShowPage-CardModal-LabelMenu)

  • Each Component can optionally import ONE sass file of the same name. You should never import other Components' sass files.

  • Each Component sass file should only declare css selectors with that Component's name as a prefix.
