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Django ES is a Django wrapper for elasticsearch-dsl-py.

Originally it's a fork from bungiesearch so you'll find a lot of things in common. The big change is it uses register admin as a philosophy instead of django manager. So a lot of code has been removed and there is a lot of changes. There are no alias, no management commands.

This contribution use elasticsearch 5.x and its restrictions (unique field name related to one unique mapping definition). CRUD operations are mostly done by elasticsearch-dsl library for more control and maintainability.

  • Django Model Mapping

    • Very easy mapping (no lies).
    • Automatic model mapping (and supports undefined models by returning a Result instance of elasticsearch-dsl-py).
  • Django Admin register like - Register your model as you do with Django Admin contribution

    in a separated file.

  • Django signals

    • Connect to pre_save, post save and pre delete signals for the elasticsearch index to correctly reflect the database (almost) at all times.
  • Requirements

    • Django >= 1.8
    • Python 2.7 (no Python 3 support yet)

The easiest way is to install the package from github:

pip install git+ssh://

Note: Check your version of Django after installing django-es. It was reported to me directly that installing django-es may upgrade your version of Django, although I haven't been able to confirm that myself. django-es depends on Django 1.8 and above.

Updating your Django models

Create a python file (or package) and register your models. More description, in examples following.

Creating Django ES search indexes

The search indexes define how Django ES should serialize each of the model's objects. It effectively defines how your object is serialized and how the Elasticsearch index should be structured. Now you should run a first time your server for allowing autodiscover module to generate mapping and communicate with your ElasticSearch server.

You can now open your elasticsearch dashboard, such as Elastic HQ, and see that your index is created with the appropriate mapping and has items that are indexed.

Add 'django_es' to INSTALLED_APPS. You can define in your own code an ES_CLIENT parameter for connecting to your Elasticsearch instance, By default ES_CLIENT is Elasticsearch()

### Django Model

from django.db import models
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from autoslug import AutoSlugField
from wall.models import Wall
from category.models import Category

class MyModel(models.Model):

    name = models.CharField(max_length=128, null=True, blank=True)
    created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
    wall = models.ForeignKey(Wall, related_name='mymodels', null=True, blank=True)
    slug = AutoSlugField(populate_from='populate_slug', unique=True)
    last_modified = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
    is_finalized = models.BooleanField(default=False)
    is_recorded = models.BooleanField(default=False)
    desc = models.CharField(max_length=4096, null=True, blank=True)
    diff_date = models.DateTimeField()
    duration = models.DurationField(null=True, blank=True)
    category = models.ForeignKey(Category)

    def __str__(self):

    def get_absolute_url(self):
        return reverse('video', kwargs={'slug': self.slug})

    # use this technique because name if from parent class
    def populate_slug(self):
        return or 'mymodel'

    class Meta(Media.Meta):
        app_label = 'media'


The following ModelIndex will generate a mapping containing all fields from MyModel, minus those defined in MyModelModelIndex.Meta.exclude. When the mapping is generated, each field will the most appropriate elasticsearch core type, with default attributes (as defined in django_es.fields).

These default attributes can be overwritten with MyModelModelIndex.Meta.hotfixes: each dictionary key must be field defined either in the model or in the ModelIndex subclass (MyModelModelIndex in this case).

from django_es import mapping
from django_es.fields import String, Date, Integer
from django_es.indices import ModelIndex
from media.models import MyModel
from elasticsearch_dsl.analysis import Analyzer
from utils.fields import Completion

class MyModelModelIndex(ModelIndex):
    description = String(analyzer='snowball', _model_attr='desc')
    created_date = Date(_model_attr='created')
    category = Integer(_eval_as='')
    img = String()
    author = String()
    suggest = Completion(
            'type': {
                'type': 'category',
                'path': '_type'

    class Meta:
        index = 'django_es'  # optional but recommended, default is `django_es`, ever use `populate_index` method
        exclude = ('last_modified', 'is_finalized', 'is_recorded', 'diff_date', 'duration',)

    def prepare_img(self, obj):
        # How we want to store this field in elasticsearch
        from media.serializers.liveVideo import MyModelSerializer
        return MyModelSerializer._img(obj, '48x48')  # getting related image passing res

    def prepare_author(self, obj):
        return obj.wall.profile.get_full_name()

    def prepare_suggest(self, obj):
        # How we want to store this field in elasticsearch
        return {
            'input': [, obj.desc, obj.wall.profile.get_full_name()],
            'output': + ' - ' + obj.wall.profile.get_full_name(),
            'payload': {
                'slug': obj.slug,
                'img': self.prepare_img(obj),

    mapping.register(MyModel, MyModelModelIndex)

The last line is important, it allows Django ES to create the mapping related to this model and to put in on the elasticsearch server.

This file use a Completion Field not related to the model field derived from elasticsearch-dsl.fields. You can create your own fields if there are not already provided by elasticsearch-dsl or this contribution.

from elasticsearch_dsl import Field

class Completion(Field):
_param_defs = {
        'fields': {'type': 'field', 'hash': True},
        'analyzer': {'type': 'analyzer'},
        'search_analyzer': {'type': 'analyzer'},
        'max_input_length': {'type': 'integer'}
    name = 'completion'

    def _empty(self):
        return ''

Now, for your mapping and index to be generated, you need to launch your server a first time. Your mappings can be updated following these elasticsearch mappings rules,

Creating/Updating, Deleting documents

By default, your documents are created on post_save signal of the model. But with an API oriented website or with django forms, you can directly use elasticsearch-dsl methods or simply use functions defined in utils: update_index and delete_index


# for updating/deleting one or more instances simultaneously

update_index([instance, ...], sender, bulk_size=1)  # chose your action : index or delete, default is index

# for deleting
delete_index_item(instance, sender)

The update_index functions use the bulk/bulk_index method of elasticsearch for performing several actions in a row.

You can create your own utils methods.

Querying your elasticsearch documents

You can query your documents using elasticsearch-dsl methods. It's the easier way. Example:

from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
from elasticsearch_dsl import Q as _Q
from elasticsearch_dsl import Search
from elasticsearch_dsl.query import MultiMatch

searchstr = 'Some terms to research'

client = Elasticsearch()
s = Search().using(client)
fields = ["name^2.0", "description^1.5", "author^1.0"]
s.query(MultiMatch(query=searchstr, type='best_fields', fields=fields, tie_breaker=0.3))
#s.query(_Q('query_string', query=' AND '.join([x + '~2' for x in searchstr.split(' ')]), use_dis_max=True, fields=fields, tie_breaker=0.3))
s.aggs.bucket('list', 'filter', term={'_type': 'mymodel'}) \
            **{'_source': ['name', 'slug', 'img'],
               'from': (int(page) - 1) * 20,
               'size': 20
s = s[:0]  # getting only aggregations results
response = s.execute()

count =
res = [x._source.to_dict() for x in response.aggregations.list.obj.hits.hits]

You also can use your suggest field defined previously:

from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
from elasticsearch_dsl import Search

searchstr = 'Some terms to research'
client = Elasticsearch()

s = Search().using(client)\
        .suggest('lives', searchstr, completion={'field': 'suggest', 'fuzzy': True, 'size': 5, 'context': {'type': 'mymodel'}})
s = s[:0]  # getting only suggestions results
response = s.execute()

def format_result(options):
    results = []
    for x in options:
        d = x['payload'].to_dict()
    return results

    lives = format_result(response.suggest.lives[0]['options'])

Django settings

You can define a DJANGO_ES dict in your settings for overriding the way signals are dealt with models associated with Django_ES instances. You can inspect the code and find in the signals packages inspiration for your business logic, or use the classic BaseDjangoESSignalProcessor which will use a buffer of 100 objects before creating/updating/deleting deleting elasticsearch doctype objects.

            'SIGNAL_CLASS': 'BaseDjangoESSignalProcessor'  # default

A ModelIndex defines mapping and object extraction for indexing of a given Django model. It is possible to create directly a mapping without a model too, just pass a doctype.

Any Django model to be managed by Django ES must have a defined ModelIndex subclass. This subclass must contain a subclass called Meta.

Class attributes

As detailed below, the doc type mapping will contain fields from the model it related to. However, one may often need to index fields which correspond to either a concatenation of fields of the model or some logical operation.

Django ES makes this very easy: simply define a class attribute as whichever core type, and set to the eval_as constructor parameter to a one line Python statement. The object is referenced as obj (not self nor object, just obj).

You can also use prepare_%s functions with name of the field for more complex serialization.


This is a partial example as the Meta subclass is not defined, yet mandatory (cf. below).

from django_es.fields import Date, String, Integer
from django_es.indices import ModelIndex

class MyModelModelIndex(ModelIndex):
    description = String(analyzer='snowball', _model_attr='desc')
    created_date = Date(_model_attr='created')
    category = Integer(_eval_as='')
    img = String()

    def prepare_img(self, obj):
        # How we want to store this field in elasticsearch
        from media.serializers.liveVideo import MyModelSerializer
        return MyModelSerializer._img(obj, '48x48')

Here, img will be part of the doc type mapping, but won't be reversed mapped since those fields do not exist in the model. description and created_date use the _model_attr link for redefining fields name. category will be evaluated as an integer related to the Category foreignkey.

This can also be used to index foreign keys:

some_field_name = String(_eval_as='",".join([item for item in obj.some_foreign_relation.values_list("some_field", flat=True)]) if obj.some_foreign_relation else ""')

# or

def prepare_some_field_name(self, obj):
    if obj.some_foreign_relation:
        return ','.join([item for item in obj.some_foreign_relation.values_list("some_field", flat=True)])
    return ''

Class methods


Override this method if you want to deal with dynamic index generation. Example with dynamic date: It will create a new index every day.

def populate_index(self):
    return 'my_index_name-%(now)s' % {'now': now().strftime("%Y.%m.%d")}

Override this function to specify whether an item should be indexed or not. This is useful when defining multiple indices (and ModelIndex classes) for a given model. This method's signature and super class code is as follows, and allows indexing of all items.

def matches_indexing_condition(self, item):
    return True

For example, if a given elasticsearch index should contain only item whose title starts with "Awesome", then this method can be overridden as follows.

def matches_indexing_condition(self, item):
    return item.title.startswith("Awesome")

Meta subclass attributes

Note: in the following, any variable defined as being a list could also be a tuple.


Optional: list of fields (or columns) which must be fetched when serializing the object for elasticsearch, or when reverse mapping the object from elasticsearch back to a Django Model instance. By default, all fields will be fetched. Setting this will restrict which fields can be fetched and may lead to errors when serializing the object. It is recommended to use the exclude attribute instead (cf. below).


Optional: list of fields (or columns) which must not be fetched when serializing or deserializing the object.


Optional: a dictionary whose keys are index fields and whose values are dictionaries which define core type attributes. By default, there aren't any special settings, apart for String fields, where the analyzer is set to `snowball <>`__ ({'analyzer': 'snowball'}).


Optional: additional fields to fetch for mapping, may it be for eval_as/prepare_%s fields or when returning the object from the database.


Optional: the model field to use as a unique ID for elasticsearch's metadata _id. Defaults to id (also called `pk <>`__).

Add 'django_es' to INSTALLED_APPS.


Optional: if it exists, it must be a dictionary (even empty), and will connect to the pre_save, post save, pre delete model functions of all models registered. One may also define a signal processor class for more custom functionality by placing the string value of the module path under a key called SIGNAL_CLASS defining setup and teardown methods, which take model as the only parameter. These methods connect and disconnect the signal processing class to django signals (signals are connected to each model registered).

Example with a customized SIGNAL_CLASS

In the settings:

    'SIGNAL_CLASS': '.signals.DjangoESSignalProcessor'

In a separated file:

from django.db.models import signals

class DjangoESSignalProcessor(object):

    def post_save_connector(sender, instance, created, **kwargs):
        from django_es.utils import update_index
        # Only create index if created
        if created:
            update_index([instance], sender, bulk_size=1)

    def pre_delete_connector(sender, instance, **kwargs):
        from django_es.utils import delete_index_item
        delete_index_item(instance, sender)

    def setup(self, model):
        signals.post_save.connect(self.post_save_connector, sender=model)
        signals.pre_delete.connect(self.pre_delete_connector, sender=model)

    def teardown(self, model):
        signals.pre_delete.disconnect(self.pre_delete_connector, sender=model)
        signals.post_save.disconnect(self.post_save_connector, sender=model)

Optional: an integer representing the number of items to buffer before making a bulk index update, defaults to 100.

WARNING: if your application is shut down before the buffer is emptied, then any buffered instance will not be indexed on elasticsearch. Hence, a possibly better implementation is wrapping post_save_connector and pre_delete_connector from django_es.signals in a celery task. It is not implemented as such here in order to not require celery.


Django ES is a Django wrapper for elasticsearch-dsl-py







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