Releases: Guiorgy/android-smbfile-chooser
Releases · Guiorgy/android-smbfile-chooser
FileChooserDialog is now DEPRECATED!
* bump jcifs-ng from 2.1.3 to 2.1.5
* bump gradle
* bump appcompat
- removed unnecessary dependency on kotlin-android plugin
- removed dependency on android-maven-gradle-plugin (abandoned as of 2019-06-07)
+ added localization for Bahasa Indonesia (thanks joielechong)
+ added localization for Georgian
* fixed not scrolling to the top on PathView first draw
* fixed AboutActivity and changed demo app banner and logo
* explicitly removed transition animations from PermissionActivity
* fixed hedzr#69 nullPointerException on monkeytest
* switched to AppCompat AlertDialog and AppCompat themes
+ reimplemented the feature removed in 1.4.1s (now scrolls to top after refresh)
+ implemented backtracking (scrolling to the directory you were in when going back) to SmbFileChooser
* minor layout and scrolling fixes
* fully moved to AndroidX
* moved to AppCompat themes
- removed refreshLayout
+ instead, added refresh button in the options menu
* bumped gradle
* bugs fixed
+ fileListItemFocusedDrawable attribute added
* bug fixes (especially with Dpad controls)
+ FileChooser now remembers directory when going back
- SmbFileChooser however no longer scrolls to top when list refreshes (the above feature should be added soon)
+ added FileChooser style. You can now set a custom theme
+ overrideGetView added to adapter (accessed from AdapterSetter)
* calling build() no longer obligatory (show() can now be called directly)
+ now possible to pass Drawables as well as drawable resouces
+ now dialog shows after granting read permission
* many small improvements and bug fixes
+ enabled R8 shrinker
* bump jcifs-ng from 2.1.1 to 2.1.2
* removed the workaround introduced in commit 3b94230, release v1.3.1s, as the problem was fixed in eu.agno3.jcifs:jcifs-ng:2.1.2 thanks to mbechler