Releases: Gulix/citizen-assemble
2.0.3 - Dark Camelot & Gwynherfar
This minor release is now available online :
What's about it ? Well, Gwynherfar has been added, as well as Dark Camelot. It's a new Supreme for the Blood Watch, and a new Faction ... that isn't displayed right now. But it's present as Gwynherfar cannot be recruited by them !
Milestone 2.1 is still on the work ! Minions, Faction cards and better Supremes Details are planned.
2.0.2 - Correction on Honorary Member
This minor release is now available online :
What's about it ? Well, the last version broken down the Honorary Member function. So, it has been corrected.
Milestone 2.1 is now in sight ! Minions, Faction cards and better Supremes Details are planned.
2.0.1 - Filters & Pictures
This minor release is now available online :
What's about it ? Well, you can check the associated milestone summary.
The general UI has been made better, I hope so. The filters have been upgraded (added Name & Affiliation filters, and Icons replaced the Origin dropdown menu). And all Supremes have their picture in the Team Builder !
Now, let's go to 2.1 milestone ! Minions, Faction cards and better Supremes Details are planned.
2.0 - A new beginning
So, a new beginning for Citizen Assemble, with a brand new UI. You can see some pictures below.
This new UI is thought to be easier to expand, to modify and better-looking.
There's still things to do (go check the Issues), but it will come (Pictures for all the Supremes, better initialization, Minions, Printing, Details of the Supremes).
Feel free to play with it, tell me what's wrong and good, play some Pulp City Games and share your teams !
The demo is here :
New Leader & Improved Androida
That's about it for this new realease, that added the new profile for Androida, and a new Hero Leader, Dr.Warlock.
Read more about it
But, what ? That's it ?
Yes. For the moment. Some new minor releases will come to add / correct the Supremes List. But no new major improvements ... until the 1.1 release !
What's to say about it ? Well, my web-development skills have improved, so I will use better-suited frameworks to create a more user-friendly UI. The layout will be remade, with an approach I feel will be better. Some tests will be made on the way, but you can follow these modifications on the dedicated branch.
v1.0.2 - Some new characters
A quick update, which will see the addition of some new Supremes from the Cold War Kickstarter : Chernobog, Turncoat, Trojan, Prisoner #176 and Bug-Out.
The Faction cards for the both new factions are also added.
The Team Builder is available on and through the official Pulp City Website.
Any feedbacks and help appreciated !
v1.0.1 - At last ! Some upgrades !
Well, it's been a few months since I updated this project. But here is a new version, minor, but still with improved things.
First, many Supremes have now a correct thumbnail. Then, the Honorary Member has been upgraded, showing more informations about how to use it and who's that Honorary Member in your Team. And some Supremes has been added to the Team Builder.
The Supreme Alliance and the Red Republik, revealed in the Cold War Kickstarter, are now available ! Their informations aren't complete, but the needed one (AP+, Levels, Roles, ...) are set.
The Team Builder is available on and through the official Pulp City Website.
Any feedbacks and help appreciated !
1.0.0 - Official Release of Citizen Assemble !
OK, so this is it : the first 'official' release of "Citizen Assemble !"
What it means ?
The previous versions were released to test the builder, validate the behaviour, and get some feedbacks before going in the wrong way. But right now, I can say that the alpha & beta time is over.
What it means is that I think the builder has enough functions to be used by anyone. There's stille much to be done, but I will let for some weeks the 1.0.0 version live its own life. If some bugs appear, I will correct them. If some ideas about enhancements come to me (User interface, Design, Functions, ...), I will collect them to a future version (1.1.0 for the best and needed ones, later for the others).
How to use the builder ?
There are two ways to use this builder.
First, you can go to the test page, and use it online. Check the current version of the online version. It's not always up-to-date. And sometimes it's ahead of the release versions.
Or you can download the Source code of this release. You will get an archive with multiple files. The builder.html file is the one you're looking for. Open it with your web browser, and you'll get the builder working. No server needed, nothing is going behind the scenes. If you're comfortable with it, you can even edit the json files to match your mini collection, or to add custom Supremes. Feel free to modify it, and don't mind to report me any good alterations you'll make.
What the future holds
Here are some ideas I have for the future
- Recruit minions
- Display more pictures
- Filter with miniatures you own
- Advices on Supremes that will fit your team
- ...
Feel free to create issues for this project. I will create some for the feedbacks I get, but any help is good. Also, if you want to fork / modify this project, go ahead and keep me informed. I'm curious to see what can be done with it. Especially if you want to enhance the UI and styling part. It is much needed.
During the next few days, I will put a wiki to describe how to use the builder. A link will be provided in the main page. The test page will also be updated.
So, right now, grab your minis, assemble your Supremes, and go smash the other guys in Pulp City streets !
Beta 0.1.3
Should be the last beta before the first true release of the Builder.
Check out the Issues thar have been closed, and the last one to be completed : Printing a Team.
Test this beta and don't mind to create issues to report any bugs / ideas / problems.
The database is not complete yet, for the description of the Supremes and their pictures. It will come step by step, and you can contribute to help me. More on that soon on the wiki.
Beta 0.1.2
A new Beta, still improving from the previous one.
Main new features :
- Save / Load teams with a unique code
- "Show details" view enhanced
- Various Links added to each supreme (background page, store page, ...)