A diligent learner and a passionate programmer from India. My fields of interest are AIML, Deep Learning and Neural Networks.
📫 How to reach me abhigyanchakraborty2003@gmail.com
⚡ Fun fact I love dogs 🐶❤️
📫 How to reach me abhigyanchakraborty2003@gmail.com
⚡ Fun fact I love dogs 🐶❤️
This is an end-to-end Deep Learning project that works on unstructured data by building a multi-class image classifier using TensorFlow 2.15 and TensorFlow Hub.
Jupyter Notebook 1
It is an end-to-end multi-class image classification model that is based on the concepts of deep learning and Food(image) recognition. For this project I am using EfficientNet B0 feature extraction…
Jupyter Notebook
This is an end-to-end tensorflow project that is based on the concepts of deep learning and natural language processing. Here we're going to be replicating the deep learning model behind the 2017 p…
Jupyter Notebook
This repository contains an introduction to TensorFlow code , which is required for creating models/building projects on various fields of Deep Learning. Some of the major points covered here inclu…
Jupyter Notebook
This repository contains an introduction to the Time_series fundamentals in TensorFlow and also an end-to-end forecasting model that is going to predict the future price of Bitcoin, based on the hi…
Jupyter Notebook
This is an end-to-end machine learning project that uses structured data to build a classification model capable of predicting the probability of a heart-disease in a patient.
Jupyter Notebook 1