authors: Marc LABADIE
institues: INRAE/CIRAD
status: Markdown documentation
Contains French meeting repport for H2020 IPMDecision project
FrenchMeeting contains: file with the meeting notes
Meeting date:
- 09/09/2020: WP2 format metadata Json-LD
- 03/09/2020: WP3 Reunion Planning IPM et organisation du travail
- 17/06/2020: WP2 - Réunion sur le amélioration du schéma proposition JSON-LD
- 11/06/2020: Discussion sur le projet IPM
- 05/06/2020: IPM-Decision postdoc meeting
- 11/05/2020: WP2 IPM-Decision Format
- 24/04/2020: IPM-Decision, Réunion debut du post doc de Marc