Simple, nice and neat product bot for selling items without a website - for free!
- Download
- Open Folders and locate 'install.bat'
- Await for it to finish.
- Locate config.json
- Edit it to you're liking
- Run the start.bat
Main Config.
botPrefix - The custom prefix for your bot.
botToken - The bot token, this can be found on Discords Developer Portal
botStatus - The custom status for your bot.
botPresence - The custom presence for your bot. (WATCHING/LISTENTING/PLAYING).
Server Config.
guild_id - The guild ID.
server_icon - The URL to your servers icon.
server_name - The servers name.
copyright - Custom Copyright
embed_colours - The colour you want your embeds to be.
products_for_sale: ["List as many products as you want"]
Order Config.
order_channel_id - The ID of the channel where people place orders
order_response_channel - The ID of the channel where order responses go.
Command Centre.
in_progress_channel_notifications - True/false (Does what it states)
progress_update_channel - The ID of the channel where updates go
in_progress_dm_notifications - True/false (Does what it states)
commission_status - Open/closed - States if the commissions are open.
allowed_to_complete - The ID of the role that is allowed to complete orders.
allowed_to_in_progress - The ID of the role that is allowed to run the progress command.
- Made By: @H4r1eyDev
- Support Server: Discord
- Edits from @Hyperz