One of the great advantages of using JavaScript is the native support for pulling in data from external data sources and APIs. Recipe Finder was critical in my understanding of JavaScript, API powered apps and MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture. Recipe Finder implements some advanced application design concepts like Virtual DOM and state management, all using VanillaJS. These concepts paved a perfect path for me to understand how a popular Javascript library/framework ReactJS works and why it's used to build manageable, efficient and scalable apps. Recipe Finder is completed as part of the successful completion of a modern JavaScript course by Jonas Schmedtmann.
- User interface can be redesigned to support smaller screens.
- A better form validation system can be implemented for creating new recipes.
- A separate data store can be set up to manage new recipes.
- Nutritional information against ingredients can be pulled in via external sources, increasing the overall value and user experience of the application.
In the project directory, you can run:
To install all the project dependencies:
To start the development server:
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.