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This project is a docker and docker-compose instance of the latest MTConnect C++ Adapter provided by the instute.

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MTConnect_Docker_Agent Project

This repo houses an Ubuntu Docker version of the MTConnect Cpp agent. This creates most of the needed items to build a local docker CPP agent using docker and docker-compose. This project will mirror the log file to the local machine for full trace logging of the agent. This project was origionally forked from RaymondCui21/MTConnect_Docker, The project has been seperated from the origional code set due to the amount of changes occuring.

Running from DockerHub

Running a project form the prebuilt dockerhub libarary will speed up the build time.

To get the project running create a docker-compose.yml file similar to the one below.


version: '3.5'
    container_name: mtc_agent
    hostname: mtc_agent
    image: hemsaw/mtconnect:latest
    user: agent
      - "com.centurylinklabs.watchtower.enable=true"
      - "/etc/mtconnect/config/:/mtconnect/config/"
      - "/etc/mtconnect/data/ruby/:/mtconnect/data/ruby/"
      driver: "json-file"
        max-size: "10m"
        max-file: "3"
      - 5000:5000/tcp
    entrypoint: "/usr/bin/mtcagent run /mtconnect/config/agent.cfg"
    working_dir: "/home/agent"
    restart: unless-stopped
      - mosquitto
      # - hivemq

    container_name: mosquitto
    hostname: mosquitto
    image: hemsaw/mosquitto:latest
      - "com.centurylinklabs.watchtower.enable=true"
      - "/etc/mqtt/config/mosquitto.conf:/mosquitto/config/mosquitto.conf"
      - "/etc/mqtt/data/passwd:/mosquitto/data/passwd"
      - "/etc/mqtt/data/acl:/mosquitto/data/acl"
      driver: "json-file"
        max-size: "10m"
        max-file: "3"
      - 1883:1883/tcp
      - 9001:9001/tcp
    restart: unless-stopped

Note that the password and acl files need to have chmod 700 ran on them.

    chmod 0700 ./mqtt/data/passwd
    chmod 0700 ./mqtt/data/acl

Core Docker and MTConnect Commands

Build comand for docker to create a run time for latest MTC_Agent

docker build . -t "mtc_agent:latest"

Run the docker image in interactive mode:

docker run --name agent --rm -it mtc_agent

To build the docker-compose file:

docker-compose build

To run the docker-compose file detached and removing any orphaned containers:

docker-compose up --remove-orphans -d

To shutdown the docker-compose instance

docker-compose down

Access the logs

docker-compose logs

MTConnect agent usage

mtcagent [help|install|debug|run] [configuration_file]
   help           Prints this message
   install        Installs the service
   remove         Remove the service
   debug          Runs the agent on the command line with verbose logging
   run            Runs the agent on the command line
   config_file    The configuration file to load
                  Default: agent.cfg in current directory

When the agent is started without any arguments it is assumed it will be running as a service and will begin the service initialization sequence. The full path to the configuration file is stored in the registry in the following location:

\\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MTConnect\MTConnect Agent\ConfigurationFile

Pushing Assets

To push the asset you need to be in the source folder of the asset.

curl -d @ZWEQ063C34HPII.xml ''

Note: depending on the setup of your computer you may have to run the sudo command on a linux machine to get docker-compose to build or destroy a process.