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Benchmarking EFCore 3.1 Cartesian explosion problem

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Benchmarking EFCore 3.1 Cartesian explosion problem

In Entity Framework Core 3.1 any LinQ expression is translated into a single SQL statement. This will not be a problem for most queries, but it can cause performance problems if developers are not cautious of this when crafting queries. This article will introduce a modified model of a performance problem that was discovered and solved in a production environment.

The problem was fixed in EF Core 5 with split queries!

The domain

The problem happened in an economic system that handles payments for a goverment department to different municipalities. The system records payments in and out of the system. Payments going into the system will be recorded as Payin and payments going out of the system will be recorded as Payout. These payments will be represented in a specific bank Transaction. The transaction in the bank does not care about what is being payed in and out of the system, but is a simple aggregate. For example if 100 goes in and 20 goes out a Payin of 100 and a Payout of 20 will be recorded. However, these might be aggregated in the Transaction, which specifies that 80 goes into the system. All these belong into a larger system and they have other usecases, so simplifing the model is not a possiblity. The last entry needed is the Summary, which acts as a way to record Payins and Payouts for some specific requirements. The Summary will therefore contain a list of both Payins and Payouts, each of which will have a connected Transaction. The domain model snippet is the following:

	class Summary {
		Name: string
		Description: string
	class Payin {
		AmountGoingIn: decimal
		BalanceAfter: decimal
		BalanceBefore: decimal
		PayinDate: DateTime
	class Payout {
		AmountGoingOut: decimal
		BalanceAfter: decimal
		BalanceBefore: decimal
		PayoutDate: DateTime
	class Transaction {
		Amount: decimal
		Load1: string
		Load2: string
		Load3: string
		Load4: string
		Load5: string
		Load6: string
		Load7: string
		Load8: string
		Load9: string
	Summary "*" o-- "*" Payin: payins
	Summary "*" o-- "*" Payout: payouts
	Payin "*" ..> "1" Transaction: transaction
	Payout "*" ..> "1" Transaction : transaction

The problem

A major part of the system needs to aggregate all Transactions that are connected to a specific Summary through the Payin and Payouts. The code to do this would simply take the Summary into memory with all Payin and Payouts included with their respective Transactions. It will then select all the Transactions. The code looks like the following:

var all = await db
	.Include(x => x.payouts)
		.ThenInclude(x => x.Transaction)
	.Include(x => x.payins)
		.ThenInclude(x => x.Transaction)
	.SingleAsync(x => x.SummaryId == summaryId);

var transactions = new List<Transaction>();

var payoutTransactions = all.payouts
	.Where(x => x.Transaction != null)
	.Select(x => x.Transaction!)

var payinTransactions = all.payins
	.Where(x => x.Transaction != null)
	.Select(x => x.Transaction!)


return transactions

Lets break down the code into understandable pieces. The first part sets the all variable by specifying it should take the Summary table and Include Payins and ThenInclude its Transactions, and Include Payins and ThenInclude its Transactions. The SingleAsync is responsible for transforming the entire LinQ statement into an SQL statement, executing it and loading the classes that into memory. The remaining code simply selects all the Transactions and adds them to a combined list taking only the Distinct Transactions.

The SQL that will be generated to get everything into memory is the following statement (slightly modified to not show selected fields):

SELECT t.*, t1.*, t3.*
	FROM "Summaries" AS s
	WHERE s."SummaryId" = 1
) AS t
	SELECT p.*, t0.*
	FROM "Payouts" AS p
	LEFT JOIN "Transactions" AS t0 ON p."TransactionId" = t0."TransactionId"
) AS t1 ON t."SummaryId" = t1."SummaryId"
	SELECT p0.*, t2.*
	FROM "Payins" AS p0
	LEFT JOIN "Transactions" AS t2 ON p0."TransactionId" = t2."TransactionId"
) AS t3 ON t."SummaryId" = t3."SummaryId"
ORDER BY t."SummaryId", t1."PayoutId", t3."PayinId"

The problems with this statement is the multiple joins in a row. The way sql joins works is by effectively taking every rows previously selected and combining them with every row returned by the join. For example in case a 5 Payins and 5 Payouts exists for the specific Summary. It will start by selecting the the single row for the Summary then it will join the 5 rows for Payin for a total of 5 rows. It will then combine each of those 5 rows with the 5 rows for Payout. This will give a total of 25 rows returned. All this data will be returned in a raw format and EF Core will then ignore the repeated data when turning everything into objects. This is a clear exponential problem and is the essense of the Cartesian Explosion.

Investigated solutions

Two different solutions should will be investigated to solve this. The first still takes everything into memory, but will do so in two different queries. The second will use LinQ to only take the needed Transactions from the database.

Splitting into two different queries

The following text will refer to this as the HalfOut way. It works by splitting the query that takes the Payins and Payouts into two separate queries. The code looks the following way:

var allIn = await db
	.Include(x => x.payins)
		.ThenInclude(x => x.Transaction)
	.SingleAsync(x => x.SummaryId == summaryId);

var allOut = await db
	.Include(x => x.payouts)
		.ThenInclude(x => x.Transaction)
	.SingleAsync(x => x.SummaryId == summaryId);

var transactions = new List<Transaction>();

var payoutTransactions = allOut.payouts
	.Where(x => x.Transaction != null)
	.Select(x => x.Transaction!)

var payinTransactions = allIn.payins
	.Where(x => x.Transaction != null)
	.Select(x => x.Transaction!)


return transactions

It will generate two different SQL statements, since it contains two SingleAsync:

SELECT t.*, t1.*
	SELECT s."SummaryId", s."Description", s."Name"
	FROM "Summaries" AS s
	WHERE s."SummaryId" = 1
) AS t
	SELECT p.*, t0.*
	FROM "Payins" AS p
	LEFT JOIN "Transactions" AS t0 ON p."TransactionId" = t0."TransactionId"
) AS t1 ON t."SummaryId" = t1."SummaryId"
ORDER BY t."SummaryId", t1."PayinId"


SELECT t.*, t1.*
	SELECT s."SummaryId", s."Description", s."Name"
	FROM "Summaries" AS s
	WHERE s."SummaryId" = 1
) AS t
	SELECT p.*, t0.*
	FROM "Payouts" AS p
	LEFT JOIN "Transactions" AS t0 ON p."TransactionId" = t0."TransactionId"
) AS t1 ON t."SummaryId" = t1."SummaryId"
ORDER BY t."SummaryId", t1."PayoutId"

The effect of these two SQL statements is that instead of generating a total of 25 rows in a single statement. The two statements will each return a total of 5 rows for a total of 10 rows, which are all the rows needed.

Only taking out the parts needed

The following text will refer to this as the SmartOut way. The smart solution here is that, since only the Transactions are needed, it will only select the Transactions from the database. The code is the following:

var allIn = db
	.Include(x => x.payins)
		.ThenInclude(x => x.Transaction)
	.Where(x => x.SummaryId == summaryId)
	.SelectMany(x => x.payins)
	.Select(x => x.Transaction);

var allOut = db
	.Include(x => x.payins)
		.ThenInclude(x => x.Transaction)
	.Where(x => x.SummaryId == summaryId)
	.SelectMany(x => x.payins)
	.Select(x => x.Transaction);

return await allIn

The code will start by selecting the transactions from the Payins and Payouts. However, nothing will have been translated into actual SQL statements, since no method for querying has been called. It will then concatenate the two queries and call Distinct. Still nothing will have been converted to SQL. The SQL will then be generated only at the last moment when ToListAsync is called.

The SQL generated from this code is the following:

	FROM "Summaries" AS s
	INNER JOIN "Payins" AS p ON s."SummaryId" = p."SummaryId"
	LEFT JOIN "Transactions" AS t ON p."TransactionId" = t."TransactionId"
	WHERE s."SummaryId" = 1
	SELECT t0.*
	FROM "Summaries" AS s0
	INNER JOIN "Payins" AS p0 ON s0."SummaryId" = p0."SummaryId"
	LEFT JOIN "Transactions" AS t0 ON p0."TransactionId" = t0."TransactionId"
	WHERE s0."SummaryId" = 1
) AS t1

This SQL will only return the Transactions, which means that if only 10 Transactions exists, only 10 Transactions will be send from the database, even if more then a 1000 Payin and/or Payouts are in the Summary.

Benchmarking and results

In order to test the hypothesis presented a benchmark was created to verify the assumptions. The testdata generated are 500 Payins and 500 Payouts connected to a single Summary. Each of those will be connected to one of 5 different Transactions.

The benchmarking was done with BenchmarkDotNet, which uses a statistical approach for executing until a solid execution time has been established.

The results are as follows:

Method Mean Error StdDev Median
AllOut 1,632.619 ms 15.7387 ms 14.7220 ms 1,629.781 ms
HalfOut 11.283 ms 1.1011 ms 3.1593 ms 12.914 ms
SmartOut 1.885 ms 0.0125 ms 0.0117 ms 1.890 ms

The initial problem method (AllOut) took around 1.6 seconds to execute. The HalfOut method took around 11-12 milliseconds to execute. Two orders of magnitude faster with only a total of 1000 Payin/Payouts. Finally, the SmartOut method took 1.8 milliseconds, which is almost an order of magnitude faster then the HalfOut method.


The inclusion of multiple list in a single EF Core 3.1 query is an incredible bad idea, because it will cause an exponential explosion in the amount of rows returned. This can be fixed by ensuring that only a single list is included per query. However, usually a more efficient approach is to rethink what should leave the database and pick only the specific entities needed.


Benchmarking EFCore 3.1 Cartesian explosion problem





