HISPlayer is the most advanced Unity video streaming player for Windows. It enables premium DASH and HLS video streaming in up to 8K resolution inside your Unity games and apps on Windows. We include advanced features such as multistream or automatic bitrate adaptation to secure the best video quality.
Upload and Host your videos with HISPlayer
Need to convert your videos into HLS and DASH streams for multi-platform delivery at scale? HISPlayer includes now the option to upload and host your videos that can be played by HISPlayer SDK. Start your FREE TRIAL here!
Moreover, there is a version of HISPlayer SDK that allows you to upload your videos directly from the Unity Editor, contact our team to get more info about it.
The following videos show how it works:
- How to upload videos from the Unity Editor with HISPlayer
- How to upload video from HISPlayer Dashboard
We can help you with the full end-to-end delivery and playback.