Source Code for WSDM2024 paper "User Consented Federated Recommender System Against Personalized Attribute Inference Attack"
We propose user-consented federated recommender systems (UC-FedRec) against attribute inference attacks to meet the personalized privacy demands of clients. The framework learns a set of attribute information filters to eliminate sensitive information to protect clients' personal attributes from attackers' malicious inferences.
- numpy
- pandas
- scipy
- scikit-learn == 1.0.2
- torch == 1.7.1
- dgl == 0.6.1
Please download the dataset used at Onedrive.
Unzip the file and put it under the root directory of this project.
UC-FedRec sample usage at Movielens dataset:
python --layer_size [128] --batch_size 256 --embed_size 128 --Ks [10] --gpu 3 --lr 0.0001 --model_name sgd_model_run4_1.pkl
The details of this pipeline are described in the following paper. If you use this code in your work, please kindly cite it.
Please send any questions about the code and/or the algorithm to