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82 lines (59 loc) · 2.34 KB

File metadata and controls

82 lines (59 loc) · 2.34 KB

OMX image viewer

A GPU accelerated image viewer for the Raspberry Pi.

This project is deprecated due to the deprecation of the OpenMax API and the unavailability of those libraries for arm64. It should continue to be functional on 32 bit operating systems however.


You will need the development header for libjpeg and libpng (Debian: libjpeg-dev, libpng-dev). Then build it on the Pi with:

make ilclient

And install with:

sudo make install



omxiv [OPTIONS] image1 [image2] ...
omxiv [OPTIONS] directory

Without any input it will cycle through all
supported images in the current directory.


-h  --help                   Print this help
-v  --version                Show version info
-t                  n        Time in s between 2 images in a slide show
-b  --blank                  Set background to black
-T  --transition   type      type: none(default), blend
    --duration      n        Transition duration in ms
    --win     'x1 y1 x2 y2'  Position of image window
    --win      x1,y1,x2,y2   Position of image window
-m  --mirror                 Mirror image
-a  --aspect       type      type: letterbox(default), fill, center
-o  --orientation   n        Orientation of the image (0, 90, 180, 270)
-l  --layer         n        Render layer number
-d  --display       n        Display number
-i  --info                   Print some additional infos
-k  --no-keys                Disable keyboard input
-s  --soft                   Force software decoding
    --ignore-exif            Ignore exif orientation


ESC, q  :   Quit
LEFT    :   Previous image
RIGHT   :   Next image
UP      :   Rotate right
DOWN    :   Rotate left
m       :   Mirror image
p       :   Pause slide show

Supported images

  • JPEGs

    • non-progressive: OMX.broadcom.image_decode
    • progressive: libjpeg
  • PNGs

    • libpng
  • BMPs

    • libnsbmp
  • GIFs

    • libnsgif
  • TIFFs

    • libtiff


Thanks to:

  • Matt Ownby, Anthong Sale for their hello_jpeg example
  • Jan Newmarch for his blog: Programming AudioVideo on the Raspberry Pi GPU
  • Various authors of example code and other parts (marked in the source files)