ArtPaint is an award winning painting and image-processing program originally for the BeOS.
It now runs on Haiku (available through HaikuDepot):
See the documentation for more information.
Easy. Simply execute the script
and you'll find ArtPaint, its addons and documentation in the folder dist
also takes optional parameters:
$> help
A script to build ArtPaint
Usage: (action) [clean|debug|catkeys] target [all|main|addons]
Targets (default is 'all'):
main Builds only the main app and moves it in the dist folder
addons Builds only all addons and copies them in the dist folder
all Builds main app and addons and puts them and the docs in the dist folder
Optional actions:
clean Removes all objects (main app and addons)
catkeys Generates en.catkeys (main app and addons)
debug Builds in debug mode