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+Refactor MOM_opacity to replace hard-coded params
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  Refactored MOM_opacity to replace hard-coded dimensional parameters for the
Manizza and Morel opacity fits with run-time parameters, and also added the
runtime parameter OPACITY_BAND_WAVELENGTHS to provide the ability to set the
wavelengths of the bands, even though these are not actually used in MOM6.  By
default, these parameters are all set to the previous hard-coded values, using
the recently added defaults argument to get_param_real_array().  The bounds of
the frequency band label arrays with the MANIZZA_05 opacity scheme were also
corrected when PEN_SW_NBANDS > 3, but it would not be typical to use so many
bands for no purpose and these labeling arrays (optics%min_wavelength_band and
optics%max_wavelength_band) do not appear to be used anywhere.  In addition, the
unused publicly visible routines opacity_manizza and opacity_morel were
eliminated or made private.  All answers are bitwise identical, but there are
new entries in some MOM_parameter_doc files.
  • Loading branch information
Hallberg-NOAA committed Jan 14, 2025
1 parent 8e0b83c commit 0021788
Showing 1 changed file with 149 additions and 47 deletions.
196 changes: 149 additions & 47 deletions src/parameterizations/vertical/MOM_opacity.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ module MOM_opacity

#include <MOM_memory.h>

public set_opacity, opacity_init, opacity_end, opacity_manizza, opacity_morel
public set_opacity, opacity_init, opacity_end
public extract_optics_slice, extract_optics_fields, optics_nbands
public absorbRemainingSW, sumSWoverBands

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -66,8 +66,21 @@ module MOM_opacity
!! radiation that is in the blue band [nondim].
real :: opacity_land_value !< The value to use for opacity over land [Z-1 ~> m-1].
!! The default is 10 m-1 - a value for muddy water.
real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) &
:: opacity_coef !< Groups of coefficients, in [Z-1 ~> m-1] or [Z ~> m] depending on the
!! scheme, in expressions for opacity, with the second index being the
!! wavelength band. For example, when OPACITY_SCHEME = MANIZZA_05,
!! these are coef_1 and coef_2 in the
!! expression opacity = coef_1 + coef_2 * chl**pow.
real, allocatable, dimension(:) &
:: sw_pen_frac_coef !< Coefficients in the expression for the penetrating shortwave
!! fracetion [nondim]
real, allocatable, dimension(:) &
:: chl_power !< Powers of chlorophyll [nondim] for each band for expressions for
!! opacity of the form opacity = coef_1 + coef_2 * chl**pow.
type(diag_ctrl), pointer :: diag => NULL() !< A structure that is used to
!! regulate the timing of diagnostic output.
integer :: chl_dep_bands !< The number of bands that depend on the Chlorophyll concentrations.
logical :: warning_issued !< A flag that is used to avoid repetitive warnings.

!>@{ Diagnostic IDs
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -344,9 +357,9 @@ subroutine opacity_from_chl(optics, sw_total, sw_vis_dir, sw_vis_dif, sw_nir_dir
SW_pen_tot = 0.0
if (G%mask2dT(i,j) > 0.0) then
if (multiband_vis_input) then
SW_pen_tot = SW_pen_frac_morel(chl_data(i,j)) * (sw_vis_dir(i,j) + sw_vis_dif(i,j))
SW_pen_tot = SW_pen_frac_morel(chl_data(i,j), CS) * (sw_vis_dir(i,j) + sw_vis_dif(i,j))
elseif (total_sw_input) then
SW_pen_tot = SW_pen_frac_morel(chl_data(i,j)) * 0.5*sw_total(i,j)
SW_pen_tot = SW_pen_frac_morel(chl_data(i,j), CS) * 0.5*sw_total(i,j)

Expand All @@ -372,19 +385,21 @@ subroutine opacity_from_chl(optics, sw_total, sw_vis_dir, sw_vis_dif, sw_nir_dir
optics%opacity_band(n,i,j,k) = CS%opacity_land_value
! Band 1 is Manizza blue.
optics%opacity_band(1,i,j,k) = (0.0232 + 0.074*chl_data(i,j)**0.674) * US%Z_to_m
if (nbands >= 2) & ! Band 2 is Manizza red.
optics%opacity_band(2,i,j,k) = (0.225 + 0.037*chl_data(i,j)**0.629) * US%Z_to_m
! All remaining bands are NIR, for lack of something better to do.
do n=3,nbands ; optics%opacity_band(n,i,j,k) = 2.86*US%Z_to_m ; enddo
do n=1,CS%chl_dep_bands
optics%opacity_band(n,i,j,k) = CS%opacity_coef(1,n) + &
CS%opacity_coef(2,n) * chl_data(i,j)**CS%chl_power(n)
do n=CS%chl_dep_bands+1,optics%nbands ! These bands do not depend on the chlorophyll.
! Any nonzero values that were in opacity_coef(2,n) have been added to opacity_coef(1,n).
optics%opacity_band(n,i,j,k) = CS%opacity_coef(1,n)
enddo ; enddo
case (MOREL_88)
do j=js,je ; do i=is,ie
optics%opacity_band(1,i,j,k) = CS%opacity_land_value
if (G%mask2dT(i,j) > 0.0) &
optics%opacity_band(1,i,j,k) = US%Z_to_m * opacity_morel(chl_data(i,j))
optics%opacity_band(1,i,j,k) = opacity_morel(chl_data(i,j), CS)

do n=2,optics%nbands
optics%opacity_band(n,i,j,k) = optics%opacity_band(1,i,j,k)
Expand All @@ -401,28 +416,25 @@ end subroutine opacity_from_chl

!> This sets the blue-wavelength opacity according to the scheme proposed by
!! Morel and Antoine (1994).
function opacity_morel(chl_data)
function opacity_morel(chl_data, CS)
real, intent(in) :: chl_data !< The chlorophyll-A concentration in [mg m-3]
real :: opacity_morel !< The returned opacity [m-1]
type(opacity_CS) :: CS !< Opacity control structure
real :: opacity_morel !< The returned opacity [Z-1 ~> m-1]

! The following are coefficients for the optical model taken from Morel and
! Antoine (1994). These coefficients represent a non uniform distribution of
! chlorophyll-a through the water column. Other approaches may be more
! appropriate when using an interactive ecosystem model that predicts
! three-dimensional chl-a values.
real, dimension(6), parameter :: &
Z2_coef = (/7.925, -6.644, 3.662, -1.815, -0.218, 0.502/) ! Extinction length coefficients [m]
real :: Chl, Chl2 ! The log10 of chl_data (in mg m-3), and Chl^2 [nondim]

Chl = log10(min(max(chl_data,0.02),60.0)) ; Chl2 = Chl*Chl
opacity_morel = 1.0 / ( (Z2_coef(1) + Z2_coef(2)*Chl) + Chl2 * &
((Z2_coef(3) + Chl*Z2_coef(4)) + Chl2*(Z2_coef(5) + Chl*Z2_coef(6))) )
end function
! All frequency bands currently use the same opacities.
opacity_morel = 1.0 / ( (CS%opacity_coef(1,1) + CS%opacity_coef(2,1)*Chl) + Chl2 * &
((CS%opacity_coef(3,1) + Chl*CS%opacity_coef(4,1)) + &
Chl2*(CS%opacity_coef(5,1) + Chl*CS%opacity_coef(6,1))) )
end function opacity_morel

!> This sets the penetrating shortwave fraction according to the scheme proposed by
!! Morel and Antoine (1994).
function SW_pen_frac_morel(chl_data)
function SW_pen_frac_morel(chl_data, CS)
real, intent(in) :: chl_data !< The chlorophyll-A concentration [mg m-3]
type(opacity_CS) :: CS !< Opacity control structure
real :: SW_pen_frac_morel !< The returned penetrating shortwave fraction [nondim]

! The following are coefficients for the optical model taken from Morel and
Expand All @@ -431,24 +443,13 @@ function SW_pen_frac_morel(chl_data)
! appropriate when using an interactive ecosystem model that predicts
! three-dimensional chl-a values.
real :: Chl, Chl2 ! The log10 of chl_data in mg m-3, and Chl^2 [nondim]
real, dimension(6), parameter :: &
V1_coef = (/0.321, 0.008, 0.132, 0.038, -0.017, -0.007/) ! Penetrating fraction coefficients [nondim]

Chl = log10(min(max(chl_data,0.02),60.0)) ; Chl2 = Chl*Chl
SW_pen_frac_morel = 1.0 - ( (V1_coef(1) + V1_coef(2)*Chl) + Chl2 * &
((V1_coef(3) + Chl*V1_coef(4)) + Chl2*(V1_coef(5) + Chl*V1_coef(6))) )
SW_pen_frac_morel = 1.0 - ( (CS%SW_pen_frac_coef(1) + CS%SW_pen_frac_coef(2)*Chl) + Chl2 * &
((CS%SW_pen_frac_coef(3) + Chl*CS%SW_pen_frac_coef(4)) + &
Chl2*(CS%SW_pen_frac_coef(5) + Chl*CS%SW_pen_frac_coef(6))) )
end function SW_pen_frac_morel

!> This sets the blue-wavelength opacity according to the scheme proposed by
!! Manizza, M. et al, 2005.
function opacity_manizza(chl_data)
real, intent(in) :: chl_data !< The chlorophyll-A concentration [mg m-3]
real :: opacity_manizza !< The returned opacity [m-1]
! This sets the blue-wavelength opacity according to the scheme proposed by Manizza, M. et al, 2005.

opacity_manizza = 0.0232 + 0.074*chl_data**0.674
end function

!> This subroutine returns a 2-d slice at constant j of fields from an optics_type, with the potential
!! for rescaling these fields.
subroutine extract_optics_slice(optics, j, G, GV, opacity, opacity_scale, penSW_top, penSW_scale, SpV_avg)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -973,9 +974,25 @@ subroutine opacity_init(Time, G, GV, US, param_file, diag, CS, optics)
character(len=40) :: scheme_string
! This include declares and sets the variable "version".
# include "version_variable.h"
real :: opacity_coefs(6) ! Pairs of opacity coefficients [Z-1 ~> m-1] for blue, red and
! near-infrared radiation with parameterizations following the
! functional form from Manizza et al., GRL 2005, namely in the form
! opacity = coef_1 + coef_2 * chl**pow for each band.
real :: opacity_powers(3) ! Powers of chlorophyll [nondim] for blue, red and near-infrared
! radiation bands, in expressions for opacity of the form
! opacity = coef_1 + coef_2 * chl**pow.
real :: extinction_coefs(6) ! Extinction length coefficients [Z ~> m] for penetrating shortwave
! radiation in the form proposed by Morel and Antoine (1994), namely
! opacity = 1 / (sum(n=1:6, Coef(n) * log10(Chl)**(n-1)))
real :: sw_pen_frac_coefs(6) ! Coefficients for the shortwave radiation fraction [nondim] in a
! fifth order polynomial fit as a funciton of log10(Chlorophyll).
real :: PenSW_absorb_minthick ! A thickness that is used to absorb the remaining shortwave heat
! flux when that flux drops below PEN_SW_FLUX_ABSORB [H ~> m or kg m-2]
real :: PenSW_minthick_dflt ! The default for PenSW_absorb_minthick [m]
real :: PenSW_minthick_dflt ! The default for PenSW_absorb_minthick [m]
real :: I_NIR_bands ! The inverse of the number of near-infrared bands being used [nondim]
real, allocatable :: band_wavelengths(:) ! The bounding wavelengths for the penetrating shortwave
! radiation bands [nm]
real, allocatable :: band_wavelen_default(:) ! The defaults for band_wavelengths [nm]
integer :: default_answer_date ! The default setting for the various ANSWER_DATE flags
integer :: isd, ied, jsd, jed, nz, n
isd = G%isd ; ied = G%ied ; jsd = G%jsd ; jed = G%jed ; nz = GV%ke
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1098,25 +1115,104 @@ subroutine opacity_init(Time, G, GV, US, param_file, diag, CS, optics)
default=PenSW_minthick_dflt, units="m", scale=GV%m_to_H)
optics%PenSW_absorb_Invlen = 1.0 / (PenSW_absorb_minthick + GV%H_subroundoff)

! The defaults for the following coefficients are taken from Manizza et al., GRL, 2005.
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "OPACITY_VALUES_MANIZZA", opacity_coefs, &
"Pairs of opacity coefficients for blue, red and near-infrared radiation with "//&
"parameterizations following the functional form from Manizza et al., GRL 2005, "//&
"namely in the form opacity = coef_1 + coef_2 * chl**pow for each band. Although "//&
"coefficients are set for 3 bands, more or less bands may actually be used, with "//&
"extra bands following the same properties as band 3.", &
units="m-1", scale=US%Z_to_m, defaults=(/0.0232, 0.074, 0.225, 0.037, 2.86, 0.0/), &
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "CHOROPHYLL_POWER_MANIZZA", opacity_powers, &
"Powers of chlorophyll for blue, red and near-infrared radiation bands in "//&
"expressions for opacity of the form opacity = coef_1 + coef_2 * chl**pow.", &
units="nondim", defaults=(/0.674, 0.629, 0.0/), &

! The defaults for the following coefficients are taken from Morel and Antoine (1994).
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "OPACITY_VALUES_MOREL", extinction_coefs, &
"Shortwave extinction length coefficients for shortwave radiation in the form "//&
"proposed by Morel (1988), opacity = 1 / (sum(Coef(n) * log10(Chl)**(n-1))).", &
units="m", scale=US%m_to_Z, defaults=(/7.925, -6.644, 3.662, -1.815, -0.218, 0.502/), &
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "SW_PEN_FRAC_COEFS_MOREL", sw_pen_frac_coefs, &
"Coefficients for the shortwave radiation fraction in a fifth order polynomial "//&
"fit as a function of log10(Chlorophyll).", &
units="nondim", defaults=(/0.321, 0.008, 0.132, 0.038, -0.017, -0.007/), &

if (.not.allocated(optics%min_wavelength_band)) &
if (.not.allocated(optics%max_wavelength_band)) &

! Set the wavelengths of the opacity bands
allocate(band_wavelengths(optics%nbands+1), source=0.0)
allocate(band_wavelen_default(optics%nbands+1), source=0.0)
if (CS%opacity_scheme == MANIZZA_05) then
optics%min_wavelength_band(1) =0
optics%max_wavelength_band(1) =550
if (optics%nbands >= 2) then
if (optics%nbands > 2) then
if (optics%nbands >= 1) band_wavelen_default(2) = 550.0
if (optics%nbands >= 2) band_wavelen_default(3) = 700.0
if (optics%nbands >= 3) then
I_NIR_bands = 1.0 / real(optics%nbands - 2)
do n=3,optics%nbands
optics%min_wavelength_band(n) =700
optics%max_wavelength_band(n) =2800
band_wavelen_default(n+1) = 2800. - (optics%nbands-n)*2100.0*I_NIR_bands
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "OPACITY_BAND_WAVELENGTHS", band_wavelengths, &
"The bounding wavelengths for the various bands of shortwave radiation, with "//&
"defaults that depend on the setting for OPACITY_SCHEME.", &
units="nm", defaults=band_wavelen_default, do_not_log=(optics%nbands<2))
do n=1,optics%nbands
optics%min_wavelength_band(n) = band_wavelengths(n)
optics%max_wavelength_band(n) = band_wavelengths(n+1)
deallocate(band_wavelengths, band_wavelen_default)

! Set opacity scheme dependent parameters.

if (CS%opacity_scheme == MANIZZA_05) then
do n=1,min(3,optics%nbands)
CS%opacity_coef(1,n) = opacity_coefs(2*n-1) ; CS%opacity_coef(2,n) = opacity_coefs(2*n)
CS%chl_power(n) = opacity_powers(n)
! All remaining bands use the same properties as NIR, for lack of something better to do.
do n=4,optics%nbands
CS%opacity_coef(1,n) = CS%opacity_coef(1,n-1) ; CS%opacity_coef(2,n) = CS%opacity_coef(2,n-1)
CS%chl_power(n) = CS%chl_power(n-1)
! Determine the last band that is dependent on chlorophyll.
CS%chl_dep_bands = optics%nbands
do n=optics%nbands,1,-1
if (CS%chl_power(n) /= 0.0) exit
CS%chl_dep_bands = n - 1
do n=CS%chl_dep_bands+1,optics%nbands
if (CS%opacity_coef(2,n) /= 0.0) then
call MOM_error(WARNING, "set_opacity: A non-zero value of the chlorophyll dependence in "//&
"OPACITY_VALUES_MANIZZA was set for a band with zero power in its chlorophyll dependence "//&
CS%opacity_coef(1,n) = CS%opacity_coef(1,n) + CS%opacity_coef(2,n)
CS%opacity_coef(2,n) = 0.0

elseif (CS%opacity_scheme == MOREL_88) then
! The Morel opacity scheme represents a non uniform distribution of chlorophyll-a through the
! water column. Other approaches may be more appropriate when using an interactive ecosystem
! model that predicts three-dimensional chl-a values.
allocate(CS%opacity_coef(6, optics%nbands))

! As presently implemented, all frequency bands use the same opacities.
do n=1,optics%nbands
CS%opacity_coef(1:6,n) = extinction_coefs(1:6)
CS%sw_pen_frac_coef(:) = sw_pen_frac_coefs(:)

call get_param(param_file, mdl, "OPACITY_LAND_VALUE", CS%opacity_land_value, &
"The value to use for opacity over land. The default is "//&
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1152,6 +1248,12 @@ subroutine opacity_end(CS, optics)

if (allocated(CS%id_opacity)) &
if (allocated(CS%opacity_coef)) &
if (allocated(CS%sw_pen_frac_coef)) &
if (allocated(CS%chl_power)) &
if (allocated(optics%sw_pen_band)) &
if (allocated(optics%opacity_band)) &
Expand Down

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