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fill="#3f3d56"></path><path data-name="Path 105" d="M763.548 596.348s7.565-.233 9.844-1.856 11.636-3.562 12.2-.958 11.368 12.949 2.828 13.018-19.844-1.33-22.119-2.716-2.753-7.488-2.753-7.488Z" fill="#a8a8a8"></path><path data-name="Path 106" d="M788.574 605.645c-8.54.069-19.844-1.33-22.119-2.716-1.733-1.056-2.423-4.843-2.654-6.59l-.253.01s.479 6.1 2.755 7.487 13.579 2.785 22.119 2.716c2.465-.02 3.317-.9 3.27-2.2-.343.788-1.283 1.278-3.118 1.293Z" opacity="0.2"></path><path data-name="Path 107" d="M893.813 618.699s11.36-1.729 14.5-4.591 16.89-7.488 18.217-3.667 19.494 17.447 6.633 19.107-30.153 1.609-33.835-.065-5.515-10.784-5.515-10.784Z" fill="#a8a8a8"></path><path data-name="Path 108" d="M933.228 628.154c-12.86 1.659-30.153 1.609-33.835-.065-2.8-1.275-4.535-6.858-5.2-9.45l-.379.061s1.833 9.109 5.516 10.783 20.975 1.725 33.835.065c3.712-.479 4.836-1.956 4.529-3.906-.375 1.246-1.703 2.156-4.466 2.512Z" opacity="0.2"></path><path data-name="Path 109" d="M614.26 617.881s9.587-1.459 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3.154 0 0 0 0 5.464l4.732 2.732-4.732 2.731a3.154 3.154 0 0 0 0 5.464l4.732 2.732-4.732 2.727a3.154 3.154 0 0 0 0 5.464l4.735 2.736-4.735 2.732a3.154 3.154 0 0 0 0 5.464l4.732 2.732-4.732 2.732a3.154 3.154 0 0 0 0 5.464l4.732 2.732-4.732 2.731a3.154 3.154 0 0 0 0 5.464l4.732 2.732-4.732 2.732a3.154 3.154 0 0 0 0 5.464l4.732 2.732-4.732 2.731a3.154 3.154 0 0 0 0 5.464l4.732 2.732-4.732 2.731a3.154 3.154 0 0 0 0 5.464l4.732 2.732-4.732 2.735a3.154 3.154 0 0 0 0 5.464l4.732 2.732-4.732 2.728a3.154 3.154 0 0 0 0 5.464l4.732 2.732a21.854 21.854 0 0 0 21.858 21.855h131.13a21.854 21.854 0 0 0 21.855-21.855v-87.42l-76.514-4.782a11.632 11.632 0 0 1 0-23.219" fill="#3ecc5f" fill-rule="evenodd"></path><path data-name="Path 43" d="M408.255 618.882h32.782v-43.71h-32.782Z" fill="#3ecc5f" fill-rule="evenodd"></path><path data-name="Path 44" d="M462.893 591.563a5.438 5.438 0 0 0-.7.07c-.042-.164-.081-.329-.127-.493a5.457 5.457 0 1 0-5.4-9.372q-.181-.185-.366-.367a5.454 5.454 0 1 0-9.384-5.4c-.162-.046-.325-.084-.486-.126a5.467 5.467 0 1 0-10.788 0c-.162.042-.325.08-.486.126a5.457 5.457 0 1 0-9.384 5.4 21.843 21.843 0 1 0 36.421 21.02 5.452 5.452 0 1 0 .7-10.858" fill="#44d860" fill-rule="evenodd"></path><path data-name="Path 45" d="M419.183 553.317h32.782v-21.855h-32.782Z" fill="#3ecc5f" fill-rule="evenodd"></path><path data-name="Path 46" d="M462.893 545.121a2.732 2.732 0 1 0 0-5.464 2.811 2.811 0 0 0-.349.035c-.022-.082-.04-.164-.063-.246a2.733 2.733 0 0 0-1.052-5.253 2.7 2.7 0 0 0-1.648.566q-.09-.093-.184-.184a2.7 2.7 0 0 0 .553-1.633 2.732 2.732 0 0 0-5.245-1.07 10.928 10.928 0 1 0 0 21.031 2.732 2.732 0 0 0 5.245-1.07 2.7 2.7 0 0 0-.553-1.633q.093-.09.184-.184a2.7 2.7 0 0 0 1.648.566 2.732 2.732 0 0 0 1.052-5.253c.023-.081.042-.164.063-.246a2.814 2.814 0 0 0 .349.035" fill="#44d860" fill-rule="evenodd"></path><path data-name="Path 47" d="M320.836 479.556a2.732 2.732 0 0 1-2.732-2.732 8.2 8.2 0 0 0-16.391 0 2.732 2.732 0 0 1-5.464 0 13.66 13.66 0 0 1 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4.364-2.106-.076-3.225-1.972-4.52-4.167-1.444-2.443-3.112-5.191-6.487-5.1-3.272.113-4.879 2.606-6.3 4.808-1.5 2.328-2.552 3.746-4.551 3.662-2.156-.076-3.27-1.65-4.558-3.472-1.447-2.047-3.077-4.363-6.442-4.251-3.2.109-4.807 2.153-6.224 3.954-1.346 1.709-2.4 3.062-4.621 2.977a1.094 1.094 0 0 0-.079 2.186c3.3.11 4.967-1.967 6.417-3.81 1.286-1.635 2.4-3.045 4.582-3.12 2.1-.09 3.091 1.218 4.584 3.327 1.417 2 3.026 4.277 6.263 4.394 3.391.114 5.022-2.42 6.467-4.663 1.292-2 2.406-3.734 4.535-3.807 1.959-.073 3.026 1.475 4.529 4.022 1.417 2.4 3.023 5.121 6.324 5.241 3.415.118 5.064-2.863 6.5-5.5 1.245-2.282 2.419-4.437 4.5-4.509 1.959-.046 2.981 1.743 4.492 4.732 1.412 2.79 3.013 5.95 6.365 6.071h.185c3.348 0 4.937-3.36 6.343-6.331 1.245-2.634 2.423-5.114 4.444-5.216Z" fill-rule="evenodd"></path><path data-name="Path 50" d="M342.691 618.882h43.71v-43.71h-43.71Z" fill="#3ecc5f" fill-rule="evenodd"></path><g data-name="Group 8" transform="rotate(-14.98 2188.845 -1120.376)"><rect data-name="Rectangle 3" width="92.361" height="36.462" rx="2" fill="#d8d8d8"></rect><g data-name="Group 2" transform="translate(1.531 23.03)" fill="#4a4a4a"><rect data-name="Rectangle 4" width="5.336" height="5.336" rx="1" transform="translate(16.797)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 5" width="5.336" height="5.336" rx="1" transform="translate(23.12)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 6" width="5.336" height="5.336" rx="1" transform="translate(29.444)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 7" width="5.336" height="5.336" rx="1" transform="translate(35.768)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 8" width="5.336" height="5.336" rx="1" transform="translate(42.091)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 9" width="5.336" height="5.336" rx="1" transform="translate(48.415)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 10" width="5.336" height="5.336" rx="1" transform="translate(54.739)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 11" width="5.336" height="5.336" rx="1" transform="translate(61.063)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 12" width="5.336" height="5.336" rx="1" transform="translate(67.386)"></rect><path data-name="Path 51" d="M1.093 0h13.425a1.093 1.093 0 0 1 1.093 1.093v3.15a1.093 1.093 0 0 1-1.093 1.093H1.093A1.093 1.093 0 0 1 0 4.243v-3.15A1.093 1.093 0 0 1 1.093 0ZM75 0h13.426a1.093 1.093 0 0 1 1.093 1.093v3.15a1.093 1.093 0 0 1-1.093 1.093H75a1.093 1.093 0 0 1-1.093-1.093v-3.15A1.093 1.093 0 0 1 75 0Z" fill-rule="evenodd"></path></g><g data-name="Group 3" transform="translate(1.531 10.261)" fill="#4a4a4a"><path data-name="Path 52" d="M1.093 0h5.125A1.093 1.093 0 0 1 7.31 1.093v3.149a1.093 1.093 0 0 1-1.092 1.093H1.093A1.093 1.093 0 0 1 0 4.242V1.093A1.093 1.093 0 0 1 1.093 0Z" fill-rule="evenodd"></path><rect data-name="Rectangle 13" width="5.336" height="5.336" rx="1" transform="translate(8.299)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 14" width="5.336" height="5.336" rx="1" transform="translate(14.623)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 15" width="5.336" height="5.336" rx="1" transform="translate(20.947)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 16" width="5.336" height="5.336" rx="1" transform="translate(27.271)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 17" width="5.336" height="5.336" rx="1" transform="translate(33.594)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 18" width="5.336" height="5.336" rx="1" transform="translate(39.918)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 19" width="5.336" height="5.336" rx="1" transform="translate(46.242)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 20" width="5.336" height="5.336" rx="1" transform="translate(52.565)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 21" width="5.336" height="5.336" rx="1" transform="translate(58.888)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 22" width="5.336" height="5.336" rx="1" transform="translate(65.212)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 23" width="5.336" height="5.336" rx="1" transform="translate(71.536)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 24" width="5.336" height="5.336" rx="1" transform="translate(77.859)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 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data-name="Rectangle 32" width="5.336" height="5.336" rx="1" transform="translate(46.242)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 33" width="5.336" height="5.336" rx="1" transform="translate(52.565)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 34" width="5.336" height="5.336" rx="1" transform="translate(58.889)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 35" width="5.336" height="5.336" rx="1" transform="translate(65.213)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 36" width="5.336" height="5.336" rx="1" transform="translate(71.537)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 37" width="5.336" height="5.336" rx="1" transform="translate(77.86)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 38" width="5.336" height="5.336" rx="1" transform="translate(84.183)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 39" width="5.336" height="5.336" rx="1" transform="translate(8.299)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 40" width="5.336" height="5.336" rx="1" transform="translate(14.623)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 41" width="5.336" height="5.336" rx="1" transform="translate(20.947)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 42" width="5.336" height="5.336" rx="1" transform="translate(27.271)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 43" width="5.336" height="5.336" rx="1" transform="translate(33.594)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 44" width="5.336" height="5.336" rx="1" transform="translate(39.918)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 45" width="5.336" height="5.336" rx="1" transform="translate(46.242)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 46" width="5.336" height="5.336" rx="1" transform="translate(52.565)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 47" width="5.336" height="5.336" rx="1" transform="translate(58.889)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 48" width="5.336" height="5.336" rx="1" transform="translate(65.213)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 49" width="5.336" height="5.336" rx="1" transform="translate(71.537)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 50" width="5.336" height="5.336" rx="1" transform="translate(77.86)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 51" width="5.336" height="5.336" rx="1" transform="translate(84.183)"></rect></g><g data-name="Group 6" fill="#4a4a4a"><path data-name="Path 54" d="M2.624 16.584h7.3a1.093 1.093 0 0 1 1.092 1.093v3.15a1.093 1.093 0 0 1-1.093 1.093h-7.3a1.093 1.093 0 0 1-1.092-1.093v-3.149a1.093 1.093 0 0 1 1.093-1.094Z" fill-rule="evenodd"></path><g data-name="Group 5" transform="translate(12.202 16.584)"><rect data-name="Rectangle 52" width="5.336" height="5.336" rx="1"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 53" width="5.336" height="5.336" rx="1" transform="translate(6.324)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 54" width="5.336" height="5.336" rx="1" transform="translate(12.647)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 55" width="5.336" height="5.336" rx="1" transform="translate(18.971)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 56" width="5.336" height="5.336" rx="1" transform="translate(25.295)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 57" width="5.336" height="5.336" rx="1" transform="translate(31.619)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 58" width="5.336" height="5.336" rx="1" transform="translate(37.942)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 59" width="5.336" height="5.336" rx="1" transform="translate(44.265)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 60" width="5.336" height="5.336" rx="1" transform="translate(50.589)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 61" width="5.336" height="5.336" rx="1" transform="translate(56.912)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 62" width="5.336" height="5.336" rx="1" transform="translate(63.236)"></rect></g><path data-name="Path 55" d="M83.053 16.584h6.906a1.093 1.093 0 0 1 1.091 1.093v3.15a1.093 1.093 0 0 1-1.091 1.093h-6.907a1.093 1.093 0 0 1-1.093-1.093v-3.149a1.093 1.093 0 0 1 1.093-1.094Z" fill-rule="evenodd"></path></g><g data-name="Group 7" transform="translate(1.531 29.627)" fill="#4a4a4a"><rect data-name="Rectangle 63" width="5.336" height="5.336" rx="1"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 64" width="5.336" height="5.336" rx="1" transform="translate(6.324)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 65" width="5.336" height="5.336" rx="1" transform="translate(12.647)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 66" width="5.336" height="5.336" rx="1" transform="translate(18.971)"></rect><path data-name="Path 56" d="M26.387 0h30.422a1.093 1.093 0 0 1 1.093 1.093v3.151a1.093 1.093 0 0 1-1.093 1.093H26.387a1.093 1.093 0 0 1-1.093-1.093V1.093A1.093 1.093 0 0 1 26.387 0Zm33.594 0h3.942a1.093 1.093 0 0 1 1.093 1.093v3.151a1.093 1.093 0 0 1-1.093 1.093h-3.942a1.093 1.093 0 0 1-1.093-1.093V1.093A1.093 1.093 0 0 1 59.981 0Z" fill-rule="evenodd"></path><rect data-name="Rectangle 67" width="5.336" height="5.336" rx="1" transform="translate(66.003)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 68" width="5.336" height="5.336" rx="1" transform="translate(72.327)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 69" width="5.336" height="5.336" rx="1" transform="translate(84.183)"></rect><path data-name="Path 57" d="M78.254 2.273v-1.18A1.093 1.093 0 0 1 79.347 0h3.15a1.093 1.093 0 0 1 1.093 1.093v1.18Z"></path><path data-name="Path 58" d="M83.591 3.063v1.18a1.093 1.093 0 0 1-1.093 1.093h-3.15a1.093 1.093 0 0 1-1.093-1.093v-1.18Z"></path></g><rect data-name="Rectangle 70" width="88.927" height="2.371" rx="1.085" transform="translate(1.925 1.17)" fill="#4a4a4a"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 71" width="4.986" height="1.581" rx="0.723" transform="translate(4.1 1.566)" fill="#d8d8d8" opacity="0.136"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 72" width="4.986" height="1.581" rx="0.723" transform="translate(10.923 1.566)" fill="#d8d8d8" opacity="0.136"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 73" width="4.986" height="1.581" rx="0.723" transform="translate(16.173 1.566)" fill="#d8d8d8" opacity="0.136"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 74" width="4.986" height="1.581" rx="0.723" transform="translate(21.421 1.566)" fill="#d8d8d8" opacity="0.136"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 75" width="4.986" height="1.581" rx="0.723" transform="translate(26.671 1.566)" fill="#d8d8d8" opacity="0.136"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 76" width="4.986" height="1.581" rx="0.723" transform="translate(33.232 1.566)" fill="#d8d8d8" opacity="0.136"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 77" width="4.986" height="1.581" rx="0.723" transform="translate(38.48 1.566)" fill="#d8d8d8" opacity="0.136"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 78" width="4.986" height="1.581" rx="0.723" transform="translate(43.73 1.566)" fill="#d8d8d8" opacity="0.136"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 79" width="4.986" height="1.581" rx="0.723" transform="translate(48.978 1.566)" fill="#d8d8d8" opacity="0.136"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 80" width="4.986" height="1.581" rx="0.723" transform="translate(55.54 1.566)" fill="#d8d8d8" opacity="0.136"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 81" width="4.986" height="1.581" rx="0.723" transform="translate(60.788 1.566)" fill="#d8d8d8" opacity="0.136"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 82" width="4.986" height="1.581" rx="0.723" transform="translate(66.038 1.566)" fill="#d8d8d8" opacity="0.136"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 83" width="4.986" height="1.581" rx="0.723" transform="translate(72.599 1.566)" fill="#d8d8d8" opacity="0.136"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 84" width="4.986" height="1.581" rx="0.723" transform="translate(77.847 1.566)" fill="#d8d8d8" opacity="0.136"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 85" width="4.986" height="1.581" rx="0.723" transform="translate(83.097 1.566)" fill="#d8d8d8" opacity="0.136"></rect></g><path data-name="Path 59" d="M408.256 591.563a5.439 5.439 0 0 0-.7.07c-.042-.164-.081-.329-.127-.493a5.457 5.457 0 1 0-5.4-9.372q-.181-.185-.366-.367a5.454 5.454 0 1 0-9.384-5.4c-.162-.046-.325-.084-.486-.126a5.467 5.467 0 1 0-10.788 0c-.162.042-.325.08-.486.126a5.457 5.457 0 1 0-9.384 5.4 21.843 21.843 0 1 0 36.421 21.02 5.452 5.452 0 1 0 .7-10.858" fill="#44d860" fill-rule="evenodd"></path><path data-name="Path 60" d="M342.691 553.317h43.71v-21.855h-43.71Z" fill="#3ecc5f" fill-rule="evenodd"></path><path data-name="Path 61" d="M397.328 545.121a2.732 2.732 0 1 0 0-5.464 2.811 2.811 0 0 0-.349.035c-.022-.082-.04-.164-.063-.246a2.733 2.733 0 0 0-1.052-5.253 2.7 2.7 0 0 0-1.648.566q-.09-.093-.184-.184a2.7 2.7 0 0 0 .553-1.633 2.732 2.732 0 0 0-5.245-1.07 10.928 10.928 0 1 0 0 21.031 2.732 2.732 0 0 0 5.245-1.07 2.7 2.7 0 0 0-.553-1.633q.093-.09.184-.184a2.7 2.7 0 0 0 1.648.566 2.732 2.732 0 0 0 1.052-5.253c.023-.081.042-.164.063-.246a2.811 2.811 0 0 0 .349.035" fill="#44d860" fill-rule="evenodd"></path><path data-name="Path 62" d="M408.256 464.531a2.967 2.967 0 0 1-.535-.055 2.754 2.754 0 0 1-.514-.153 2.838 2.838 0 0 1-.471-.251 4.139 4.139 0 0 1-.415-.339 3.2 3.2 0 0 1-.338-.415 2.7 2.7 0 0 1-.459-1.517 2.968 2.968 0 0 1 .055-.535 3.152 3.152 0 0 1 .152-.514 2.874 2.874 0 0 1 .252-.47 2.633 2.633 0 0 1 .753-.754 2.837 2.837 0 0 1 .471-.251 2.753 2.753 0 0 1 .514-.153 2.527 2.527 0 0 1 1.071 0 2.654 2.654 0 0 1 .983.4 4.139 4.139 0 0 1 .415.339 4.019 4.019 0 0 1 .339.415 2.786 2.786 0 0 1 .251.47 2.864 2.864 0 0 1 .208 1.049 2.77 2.77 0 0 1-.8 1.934 4.139 4.139 0 0 1-.415.339 2.722 2.722 0 0 1-1.519.459m21.855-1.366a2.789 2.789 0 0 1-1.935-.8 4.162 4.162 0 0 1-.338-.415 2.7 2.7 0 0 1-.459-1.519 2.789 2.789 0 0 1 .8-1.934 4.139 4.139 0 0 1 .415-.339 2.838 2.838 0 0 1 .471-.251 2.752 2.752 0 0 1 .514-.153 2.527 2.527 0 0 1 1.071 0 2.654 2.654 0 0 1 .983.4 4.139 4.139 0 0 1 .415.339 2.79 2.79 0 0 1 .8 1.934 3.069 3.069 0 0 1-.055.535 2.779 2.779 0 0 1-.153.514 3.885 3.885 0 0 1-.251.47 4.02 4.02 0 0 1-.339.415 4.138 4.138 0 0 1-.415.339 2.722 2.722 0 0 1-1.519.459" fill-rule="evenodd"></path></g></svg></div><div style="width:24px"></div><div><h3>下软件,找汉化</h3><div style="padding:0">软件只有英文版,还没发选中复制?没关系,你再也不需要历经艰险找汉化了。只要你能在屏幕上看到,Valo Reader 就能一键帮你查询释义。</div></div></div><div class="col col--12" style="display:flex;justify-content:center;align-items:center"><div><svg xmlns="" width="1041.277" height="554.141" viewBox="0 0 1041.277 554.141" class="featureSvg_GfXr" role="img"><title>Powered by React</title><g data-name="Group 24"><g data-name="Group 23" transform="translate(-.011 -.035)"><path data-name="Path 299" d="M961.48 438.21q-1.74 3.75-3.47 7.4-2.7 5.67-5.33 11.12c-.78 1.61-1.56 3.19-2.32 4.77-8.6 17.57-16.63 33.11-23.45 45.89a73.21 73.21 0 0 1-63.81 38.7l-151.65 1.65h-1.6l-13 .14-11.12.12-34.1.37h-1.38l-17.36.19h-.53l-107 1.16-95.51 1-11.11.12-69 .75h-.08l-44.75.48h-.48l-141.5 1.53-42.33.46a87.991 87.991 0 0 1-10.79-.54c-1.22-.14-2.44-.3-3.65-.49a87.38 87.38 0 0 1-51.29-27.54c-18.21-20.03-31.46-43.4-40.36-68.76q-1.93-5.49-3.6-11.12c-30.81-104.15 6.75-238.52 74.35-328.44q4.25-5.64 8.64-11l.07-.08c20.79-25.52 44.1-46.84 68.93-62 44-26.91 92.75-34.49 140.7-11.9 40.57 19.12 78.45 28.11 115.17 30.55 3.71.24 7.42.42 11.11.53 84.23 2.65 163.17-27.7 255.87-47.29 3.69-.78 7.39-1.55 11.12-2.28C763 .54 836.36-6.4 923.6 8.19a189.089 189.089 0 0 1 26.76 6.4q5.77 1.86 11.12 4c41.64 16.94 64.35 48.24 74 87.46q1.37 5.46 2.37 11.11c17.11 94.34-33 228.16-76.37 321.05Z" fill="#f2f2f2"></path><path data-name="Path 300" d="M497.02 445.61a95.21 95.21 0 0 1-1.87 11.12h93.7v-11.12Zm-78.25 62.81 11.11-.09v-27.47c-3.81-.17-7.52-.34-11.11-.52Zm-232.92-62.81v11.12h198.5v-11.12Zm849.68-339.52h-74V18.6q-5.35-2.17-11.12-4v91.49H696.87V13.67c-3.73.73-7.43 1.5-11.12 2.28v90.14H429.88V63.24c-3.69-.11-7.4-.29-11.11-.53v43.38H162.9v-62c-24.83 15.16-48.14 36.48-68.93 62h-.07v.08q-4.4 5.4-8.64 11h8.64v328.44h-83q1.66 5.63 3.6 11.12h79.39v93.62a87 87 0 0 0 12.2 2.79c1.21.19 2.43.35 3.65.49a87.991 87.991 0 0 0 10.79.54l42.33-.46v-97h255.91v94.21l11.11-.12v-94.07h255.87v91.36l11.12-.12v-91.24h253.49v4.77c.76-1.58 1.54-3.16 2.32-4.77q2.63-5.45 5.33-11.12 1.73-3.64 3.47-7.4v-321h76.42q-1.01-5.69-2.37-11.12ZM162.9 445.61V117.17h255.87v328.44Zm267 0V117.17h255.85v328.44Zm520.48 0H696.87V117.17h253.49Z" opacity="0.1"></path><path data-name="Path 301" d="M863.09 533.65v13l-151.92 1.4-1.62.03-57.74.53-1.38.02-17.55.15h-.52l-106.98.99-175.61 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0 0 1-2.7-.57 6.12 6.12 0 0 1-3.57-5.57v-25.23Z" opacity="0.1"></path><path data-name="Path 305" d="M298.1 483.66v24.49a6.13 6.13 0 0 1-3.5 5.54 6 6 0 0 1-2.5.6l-34.9.74a6 6 0 0 1-2.7-.57 6.12 6.12 0 0 1-3.57-5.57v-25.23Z" fill="#3f3d56"></path><path data-name="Rectangle 137" fill="#3f3d56" d="M680.92 483.65h47.17v31.5h-47.17z"></path><path data-name="Rectangle 138" opacity="0.1" d="M680.92 483.65h47.17v31.5h-47.17z"></path><path data-name="Rectangle 139" fill="#3f3d56" d="M678.92 483.65h47.17v31.5h-47.17z"></path><path data-name="Path 306" d="M298.09 483.65v4.97l-47.17 1.26v-6.23Z" opacity="0.1"></path><path data-name="Path 307" d="M381.35 312.36v168.2a4 4 0 0 1-3.85 3.95l-191.65 5.1h-.05a4 4 0 0 1-3.95-3.95v-173.3a4 4 0 0 1 3.95-3.95h191.6a4 4 0 0 1 3.95 3.95Z" fill="#65617d"></path><path data-name="Path 308" d="M185.85 308.41v181.2h-.05a4 4 0 0 1-3.95-3.95v-173.3a4 4 0 0 1 3.95-3.95Z" opacity="0.1"></path><path data-name="Path 309" d="M194.59 319.15h177.5V467.4l-177.5 4Z" fill="#39374d"></path><path data-name="Path 310" d="M726.09 483.65v6.41l-47.17-1.26v-5.15Z" opacity="0.1"></path><path data-name="Path 311" d="M788.35 312.36v173.3a4 4 0 0 1-4 3.95l-191.69-5.1a4 4 0 0 1-3.85-3.95v-168.2a4 4 0 0 1 3.95-3.95h191.6a4 4 0 0 1 3.99 3.95Z" fill="#65617d"></path><path data-name="Path 312" d="M788.35 312.36v173.3a4 4 0 0 1-4 3.95v-181.2a4 4 0 0 1 4 3.95Z" opacity="0.1"></path><path data-name="Path 313" d="M775.59 319.15h-177.5V467.4l177.5 4Z" fill="#39374d"></path><path data-name="Path 314" d="M583.85 312.36v168.2a4 4 0 0 1-3.85 3.95l-191.65 5.1a4 4 0 0 1-4-3.95v-173.3a4 4 0 0 1 3.95-3.95h191.6a4 4 0 0 1 3.95 3.95Z" fill="#65617d"></path><path data-name="Path 315" d="M397.09 319.15h177.5V467.4l-177.5 4Z" fill="#4267b2"></path><path data-name="Path 316" d="M863.09 533.65v13l-151.92 1.4-1.62.03-57.74.53-1.38.02-17.55.15h-.52l-106.98.99-175.61 1.63h-.15l-44.65.42-.48.01-198.4 1.82v-15l202.51-1.33h.48l40.99-.28h.19l283.08-1.87h.29l.17-.01h.47l4.79-.03h1.46l74.49-.5 4.4-.02.98-.01Z" opacity="0.1"></path><circle data-name="Ellipse 111" cx="51.33" cy="51.33" r="51.33" transform="translate(435.93 246.82)" fill="#fbbebe"></circle><path data-name="Path 317" d="M538.6 377.16s-99.5 12-90 0c3.44-4.34 4.39-17.2 4.2-31.85-.06-4.45-.22-9.06-.45-13.65-1.1-22-3.75-43.5-3.75-43.5s87-41 77-8.5c-4 13.13-2.69 31.57.35 48.88.89 5.05 1.92 10 3 14.7a344.66 344.66 0 0 0 9.65 33.92Z" fill="#fbbebe"></path><path data-name="Path 318" d="M506.13 373.09c11.51-2.13 23.7-6 34.53-1.54 2.85 1.17 5.47 2.88 8.39 3.86s6.12 1.22 9.16 1.91c10.68 2.42 19.34 10.55 24.9 20s8.44 20.14 11.26 30.72l6.9 25.83c6 22.45 12 45.09 13.39 68.3a2437.506 2437.506 0 0 1-250.84 1.43c5.44-10.34 11-21.31 10.54-33s-7.19-23.22-4.76-34.74c1.55-7.34 6.57-13.39 9.64-20.22 8.75-19.52 1.94-45.79 17.32-60.65 6.92-6.68 17-9.21 26.63-8.89 12.28.41 24.85 4.24 37 6.11 15.56 2.36 30.26 3.76 45.94.88Z" fill="#ff6584"></path><path data-name="Path 319" d="m637.03 484.26-.1 1.43v.1l-.17 2.3-1.33 18.51-1.61 22.3-.46 6.28-1 13.44v.17l-107 1-175.59 1.9v.84h-.14v-1.12l.45-14.36.86-28.06.74-23.79.07-2.37a10.53 10.53 0 0 1 11.42-10.17c4.72.4 10.85.89 18.18 1.41l3 .22c42.33 2.94 120.56 6.74 199.5 2 1.66-.09 3.33-.19 5-.31 12.24-.77 24.47-1.76 36.58-3a10.53 10.53 0 0 1 11.6 11.23Z" opacity="0.1"></path><path data-name="Path 320" d="M349.74 552.53v-.84l175.62-1.91 107-1h.3v-.17l1-13.44.43-6 1.64-22.61 1.29-17.9v-.44a10.617 10.617 0 0 0-.11- 0 0 0 0-.1 10.391 10.391 0 0 0-2-4.64 10.54 10.54 0 0 0-9.42-4 937.419 937.419 0 0 1-36.58 3c-1.67.12-3.34.22-5 .31-78.94 4.69-157.17.89-199.5-2l-3-.22c-7.33-.52-13.46-1-18.18-1.41a10.54 10.54 0 0 0-11.24 8.53 11 11 0 0 0-.18 1.64l-.68 22.16-.93 28.07-.44 14.36v1.12Z" fill="#3f3d56"></path><path data-name="Path 321" d="m637.33 491.27-1.23 15.33-1.83 22.85-.46 5.72-1 12.81-.06.64v.17l-.15 1.48.11-1.48h-.29l-107 1-175.65 1.9v-.28l.49-14.36 1-28.06.64-18.65a6.36 6.36 0 0 1 3.06-5.25 6.25 6.25 0 0 1 3.78-.9c2.1.17 4.68.37 7.69.59 4.89.36 10.92.78 17.94 1.22 13 .82 29.31 1.7 48 2.42 52 2 122.2 2.67 188.88-3.17 3-.26 6.1-.55 9.13-.84a6.26 6.26 0 0 1 3.48.66 5.159 5.159 0 0 1 .86.54 6.14 6.14 0 0 1 2 2.46 3.564 3.564 0 0 1 .25.61 6.279 6.279 0 0 1 .36 2.59Z" opacity="0.1"></path><path data-name="Path 322" d="M298.1 504.96v3.19a6.13 6.13 0 0 1-3.5 5.54l-40.1.77a6.12 6.12 0 0 1-3.57-5.57v-3Z" opacity="0.1"></path><path data-name="Path 323" d="m298.59 515.57-52.25 1v-8.67l52.25-1Z" fill="#3f3d56"></path><path data-name="Path 324" d="m298.59 515.57-52.25 1v-8.67l52.25-1Z" opacity="0.1"></path><path data-name="Path 325" d="m300.59 515.57-52.25 1v-8.67l52.25-1Z" fill="#3f3d56"></path><path data-name="Path 326" d="M679.22 506.96v3.19a6.13 6.13 0 0 0 3.5 5.54l40.1.77a6.12 6.12 0 0 0 3.57-5.57v-3Z" opacity="0.1"></path><path data-name="Path 327" d="m678.72 517.57 52.25 1v-8.67l-52.25-1Z" opacity="0.1"></path><path data-name="Path 328" d="m676.72 517.57 52.25 1v-8.67l-52.25-1Z" fill="#3f3d56"></path><path data-name="Path 329" d="M454.79 313.88c.08 7-3.16 13.6-5.91 20.07a163.491 163.491 0 0 0-12.66 74.71c.73 11 2.58 22 .73 32.9s-8.43 21.77-19 24.9c17.53 10.45 41.26 9.35 57.76-2.66 8.79-6.4 15.34-15.33 21.75-24.11a97.86 97.86 0 0 1-13.31 44.75 103.43 103.43 0 0 0 73.51-40.82c4.31-5.81 8.06-12.19 9.72-19.23 3.09-13-1.22-26.51-4.51-39.5a266.055 266.055 0 0 1-6.17-33c-.43-3.56-.78-7.22.1-10.7 1-4.07 3.67-7.51 5.64-11.22 5.6-10.54 5.73-23.3 2.86-34.88s-8.49-22.26-14.06-32.81c-4.46-8.46-9.3-17.31-17.46-22.28-5.1-3.1-11-4.39-16.88-5.64l-25.37-5.43c-5.55-1.19-11.26-2.38-16.87-1.51-9.47 1.48-16.14 8.32-22 15.34-4.59 5.46-15.81 15.71-16.6 22.86-.72 6.59 5.1 17.63 6.09 24.58 1.3 9 2.22 6 7.3 11.52 3.21 3.42 5.28 7.37 5.34 12.16Z" fill="#3f3d56"></path></g><path data-name="Path 40" d="M280.139 370.832h43.635v17.662h-43.635Z" fill="#fff" fill-rule="evenodd"></path><path data-name="Path 41" d="M240.66 428.493a10.377 10.377 0 0 1-8.989-5.195 10.377 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0 0 0 10.39-10.39v-41.557l-36.373-2.273a5.53 5.53 0 0 1 0-11.038" fill="#3ecc5f" fill-rule="evenodd"></path><path data-name="Path 43" d="M302.996 438.882h15.584v-20.779h-15.584Z" fill="#3ecc5f" fill-rule="evenodd"></path><path data-name="Path 44" d="M328.97 425.895a2.582 2.582 0 0 0-.332.033c-.02-.078-.038-.156-.06-.234a2.594 2.594 0 1 0-2.567-4.455q-.086-.088-.174-.175a2.593 2.593 0 1 0-4.461-2.569c-.077-.022-.154-.04-.231-.06a2.6 2.6 0 1 0-5.128 0c-.077.02-.154.038-.231.06a2.594 2.594 0 1 0-4.461 2.569 10.384 10.384 0 1 0 17.314 9.992 2.592 2.592 0 1 0 .332-5.161" fill="#44d860" fill-rule="evenodd"></path><path data-name="Path 45" d="M308.191 407.713h15.584v-10.389h-15.584Z" fill="#3ecc5f" fill-rule="evenodd"></path><path data-name="Path 46" d="M328.969 403.818a1.3 1.3 0 1 0 0-2.6 1.336 1.336 0 0 0-.166.017l-.03-.117a1.3 1.3 0 0 0-.5-2.5 1.285 1.285 0 0 0-.783.269l-.087-.087a1.285 1.285 0 0 0 .263-.776 1.3 1.3 0 0 0-2.493-.509 5.195 5.195 0 1 0 0 10 1.3 1.3 0 0 0 2.493-.509 1.285 1.285 0 0 0-.263-.776l.087-.087a1.285 1.285 0 0 0 .783.269 1.3 1.3 0 0 0 .5-2.5c.011-.038.02-.078.03-.117a1.337 1.337 0 0 0 .166.017" fill="#44d860" fill-rule="evenodd"></path><path data-name="Path 47" d="M261.439 372.65a1.3 1.3 0 0 1-1.3-1.3 3.9 3.9 0 0 0-7.792 0 1.3 1.3 0 1 1-2.6 0 6.494 6.494 0 0 1 12.987 0 1.3 1.3 0 0 1-1.3 1.3" fill-rule="evenodd"></path><path data-name="Path 48" d="M282.217 438.882h31.168a10.389 10.389 0 0 0 10.389-10.389V392.13h-31.168a10.389 10.389 0 0 0-10.389 10.389Z" fill="#ffff50" fill-rule="evenodd"></path><path data-name="Path 49" d="M315.993 408.233h-25.994a.52.52 0 1 1 0-1.039h25.994a.52.52 0 0 1 0 1.039m0 10.389h-25.994a.52.52 0 1 1 0-1.039h25.994a.52.52 0 0 1 0 1.039m0 10.389h-25.994a.52.52 0 1 1 0-1.039h25.994a.52.52 0 0 1 0 1.039m0-25.877h-25.994a.52.52 0 1 1 0-1.039h25.994a.52.52 0 0 1 0 1.039m0 10.293h-25.994a.52.52 0 1 1 0-1.039h25.994a.52.52 0 0 1 0 1.039m0 10.389h-25.994a.52.52 0 1 1 0-1.039h25.994a.52.52 0 0 1 0 1.039m7.782-47.993h-.018c-1.605.055-2.365 1.66-3.035 3.077-.7 1.48-1.24 2.443-2.126 2.414-.981-.035-1.542-1.144-2.137-2.317-.683-1.347-1.462-2.876-3.1-2.819-1.582.054-2.344 1.451-3.017 2.684-.715 1.313-1.2 2.112-2.141 2.075-1-.036-1.533-.938-2.149-1.981-.686-1.162-1.479-2.467-3.084-2.423-1.555.053-2.319 1.239-2.994 2.286-.713 1.106-1.213 1.781-2.164 1.741-1.025-.036-1.554-.784-2.167-1.65-.688-.973-1.463-2.074-3.062-2.021a3.815 3.815 0 0 0-2.959 1.879c-.64.812-1.14 1.456-2.2 1.415a.52.52 0 0 0-.037 1.039 3.588 3.588 0 0 0 3.05-1.811c.611-.777 1.139-1.448 2.178-1.483 1-.043 1.47.579 2.179 1.582.674.953 1.438 2.033 2.977 2.089 1.612.054 2.387-1.151 3.074-2.217.614-.953 1.144-1.775 2.156-1.81.931-.035 1.438.7 2.153 1.912.674 1.141 1.437 2.434 3.006 2.491 1.623.056 2.407-1.361 3.09-2.616.592-1.085 1.15-2.109 2.14-2.143.931-.022 1.417.829 2.135 2.249.671 1.326 1.432 2.828 3.026 2.886h.088c1.592 0 2.347-1.6 3.015-3.01.592-1.252 1.152-2.431 2.113-2.479Z" fill-rule="evenodd"></path><path data-name="Path 50" d="M271.828 438.882h20.779v-20.779h-20.779Z" fill="#3ecc5f" fill-rule="evenodd"></path><g data-name="Group 8" transform="rotate(-14.98 1643.944 -873.93)"><rect data-name="Rectangle 3" width="43.906" height="17.333" rx="2" fill="#d8d8d8"></rect><g data-name="Group 2" transform="translate(.728 10.948)" fill="#4a4a4a"><rect data-name="Rectangle 4" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(7.985)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 5" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(10.991)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 6" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(13.997)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 7" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(17.003)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 8" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(20.009)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 9" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(23.015)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 10" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(26.021)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 11" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(29.028)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 12" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(32.034)"></rect><path data-name="Path 51" d="M.519 0H6.9a.519.519 0 0 1 .521.52v1.5a.519.519 0 0 1-.519.519H.519A.519.519 0 0 1 0 2.017V.519A.519.519 0 0 1 .519 0Zm35.134 0h6.383a.519.519 0 0 1 .519.519v1.5a.519.519 0 0 1-.519.519h-6.384a.519.519 0 0 1-.519-.519v-1.5A.519.519 0 0 1 35.652 0Z" fill-rule="evenodd"></path></g><g data-name="Group 3" transform="translate(.728 4.878)" fill="#4a4a4a"><path data-name="Path 52" d="M.519 0h2.437a.519.519 0 0 1 .519.519v1.5a.519.519 0 0 1-.519.519H.519A.519.519 0 0 1 0 2.017V.519A.519.519 0 0 1 .519 0Z" fill-rule="evenodd"></path><rect data-name="Rectangle 13" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(3.945)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 14" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(6.951)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 15" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(9.958)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 16" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(12.964)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 17" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(15.97)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 18" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(18.976)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 19" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(21.982)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 20" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(24.988)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 21" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(27.994)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 22" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(31)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 23" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(34.006)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 24" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(37.012)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 25" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(40.018)"></rect></g><g data-name="Group 4" transform="rotate(180 21.642 2.269)" fill="#4a4a4a"><path data-name="Path 53" d="M.519 0h2.437a.519.519 0 0 1 .519.519v1.5a.519.519 0 0 1-.519.519H.519A.519.519 0 0 1 0 2.017V.519A.519.519 0 0 1 .519 0Z" fill-rule="evenodd"></path><rect data-name="Rectangle 26" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(3.945)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 27" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(6.951)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 28" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(9.958)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 29" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(12.964)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 30" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(15.97)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 31" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(18.976)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 32" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(21.982)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 33" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(24.988)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 34" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(27.994)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 35" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(31.001)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 36" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(34.007)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 37" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(37.013)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 38" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(40.018)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 39" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(3.945)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 40" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(6.951)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 41" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(9.958)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 42" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(12.964)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 43" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(15.97)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 44" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(18.976)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 45" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(21.982)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 46" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(24.988)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 47" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(27.994)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 48" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(31.001)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 49" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(34.007)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 50" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(37.013)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 51" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(40.018)"></rect></g><g data-name="Group 6" fill="#4a4a4a"><path data-name="Path 54" d="M1.247 7.883h3.47a.519.519 0 0 1 .519.519v1.5a.519.519 0 0 1-.519.519h-3.47A.519.519 0 0 1 .728 9.9V8.403a.519.519 0 0 1 .519-.52Z" fill-rule="evenodd"></path><g data-name="Group 5" transform="translate(5.801 7.883)"><rect data-name="Rectangle 52" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 53" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(3.006)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 54" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(6.012)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 55" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(9.018)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 56" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(12.025)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 57" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(15.031)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 58" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(18.037)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 59" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(21.042)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 60" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(24.049)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 61" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(27.055)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 62" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(30.061)"></rect></g><path data-name="Path 55" d="M39.482 7.883h3.28a.519.519 0 0 1 .519.519v1.5a.519.519 0 0 1-.519.519h-3.281a.519.519 0 0 1-.519-.521V8.403a.519.519 0 0 1 .519-.52Z" fill-rule="evenodd"></path></g><g data-name="Group 7" transform="translate(.728 14.084)" fill="#4a4a4a"><rect data-name="Rectangle 63" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 64" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(3.006)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 65" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(6.012)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 66" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(9.018)"></rect><path data-name="Path 56" d="M12.543 0h14.462a.519.519 0 0 1 .519.519v1.5a.519.519 0 0 1-.519.519H12.543a.519.519 0 0 1-.519-.52V.519A.519.519 0 0 1 12.543 0Zm15.97 0h1.874a.519.519 0 0 1 .519.519v1.5a.519.519 0 0 1-.519.519h-1.874a.519.519 0 0 1-.519-.519v-1.5A.519.519 0 0 1 28.513 0Z" fill-rule="evenodd"></path><rect data-name="Rectangle 67" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(31.376)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 68" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(34.382)"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 69" width="2.537" height="2.537" rx="1" transform="translate(40.018)"></rect><path data-name="Path 57" d="M37.199 1.08V.519A.519.519 0 0 1 37.718 0h1.499a.519.519 0 0 1 .519.519v.561Z"></path><path data-name="Path 58" d="M39.737 1.456v.561a.519.519 0 0 1-.519.519h-1.499a.519.519 0 0 1-.519-.519v-.561Z"></path></g><rect data-name="Rectangle 70" width="42.273" height="1.127" rx="0.564" transform="translate(.915 .556)" fill="#4a4a4a"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 71" width="2.37" height="0.752" rx="0.376" transform="translate(1.949 .744)" fill="#d8d8d8" opacity="0.136"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 72" width="2.37" height="0.752" rx="0.376" transform="translate(5.193 .744)" fill="#d8d8d8" opacity="0.136"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 73" width="2.37" height="0.752" rx="0.376" transform="translate(7.688 .744)" fill="#d8d8d8" opacity="0.136"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 74" width="2.37" height="0.752" rx="0.376" transform="translate(10.183 .744)" fill="#d8d8d8" opacity="0.136"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 75" width="2.37" height="0.752" rx="0.376" transform="translate(12.679 .744)" fill="#d8d8d8" opacity="0.136"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 76" width="2.37" height="0.752" rx="0.376" transform="translate(15.797 .744)" fill="#d8d8d8" opacity="0.136"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 77" width="2.37" height="0.752" rx="0.376" transform="translate(18.292 .744)" fill="#d8d8d8" opacity="0.136"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 78" width="2.37" height="0.752" rx="0.376" transform="translate(20.788 .744)" fill="#d8d8d8" opacity="0.136"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 79" width="2.37" height="0.752" rx="0.376" transform="translate(23.283 .744)" fill="#d8d8d8" opacity="0.136"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 80" width="2.37" height="0.752" rx="0.376" transform="translate(26.402 .744)" fill="#d8d8d8" opacity="0.136"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 81" width="2.37" height="0.752" rx="0.376" transform="translate(28.897 .744)" fill="#d8d8d8" opacity="0.136"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 82" width="2.37" height="0.752" rx="0.376" transform="translate(31.393 .744)" fill="#d8d8d8" opacity="0.136"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 83" width="2.37" height="0.752" rx="0.376" transform="translate(34.512 .744)" fill="#d8d8d8" opacity="0.136"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 84" width="2.37" height="0.752" rx="0.376" transform="translate(37.007 .744)" fill="#d8d8d8" opacity="0.136"></rect><rect data-name="Rectangle 85" width="2.37" height="0.752" rx="0.376" transform="translate(39.502 .744)" fill="#d8d8d8" opacity="0.136"></rect></g><path data-name="Path 59" d="M302.996 425.895a2.583 2.583 0 0 0-.332.033c-.02-.078-.038-.156-.06-.234a2.594 2.594 0 1 0-2.567-4.455q-.086-.088-.174-.175a2.593 2.593 0 1 0-4.461-2.569c-.077-.022-.154-.04-.231-.06a2.6 2.6 0 1 0-5.128 0c-.077.02-.154.038-.231.06a2.594 2.594 0 1 0-4.461 2.569 10.384 10.384 0 1 0 17.314 9.992 2.592 2.592 0 1 0 .332-5.161" fill="#44d860" fill-rule="evenodd"></path><path data-name="Path 60" d="M271.828 407.713h20.779v-10.389h-20.779Z" fill="#3ecc5f" fill-rule="evenodd"></path><path data-name="Path 61" d="M297.801 403.818a1.3 1.3 0 1 0 0-2.6 1.338 1.338 0 0 0-.166.017l-.03-.117a1.3 1.3 0 0 0-.5-2.5 1.285 1.285 0 0 0-.783.269l-.087-.087a1.285 1.285 0 0 0 .263-.776 1.3 1.3 0 0 0-2.493-.509 5.195 5.195 0 1 0 0 10 1.3 1.3 0 0 0 2.493-.509 1.285 1.285 0 0 0-.263-.776l.087-.087a1.285 1.285 0 0 0 .783.269 1.3 1.3 0 0 0 .5-2.5c.011-.038.02-.078.03-.117a1.335 1.335 0 0 0 .166.017" fill="#44d860" fill-rule="evenodd"></path><path data-name="Path 62" d="M302.997 365.507a1.41 1.41 0 0 1-.255-.026 1.309 1.309 0 0 1-.244-.073 1.349 1.349 0 0 1-.224-.119 1.967 1.967 0 0 1-.2-.161 1.52 1.52 0 0 1-.161-.2 1.282 1.282 0 0 1-.218-.722 1.41 1.41 0 0 1 .026-.255 1.5 1.5 0 0 1 .072-.244 1.364 1.364 0 0 1 .12-.223 1.252 1.252 0 0 1 .358-.358 1.349 1.349 0 0 1 .224-.119 1.309 1.309 0 0 1 .244-.073 1.2 1.2 0 0 1 .509 0 1.262 1.262 0 0 1 .468.192 1.968 1.968 0 0 1 .2.161 1.908 1.908 0 0 1 .161.2 1.322 1.322 0 0 1 .12.223 1.361 1.361 0 0 1 .1.5 1.317 1.317 0 0 1-.379.919 1.968 1.968 0 0 1-.2.161 1.346 1.346 0 0 1-.223.119 1.332 1.332 0 0 1-.5.1m10.389-.649a1.326 1.326 0 0 1-.92-.379 1.979 1.979 0 0 1-.161-.2 1.282 1.282 0 0 1-.218-.722 1.326 1.326 0 0 1 .379-.919 1.967 1.967 0 0 1 .2-.161 1.351 1.351 0 0 1 .224-.119 1.308 1.308 0 0 1 .244-.073 1.2 1.2 0 0 1 .509 0 1.262 1.262 0 0 1 .468.192 1.967 1.967 0 0 1 .2.161 1.326 1.326 0 0 1 .379.919 1.461 1.461 0 0 1-.026.255 1.323 1.323 0 0 1-.073.244 1.847 1.847 0 0 1-.119.223 1.911 1.911 0 0 1-.161.2 1.967 1.967 0 0 1-.2.161 1.294 1.294 0 0 1-.722.218" fill-rule="evenodd"></path><g transform="translate(466.3 278.56)" fill="#61dafb"><path data-name="Path 330" d="M263.668 117.179c0-5.827-7.3-11.35-18.487-14.775 2.582-11.4 1.434-20.477-3.622-23.382a7.861 7.861 0 0 0-4.016-1v4a4.152 4.152 0 0 1 2.044.466c2.439 1.4 3.5 6.724 2.672 13.574-.2 1.685-.52 3.461-.914 5.272a86.9 86.9 0 0 0-11.386-1.954 87.469 87.469 0 0 0-7.459-8.965c5.845-5.433 11.332-8.41 15.062-8.41V78c-4.931 0-11.386 3.514-17.913 9.611-6.527-6.061-12.982-9.539-17.913-9.539v4c3.712 0 9.216 2.959 15.062 8.356a84.687 84.687 0 0 0-7.405 8.947 83.732 83.732 0 0 0-11.4 1.972 54.136 54.136 0 0 1-.932-5.2c-.843-6.85.2-12.175 2.618-13.592a3.991 3.991 0 0 1 2.062-.466v-4a8 8 0 0 0-4.052 1c-5.039 2.9-6.168 11.96-3.568 23.328-11.153 3.443-18.415 8.947-18.415 14.757 0 5.828 7.3 11.35 18.487 14.775-2.582 11.4-1.434 20.477 3.622 23.382a7.882 7.882 0 0 0 4.034 1c4.931 0 11.386-3.514 17.913-9.611 6.527 6.061 12.982 9.539 17.913 9.539a8 8 0 0 0 4.052-1c5.039-2.9 6.168-11.96 3.568-23.328 11.111-3.42 18.373-8.943 18.373-14.752Zm-23.346-11.96a80.235 80.235 0 0 1-2.421 7.083 83.185 83.185 0 0 0-2.349-4.3 96.877 96.877 0 0 0-2.582-4.2c2.547.377 5.004.843 7.353 1.417Zm-8.212 19.1c-1.4 2.421-2.833 4.716-4.321 6.85a93.313 93.313 0 0 1-8.1.359c-2.708 0-5.415-.126-8.069-.341q-2.232-3.2-4.339-6.814-2.044-3.523-3.73-7.136a94.058 94.058 0 0 1 3.712-7.154c1.4-2.421 2.833-4.716 4.321-6.85a93.313 93.313 0 0 1 8.1-.359c2.708 0 5.415.126 8.069.341q2.232 3.2 4.339 6.814 2.044 3.523 3.73 7.136a101.198 101.198 0 0 1-3.712 7.15Zm5.792-2.331a76.525 76.525 0 0 1 2.474 7.136 80.22 80.22 0 0 1-7.387 1.434c.879-1.381 1.757-2.8 2.582-4.25a96.22 96.22 0 0 0 2.329-4.324Zm-18.182 19.128a73.921 73.921 0 0 1-4.985-5.738c1.614.072 3.263.126 4.931.126 1.685 0 3.353-.036 4.985-.126a69.993 69.993 0 0 1-4.931 5.738Zm-13.34-10.561c-2.546-.377-5-.843-7.352-1.417a80.235 80.235 0 0 1 2.421-7.083c.735 1.434 1.506 2.869 2.349 4.3s1.702 2.837 2.582 4.2Zm13.25-37.314a73.924 73.924 0 0 1 4.985 5.738 110.567 110.567 0 0 0-4.931-.126c-1.686 0-3.353.036-4.985.126a69.993 69.993 0 0 1 4.931-5.738ZM206.362 103.8a100.567 100.567 0 0 0-4.913 8.55 76.525 76.525 0 0 1-2.474-7.136 90.158 90.158 0 0 1 7.387-1.414Zm-16.227 22.449c-6.348-2.708-10.454-6.258-10.454-9.073s4.106-6.383 10.454-9.073c1.542-.663 3.228-1.255 4.967-1.811a86.122 86.122 0 0 0 4.034 10.92 84.9 84.9 0 0 0-3.981 10.866 53.804 53.804 0 0 1-5.021-1.826Zm9.647 25.623c-2.439-1.4-3.5-6.724-2.672-13.574.2-1.686.52-3.461.914-5.272a86.9 86.9 0 0 0 11.386 1.954 87.465 87.465 0 0 0 7.459 8.965c-5.845 5.433-11.332 8.41-15.062 8.41a4.279 4.279 0 0 1-2.026-.48Zm42.532-13.663c.843 6.85-.2 12.175-2.618 13.592a3.99 3.99 0 0 1-2.062.466c-3.712 0-9.216-2.959-15.062-8.356a84.689 84.689 0 0 0 7.405-8.947 83.731 83.731 0 0 0 11.4-1.972 50.194 50.194 0 0 1 .936 5.22Zm6.9-11.96c-1.542.663-3.228 1.255-4.967 1.811a86.12 86.12 0 0 0-4.034-10.92 84.9 84.9 0 0 0 3.981-10.866 56.777 56.777 0 0 1 5.039 1.829c6.348 2.708 10.454 6.258 10.454 9.073-.017 2.818-4.123 6.386-10.471 9.076Z"></path><path data-name="Path 331" d="M201.718 78.072Z"></path><circle data-name="Ellipse 112" cx="8.194" cy="8.194" r="8.194" transform="translate(211.472 108.984)"></circle><path data-name="Path 332" d="M237.525 78.018Z"></path></g></g></svg></div><div style="width:24px"></div><div><h3>玩游戏,下 MOD</h3><div style="padding:0"><p>有了 Valo Reader 后,你再也不用担心游戏或 MOD 作者无力提供汉化版了。打开游戏,直接游玩。</p><p>如果还想挑战一下,你甚至可以将游戏的显示语言切换为英文模式,一边感受游戏,一边听取中文音频,一边看看文案组如何把汉语梗传播给全世界。很好,现在我们可以一边玩游戏,一边学习了,可真是太卷了🥳。</p></div></div></div><div class="col col--12" style="display:flex;justify-content:center;align-items:center"><div><svg xmlns="" width="1129" height="663" viewBox="0 0 1129 663" class="featureSvg_GfXr" role="img"><title>Focus on What Matters</title><circle cx="321" cy="321" r="321" fill="#f2f2f2"></circle><ellipse cx="559" cy="635.5" rx="514" ry="27.5" fill="#3f3d56"></ellipse><ellipse cx="558" cy="627" rx="460" ry="22" opacity="0.2"></ellipse><path fill="#3f3d56" d="M131 152.5h840v50H131z"></path><path d="M131 608.83a21.67 21.67 0 0 0 21.67 21.67h796.66A21.67 21.67 0 0 0 971 608.83V177.5H131ZM949.33 117.5H152.67A21.67 21.67 0 0 0 131 139.17v38.33h840v-38.33a21.67 21.67 0 0 0-21.67-21.67Z" fill="#3f3d56"></path><path d="M949.33 117.5H152.67A21.67 21.67 0 0 0 131 139.17v38.33h840v-38.33a21.67 21.67 0 0 0-21.67-21.67Z" opacity="0.2"></path><circle cx="181" cy="147.5" r="13" fill="#3f3d56"></circle><circle cx="217" cy="147.5" r="13" fill="#3f3d56"></circle><circle cx="253" cy="147.5" r="13" fill="#3f3d56"></circle><rect x="168" 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0 0-30.532Z" fill="#3f3d56"></path><ellipse cx="1038.003" cy="460.318" rx="19.083" ry="24.981" fill="#3f3d56"></ellipse><ellipse cx="1038.003" cy="429.786" rx="19.083" ry="24.981" fill="#3f3d56"></ellipse><path d="M1109.439 220.845a91.61 91.61 0 0 0 7.106-10.461l-50.14-8.235 54.228.403a91.566 91.566 0 0 0 1.746-72.426l-72.755 37.742 67.097-49.321A91.413 91.413 0 1 0 965.75 220.845a91.458 91.458 0 0 0-10.425 16.67l65.087 33.814-69.4-23.292a91.46 91.46 0 0 0 14.738 85.837 91.406 91.406 0 1 0 143.689 0 91.418 91.418 0 0 0 0-113.03Z" fill="#3ecc5f" fill-rule="evenodd"></path><path d="M946.188 277.36a91.013 91.013 0 0 0 19.562 56.514 91.406 91.406 0 1 0 143.689 0c12.25-15.553-163.25-66.774-163.25-56.515Z" opacity="0.1"></path><path d="M330.12 342.936h111.474v45.12H330.12Z" fill="#fff" fill-rule="evenodd"></path><path d="M229.263 490.241a26.51 26.51 0 0 1-22.963-13.27 26.51 26.51 0 0 0 22.963 39.812h26.541V490.24Z" fill="#3ecc5f" fill-rule="evenodd"></path><path d="m348.672 350.07 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0 0 1 0-2.655h66.406a1.327 1.327 0 0 1 0 2.655m19.88-122.607c-.016 0-.03-.008-.045-.007-4.1.14-6.04 4.241-7.753 7.86-1.786 3.783-3.168 6.242-5.432 6.167-2.506-.09-3.94-2.922-5.458-5.918-1.744-3.443-3.734-7.347-7.913-7.201-4.042.138-5.99 3.708-7.706 6.857-1.828 3.355-3.071 5.394-5.47 5.3-2.557-.093-3.916-2.395-5.488-5.06-1.753-2.967-3.78-6.304-7.878-6.19-3.973.137-5.925 3.166-7.648 5.84-1.822 2.826-3.098 4.549-5.527 4.447-2.618-.093-3.97-2.004-5.535-4.216-1.757-2.486-3.737-5.3-7.823-5.163-3.886.133-5.838 2.615-7.56 4.802-1.634 2.075-2.91 3.718-5.611 3.615a1.328 1.328 0 1 0-.096 2.654c4.004.134 6.032-2.389 7.793-4.628 1.562-1.985 2.91-3.698 5.564-3.789 2.556-.108 3.754 1.48 5.567 4.041 1.721 2.434 3.675 5.195 7.606 5.337 4.118.138 6.099-2.94 7.853-5.663 1.569-2.434 2.923-4.535 5.508-4.624 2.38-.088 3.674 1.792 5.5 4.885 1.722 2.916 3.671 6.22 7.68 6.365 4.147.143 6.15-3.477 7.895-6.682 1.511-2.77 2.938-5.388 5.466-5.475 2.38-.056 3.62 2.116 5.456 5.746 1.714 3.388 3.658 7.226 7.73 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0-.671-1.982q.113-.11.223-.223a3.282 3.282 0 0 0 2.001.688 3.318 3.318 0 0 0 1.278-6.38c.028-.098.05-.199.077-.298a3.413 3.413 0 0 0 .423.042" fill="#44d860" fill-rule="evenodd"></path><path d="M388.511 329.334a3.603 3.603 0 0 1-.65-.067 3.344 3.344 0 0 1-.624-.185 3.447 3.447 0 0 1-.572-.306 5.027 5.027 0 0 1-.504-.411 3.887 3.887 0 0 1-.41-.504 3.275 3.275 0 0 1-.558-1.845 3.602 3.602 0 0 1 .067-.65 3.826 3.826 0 0 1 .184-.624 3.489 3.489 0 0 1 .307-.57 3.197 3.197 0 0 1 .914-.916 3.447 3.447 0 0 1 .572-.305 3.344 3.344 0 0 1 .624-.186 3.07 3.07 0 0 1 1.3 0 3.223 3.223 0 0 1 1.195.49 5.028 5.028 0 0 1 .504.412 4.88 4.88 0 0 1 .411.504 3.382 3.382 0 0 1 .306.571 3.478 3.478 0 0 1 .252 1.274 3.364 3.364 0 0 1-.969 2.349 5.027 5.027 0 0 1-.504.411 3.306 3.306 0 0 1-1.845.558m26.542-1.66a3.388 3.388 0 0 1-2.35-.968 5.042 5.042 0 0 1-.41-.504 3.275 3.275 0 0 1-.558-1.845 3.387 3.387 0 0 1 .967-2.349 5.026 5.026 0 0 1 .505-.411 3.447 3.447 0 0 1 .572-.305 3.343 3.343 0 0 1 .623-.186 3.07 3.07 0 0 1 1.3 0 3.224 3.224 0 0 1 1.195.49 5.026 5.026 0 0 1 .504.412 3.388 3.388 0 0 1 .97 2.35 3.726 3.726 0 0 1-.067.65 3.374 3.374 0 0 1-.186.623 4.715 4.715 0 0 1-.305.57 4.88 4.88 0 0 1-.412.505 5.026 5.026 0 0 1-.504.412 3.305 3.305 0 0 1-1.844.557" fill-rule="evenodd"></path></svg></div><div style="width:24px"></div><div><h3>想要提高英语水平</h3><div style="padding:0">虽然这不是本软件的目的,但是当我们基于兴趣,直接阅读大量原文时,我们已经在这样做了。我们的头脑自然会在这一过程中不断地获得训练并提升。</div></div></div><div class="col col--12" style="display:flex;justify-content:center;align-items:center"><div><svg xmlns="" width="1129" height="663" viewBox="0 0 1129 663" class="featureSvg_GfXr" role="img"><title>Focus on What Matters</title><circle cx="321" cy="321" r="321" fill="#f2f2f2"></circle><ellipse cx="559" cy="635.5" rx="514" ry="27.5" fill="#3f3d56"></ellipse><ellipse cx="558" cy="627" rx="460" ry="22" opacity="0.2"></ellipse><path fill="#3f3d56" d="M131 152.5h840v50H131z"></path><path d="M131 608.83a21.67 21.67 0 0 0 21.67 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height="26" rx="7.028" fill="#3ecc5f"></rect><path d="M1053.103 506.116a30.114 30.114 0 0 0 3.983-15.266c0-13.797-8.544-24.98-19.083-24.98s-19.082 11.183-19.082 24.98a30.114 30.114 0 0 0 3.983 15.266 31.248 31.248 0 0 0 0 30.532 31.248 31.248 0 0 0 0 30.532 31.248 31.248 0 0 0 0 30.532 30.114 30.114 0 0 0-3.983 15.266c0 13.797 8.543 24.981 19.082 24.981s19.083-11.184 19.083-24.98a30.114 30.114 0 0 0-3.983-15.267 31.248 31.248 0 0 0 0-30.532 31.248 31.248 0 0 0 0-30.532 31.248 31.248 0 0 0 0-30.532Z" fill="#3f3d56"></path><ellipse cx="1038.003" cy="460.318" rx="19.083" ry="24.981" fill="#3f3d56"></ellipse><ellipse cx="1038.003" cy="429.786" rx="19.083" ry="24.981" fill="#3f3d56"></ellipse><path d="M1109.439 220.845a91.61 91.61 0 0 0 7.106-10.461l-50.14-8.235 54.228.403a91.566 91.566 0 0 0 1.746-72.426l-72.755 37.742 67.097-49.321A91.413 91.413 0 1 0 965.75 220.845a91.458 91.458 0 0 0-10.425 16.67l65.087 33.814-69.4-23.292a91.46 91.46 0 0 0 14.738 85.837 91.406 91.406 0 1 0 143.689 0 91.418 91.418 0 0 0 0-113.03Z" fill="#3ecc5f" fill-rule="evenodd"></path><path d="M946.188 277.36a91.013 91.013 0 0 0 19.562 56.514 91.406 91.406 0 1 0 143.689 0c12.25-15.553-163.25-66.774-163.25-56.515Z" opacity="0.1"></path><path d="M330.12 342.936h111.474v45.12H330.12Z" fill="#fff" fill-rule="evenodd"></path><path d="M229.263 490.241a26.51 26.51 0 0 1-22.963-13.27 26.51 26.51 0 0 0 22.963 39.812h26.541V490.24Z" fill="#3ecc5f" fill-rule="evenodd"></path><path d="m348.672 350.07 92.922-5.807v-13.27a26.54 26.54 0 0 0-26.541-26.542H295.616l-3.318-5.746a3.83 3.83 0 0 0-6.635 0l-3.318 5.746-3.317-5.746a3.83 3.83 0 0 0-6.636 0l-3.317 5.746-3.318-5.746a3.83 3.83 0 0 0-6.635 0l-3.318 5.746c-.03 0-.056.004-.086.004l-5.497-5.495a3.83 3.83 0 0 0-6.407 1.717l-1.817 6.773-6.89-1.847a3.83 3.83 0 0 0-4.691 4.693l1.844 6.891-6.77 1.814a3.832 3.832 0 0 0-1.72 6.41l5.497 5.497c0 .028-.004.055-.004.085l-5.747 3.317a3.83 3.83 0 0 0 0 6.636l5.747 3.317-5.747 3.318a3.83 3.83 0 0 0 0 6.635l5.747 3.318-5.747 3.318a3.83 3.83 0 0 0 0 6.635l5.747 3.318-5.747 3.317a3.83 3.83 0 0 0 0 6.636l5.747 3.317-5.747 3.318a3.83 3.83 0 0 0 0 6.636l5.747 3.317-5.747 3.318a3.83 3.83 0 0 0 0 6.635l5.747 3.318-5.747 3.318a3.83 3.83 0 0 0 0 6.635l5.747 3.318-5.747 3.317a3.83 3.83 0 0 0 0 6.636l5.747 3.317-5.747 3.318a3.83 3.83 0 0 0 0 6.635l5.747 3.318-5.747 3.318a3.83 3.83 0 0 0 0 6.635l5.747 3.318-5.747 3.317a3.83 3.83 0 0 0 0 6.636l5.747 3.317-5.747 3.318a3.83 3.83 0 0 0 0 6.635l5.747 3.318a26.54 26.54 0 0 0 26.541 26.542h159.249a26.54 26.54 0 0 0 26.541-26.542V384.075l-92.922-5.807a14.126 14.126 0 0 1 0-28.197" fill="#3ecc5f" fill-rule="evenodd"></path><path d="M388.511 516.783h39.812V463.7h-39.812Z" fill="#3ecc5f" fill-rule="evenodd"></path><path d="M454.865 483.606a6.602 6.602 0 0 0-.848.085c-.05-.2-.099-.4-.154-.599a6.627 6.627 0 1 0-6.557-11.382q-.22-.225-.445-.446a6.624 6.624 0 1 0-11.397-6.564c-.196-.055-.394-.102-.59-.152a6.64 6.64 0 1 0-13.101 0c-.197.05-.394.097-.59.152a6.628 6.628 0 1 0-11.398 6.564 26.528 26.528 0 1 0 44.232 25.528 6.621 6.621 0 1 0 .848-13.186" fill="#44d860" fill-rule="evenodd"></path><path d="M401.782 437.158h39.812v-26.541h-39.812Z" fill="#3ecc5f" fill-rule="evenodd"></path><path d="M454.865 427.205a3.318 3.318 0 0 0 0-6.635 3.411 3.411 0 0 0-.424.042c-.026-.1-.049-.199-.077-.298a3.319 3.319 0 0 0-1.278-6.38 3.282 3.282 0 0 0-2 .688q-.11-.113-.224-.223a3.282 3.282 0 0 0 .672-1.983 3.318 3.318 0 0 0-6.37-1.299 13.27 13.27 0 1 0 0 25.541 3.318 3.318 0 0 0 6.37-1.3 3.282 3.282 0 0 0-.672-1.982q.114-.11.223-.223a3.282 3.282 0 0 0 2.001.688 3.318 3.318 0 0 0 1.278-6.38c.028-.098.05-.199.077-.298a3.413 3.413 0 0 0 .424.042" fill="#44d860" fill-rule="evenodd"></path><path d="M282.345 347.581a3.318 3.318 0 0 1-3.317-3.318 9.953 9.953 0 1 0-19.906 0 3.318 3.318 0 1 1-6.636 0 16.588 16.588 0 1 1 33.177 0 3.318 3.318 0 0 1-3.318 3.318" fill-rule="evenodd"></path><path d="M335.428 516.783h79.625a26.54 26.54 0 0 0 26.541-26.542v-92.895H361.97a26.54 26.54 0 0 0-26.542 26.542Z" fill="#ffff50" fill-rule="evenodd"></path><path d="M421.714 438.485h-66.406a1.327 1.327 0 0 1 0-2.654h66.406a1.327 1.327 0 0 1 0 2.654m0 26.542h-66.406a1.327 1.327 0 1 1 0-2.654h66.406a1.327 1.327 0 0 1 0 2.654m0 26.541h-66.406a1.327 1.327 0 1 1 0-2.654h66.406a1.327 1.327 0 0 1 0 2.654m0-66.106h-66.406a1.327 1.327 0 0 1 0-2.655h66.406a1.327 1.327 0 0 1 0 2.655m0 26.294h-66.406a1.327 1.327 0 0 1 0-2.654h66.406a1.327 1.327 0 0 1 0 2.654m0 26.542h-66.406a1.327 1.327 0 0 1 0-2.655h66.406a1.327 1.327 0 0 1 0 2.655m19.88-122.607c-.016 0-.03-.008-.045-.007-4.1.14-6.04 4.241-7.753 7.86-1.786 3.783-3.168 6.242-5.432 6.167-2.506-.09-3.94-2.922-5.458-5.918-1.744-3.443-3.734-7.347-7.913-7.201-4.042.138-5.99 3.708-7.706 6.857-1.828 3.355-3.071 5.394-5.47 5.3-2.557-.093-3.916-2.395-5.488-5.06-1.753-2.967-3.78-6.304-7.878-6.19-3.973.137-5.925 3.166-7.648 5.84-1.822 2.826-3.098 4.549-5.527 4.447-2.618-.093-3.97-2.004-5.535-4.216-1.757-2.486-3.737-5.3-7.823-5.163-3.886.133-5.838 2.615-7.56 4.802-1.634 2.075-2.91 3.718-5.611 3.615a1.328 1.328 0 1 0-.096 2.654c4.004.134 6.032-2.389 7.793-4.628 1.562-1.985 2.91-3.698 5.564-3.789 2.556-.108 3.754 1.48 5.567 4.041 1.721 2.434 3.675 5.195 7.606 5.337 4.118.138 6.099-2.94 7.853-5.663 1.569-2.434 2.923-4.535 5.508-4.624 2.38-.088 3.674 1.792 5.5 4.885 1.722 2.916 3.671 6.22 7.68 6.365 4.147.143 6.15-3.477 7.895-6.682 1.511-2.77 2.938-5.388 5.466-5.475 2.38-.056 3.62 2.116 5.456 5.746 1.714 3.388 3.658 7.226 7.73 7.373l.224.004c4.066 0 5.996-4.08 7.704-7.689 1.511-3.198 2.942-6.21 5.397-6.334Z" fill-rule="evenodd"></path><path d="M308.887 516.783h53.083V463.7h-53.083Z" fill="#3ecc5f" fill-rule="evenodd"></path><path d="M388.511 483.606a6.602 6.602 0 0 0-.848.085c-.05-.2-.098-.4-.154-.599a6.627 6.627 0 1 0-6.557-11.382q-.22-.225-.444-.446a6.624 6.624 0 1 0-11.397-6.564c-.197-.055-.394-.102-.59-.152a6.64 6.64 0 1 0-13.102 0c-.196.05-.394.097-.59.152a6.628 6.628 0 1 0-11.397 6.564 26.528 26.528 0 1 0 44.231 25.528 6.621 6.621 0 1 0 .848-13.186" fill="#44d860" fill-rule="evenodd"></path><path d="M308.887 437.158h53.083v-26.541h-53.083Z" fill="#3ecc5f" fill-rule="evenodd"></path><path d="M375.24 427.205a3.318 3.318 0 1 0 0-6.635 3.411 3.411 0 0 0-.423.042c-.026-.1-.05-.199-.077-.298a3.319 3.319 0 0 0-1.278-6.38 3.282 3.282 0 0 0-2.001.688q-.11-.113-.223-.223a3.282 3.282 0 0 0 .671-1.983 3.318 3.318 0 0 0-6.37-1.299 13.27 13.27 0 1 0 0 25.541 3.318 3.318 0 0 0 6.37-1.3 3.282 3.282 0 0 0-.671-1.982q.113-.11.223-.223a3.282 3.282 0 0 0 2.001.688 3.318 3.318 0 0 0 1.278-6.38c.028-.098.05-.199.077-.298a3.413 3.413 0 0 0 .423.042" fill="#44d860" fill-rule="evenodd"></path><path d="M388.511 329.334a3.603 3.603 0 0 1-.65-.067 3.344 3.344 0 0 1-.624-.185 3.447 3.447 0 0 1-.572-.306 5.027 5.027 0 0 1-.504-.411 3.887 3.887 0 0 1-.41-.504 3.275 3.275 0 0 1-.558-1.845 3.602 3.602 0 0 1 .067-.65 3.826 3.826 0 0 1 .184-.624 3.489 3.489 0 0 1 .307-.57 3.197 3.197 0 0 1 .914-.916 3.447 3.447 0 0 1 .572-.305 3.344 3.344 0 0 1 .624-.186 3.07 3.07 0 0 1 1.3 0 3.223 3.223 0 0 1 1.195.49 5.028 5.028 0 0 1 .504.412 4.88 4.88 0 0 1 .411.504 3.382 3.382 0 0 1 .306.571 3.478 3.478 0 0 1 .252 1.274 3.364 3.364 0 0 1-.969 2.349 5.027 5.027 0 0 1-.504.411 3.306 3.306 0 0 1-1.845.558m26.542-1.66a3.388 3.388 0 0 1-2.35-.968 5.042 5.042 0 0 1-.41-.504 3.275 3.275 0 0 1-.558-1.845 3.387 3.387 0 0 1 .967-2.349 5.026 5.026 0 0 1 .505-.411 3.447 3.447 0 0 1 .572-.305 3.343 3.343 0 0 1 .623-.186 3.07 3.07 0 0 1 1.3 0 3.224 3.224 0 0 1 1.195.49 5.026 5.026 0 0 1 .504.412 3.388 3.388 0 0 1 .97 2.35 3.726 3.726 0 0 1-.067.65 3.374 3.374 0 0 1-.186.623 4.715 4.715 0 0 1-.305.57 4.88 4.88 0 0 1-.412.505 5.026 5.026 0 0 1-.504.412 3.305 3.305 0 0 1-1.844.557" fill-rule="evenodd"></path></svg></div><div style="width:24px"></div><div><h3>想要在社交媒体上 follow 大佬?</h3><div style="padding:0">没问题,还是像前几步一样。没有什么复杂的交互。</div></div></div><div class="col col--12" style="display:flex;justify-content:center;align-items:center"><div><svg xmlns="" width="1129" height="663" viewBox="0 0 1129 663" class="featureSvg_GfXr" role="img"><title>Focus on What Matters</title><circle cx="321" cy="321" r="321" fill="#f2f2f2"></circle><ellipse cx="559" cy="635.5" rx="514" ry="27.5" fill="#3f3d56"></ellipse><ellipse cx="558" cy="627" rx="460" ry="22" opacity="0.2"></ellipse><path fill="#3f3d56" d="M131 152.5h840v50H131z"></path><path d="M131 608.83a21.67 21.67 0 0 0 21.67 21.67h796.66A21.67 21.67 0 0 0 971 608.83V177.5H131ZM949.33 117.5H152.67A21.67 21.67 0 0 0 131 139.17v38.33h840v-38.33a21.67 21.67 0 0 0-21.67-21.67Z" fill="#3f3d56"></path><path d="M949.33 117.5H152.67A21.67 21.67 0 0 0 131 139.17v38.33h840v-38.33a21.67 21.67 0 0 0-21.67-21.67Z" opacity="0.2"></path><circle cx="181" cy="147.5" r="13" fill="#3f3d56"></circle><circle cx="217" cy="147.5" r="13" fill="#3f3d56"></circle><circle cx="253" cy="147.5" r="13" fill="#3f3d56"></circle><rect x="168" y="213.5" width="337" height="386" rx="5.335" fill="#606060"></rect><rect x="603" 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ry="24.981" fill="#3f3d56"></ellipse><ellipse cx="1038.003" cy="429.786" rx="19.083" ry="24.981" fill="#3f3d56"></ellipse><path d="M1109.439 220.845a91.61 91.61 0 0 0 7.106-10.461l-50.14-8.235 54.228.403a91.566 91.566 0 0 0 1.746-72.426l-72.755 37.742 67.097-49.321A91.413 91.413 0 1 0 965.75 220.845a91.458 91.458 0 0 0-10.425 16.67l65.087 33.814-69.4-23.292a91.46 91.46 0 0 0 14.738 85.837 91.406 91.406 0 1 0 143.689 0 91.418 91.418 0 0 0 0-113.03Z" fill="#3ecc5f" fill-rule="evenodd"></path><path d="M946.188 277.36a91.013 91.013 0 0 0 19.562 56.514 91.406 91.406 0 1 0 143.689 0c12.25-15.553-163.25-66.774-163.25-56.515Z" opacity="0.1"></path><path d="M330.12 342.936h111.474v45.12H330.12Z" fill="#fff" fill-rule="evenodd"></path><path d="M229.263 490.241a26.51 26.51 0 0 1-22.963-13.27 26.51 26.51 0 0 0 22.963 39.812h26.541V490.24Z" fill="#3ecc5f" fill-rule="evenodd"></path><path d="m348.672 350.07 92.922-5.807v-13.27a26.54 26.54 0 0 0-26.541-26.542H295.616l-3.318-5.746a3.83 3.83 0 0 0-6.635 0l-3.318 5.746-3.317-5.746a3.83 3.83 0 0 0-6.636 0l-3.317 5.746-3.318-5.746a3.83 3.83 0 0 0-6.635 0l-3.318 5.746c-.03 0-.056.004-.086.004l-5.497-5.495a3.83 3.83 0 0 0-6.407 1.717l-1.817 6.773-6.89-1.847a3.83 3.83 0 0 0-4.691 4.693l1.844 6.891-6.77 1.814a3.832 3.832 0 0 0-1.72 6.41l5.497 5.497c0 .028-.004.055-.004.085l-5.747 3.317a3.83 3.83 0 0 0 0 6.636l5.747 3.317-5.747 3.318a3.83 3.83 0 0 0 0 6.635l5.747 3.318-5.747 3.318a3.83 3.83 0 0 0 0 6.635l5.747 3.318-5.747 3.317a3.83 3.83 0 0 0 0 6.636l5.747 3.317-5.747 3.318a3.83 3.83 0 0 0 0 6.636l5.747 3.317-5.747 3.318a3.83 3.83 0 0 0 0 6.635l5.747 3.318-5.747 3.318a3.83 3.83 0 0 0 0 6.635l5.747 3.318-5.747 3.317a3.83 3.83 0 0 0 0 6.636l5.747 3.317-5.747 3.318a3.83 3.83 0 0 0 0 6.635l5.747 3.318-5.747 3.318a3.83 3.83 0 0 0 0 6.635l5.747 3.318-5.747 3.317a3.83 3.83 0 0 0 0 6.636l5.747 3.317-5.747 3.318a3.83 3.83 0 0 0 0 6.635l5.747 3.318a26.54 26.54 0 0 0 26.541 26.542h159.249a26.54 26.54 0 0 0 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0-.672-1.982q.114-.11.223-.223a3.282 3.282 0 0 0 2.001.688 3.318 3.318 0 0 0 1.278-6.38c.028-.098.05-.199.077-.298a3.413 3.413 0 0 0 .424.042" fill="#44d860" fill-rule="evenodd"></path><path d="M282.345 347.581a3.318 3.318 0 0 1-3.317-3.318 9.953 9.953 0 1 0-19.906 0 3.318 3.318 0 1 1-6.636 0 16.588 16.588 0 1 1 33.177 0 3.318 3.318 0 0 1-3.318 3.318" fill-rule="evenodd"></path><path d="M335.428 516.783h79.625a26.54 26.54 0 0 0 26.541-26.542v-92.895H361.97a26.54 26.54 0 0 0-26.542 26.542Z" fill="#ffff50" fill-rule="evenodd"></path><path d="M421.714 438.485h-66.406a1.327 1.327 0 0 1 0-2.654h66.406a1.327 1.327 0 0 1 0 2.654m0 26.542h-66.406a1.327 1.327 0 1 1 0-2.654h66.406a1.327 1.327 0 0 1 0 2.654m0 26.541h-66.406a1.327 1.327 0 1 1 0-2.654h66.406a1.327 1.327 0 0 1 0 2.654m0-66.106h-66.406a1.327 1.327 0 0 1 0-2.655h66.406a1.327 1.327 0 0 1 0 2.655m0 26.294h-66.406a1.327 1.327 0 0 1 0-2.654h66.406a1.327 1.327 0 0 1 0 2.654m0 26.542h-66.406a1.327 1.327 0 0 1 0-2.655h66.406a1.327 1.327 0 0 1 0 2.655m19.88-122.607c-.016 0-.03-.008-.045-.007-4.1.14-6.04 4.241-7.753 7.86-1.786 3.783-3.168 6.242-5.432 6.167-2.506-.09-3.94-2.922-5.458-5.918-1.744-3.443-3.734-7.347-7.913-7.201-4.042.138-5.99 3.708-7.706 6.857-1.828 3.355-3.071 5.394-5.47 5.3-2.557-.093-3.916-2.395-5.488-5.06-1.753-2.967-3.78-6.304-7.878-6.19-3.973.137-5.925 3.166-7.648 5.84-1.822 2.826-3.098 4.549-5.527 4.447-2.618-.093-3.97-2.004-5.535-4.216-1.757-2.486-3.737-5.3-7.823-5.163-3.886.133-5.838 2.615-7.56 4.802-1.634 2.075-2.91 3.718-5.611 3.615a1.328 1.328 0 1 0-.096 2.654c4.004.134 6.032-2.389 7.793-4.628 1.562-1.985 2.91-3.698 5.564-3.789 2.556-.108 3.754 1.48 5.567 4.041 1.721 2.434 3.675 5.195 7.606 5.337 4.118.138 6.099-2.94 7.853-5.663 1.569-2.434 2.923-4.535 5.508-4.624 2.38-.088 3.674 1.792 5.5 4.885 1.722 2.916 3.671 6.22 7.68 6.365 4.147.143 6.15-3.477 7.895-6.682 1.511-2.77 2.938-5.388 5.466-5.475 2.38-.056 3.62 2.116 5.456 5.746 1.714 3.388 3.658 7.226 7.73 7.373l.224.004c4.066 0 5.996-4.08 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