Subscription based businesses are super popular and Danny realised that there was a large gap in the market - he wanted to create a new streaming service that only had food related content - something like Netflix but with only cooking shows!
Danny finds a few smart friends to launch his new startup Foodie-Fi in 2020 and started selling monthly and annual subscriptions, giving their customers unlimited on-demand access to exclusive food videos from around the world!
Danny created Foodie-Fi with a data driven mindset and wanted to ensure all future investment decisions and new features were decided using data. This case study focuses on using subscription style digital data to answer important business questions.
How many customers has Foodie-Fi ever had?
-- How many customers has Foodie-Fi ever had... Select count(distinct customer_id) as Customers from subscriptions;
What is the monthly distribution of trial plan start_date values for our dataset - use the start of the month as the group by value
-- What is the monthly distribution of trial plan start_date values for our dataset - use the start of the month as the group by value
select plan_id,month(start_date) as month,count(month(start_date)) as count from subscriptions
group by month(start_date),plan_id
having plan_id=0;
- What plan start_date values occur after the year 2020 for our dataset? Show the breakdown by count of events for each plan_name
select plans.plan_name,sp.plan_id ,year(start_date) as year,count(year(start_date)) as Count_of_events from subscriptions as sp join plans on sp.plan_id=plans.plan_id where year(start_date)>2020 group by plans.plan_name,plan_id,year(start_date);
- What is the customer count and percentage of customers who have churned rounded to 1 decimal place?
select plan_name,
count((select count(distinct customer_id) from subscriptions)) as count_of_churned,
ROUND(count(plans.plan_name)/(select count(distinct customer_id) from subscriptions),1)*100 as Percentage
from subscriptions as sp
join plans on sp.plan_id=plans.plan_id
where plan_name='churn';
- How many customers have churned straight after their initial free trial - what percentage is this rounded to the nearest whole number?
select plan_id,count(customer_id) as count_customer, Round(count(customer_id)/(select count(customer_id) from subscriptions),3)*100 as Percentage from subscriptions where plan_id=4 and customer_id in(select customer_id from subscriptions where plan_id=0);
- What is the number and percentage of customer plans after their initial free trial?
SELECT COUNT(plan_id) AS count_cust, ROUND(count(customer_id)/(select count(customer_id) from subscriptions),2)*100 as Percentage FROM subscriptions WHERE plan_id != 0;
- What is the customer count and percentage breakdown of all 5 plan_name values at 2020-12-31?
select plan_name,count(customer_id) as count, ROUND(count(plan_name)/(select count(customer_id) from subscriptions),5)*100 as Percentage from subscriptions as sp join plans as p on sp.plan_id=p.plan_id where start_date='2020-12-31' group by plan_name;
- How many customers have upgraded to an annual plan in 2020?
select plan_name,count(customer_id) as count from subscriptions as sp join plans as p on sp.plan_id=p.plan_id where plan_name='pro annual' AND year(start_date)='2020';
- How many days on average does it take for a customer to an annual plan from the day they join Foodie-Fi?
Select count(customer_id) as No_of_customers,AVG(DATEDIFF( (Select Min(start_date) from subscriptions as s1 where s1.customer_id=s2.customer_id and plan_id=3), (Select MIN(start_date) from subscriptions as s3 where s3.customer_id=s2.customer_id ))) as AVG_Days_to_reach_annual_program from subscriptions as s2 where plan_id !=3;
12. Can you further breakdown this average value into 30 day periods (i.e. 0-30 days, 31-60 days etc)
WHEN days_difference >= 0 AND days_difference <= 30 THEN '0-30 days'
WHEN days_difference > 30 AND days_difference <= 60 THEN '31-60 days'
WHEN days_difference > 61 AND days_difference <= 90 THEN '61-90 days'
ELSE 'More than 90 days' END AS period,
COUNT(customer_id) AS No_of_customers,
AVG(days_difference) AS AVG_Days_to_reach_annual_program
(SELECT MIN(start_date) FROM subscriptions AS s1 WHERE s1.customer_id = s2.customer_id AND plan_id = 3),
(SELECT MIN(start_date) FROM subscriptions AS s3 WHERE s3.customer_id = s2.customer_id)) AS days_difference
FROM subscriptions AS s2 WHERE plan_id != 3 AND plan_id != 4) AS differences
GROUP BY period
ORDER BY period;
- How many customers downgraded from a pro monthly to a basic monthly plan in 2020?
select plan_id,count(distinct customer_id)as downgraded_from_annual_to_basic from subscriptions
where plan_id =1
and customer_id in
(select distinct customer_id from subscriptions where plan_id=2 and year(start_date)=2020);