Welcome to I, Chatbot, a workshop all about building bots for Microsoft Teams and Sharepoint using the latest version of the Bot Framework.
These notes are intended as a companion for the workshop. Most of the slides are here; some text slides have been placed directly into the text of these notes. There is a markdown file for each section of the workshop as follows:
- Part 1 - First Bot
- Part 2 - QnA Maker
- Part 3 - Bot State
- Part 4 - Dialogs
- Part 5 - LUIS
- Part 6 - Adaptive Cards
- Part 7 - Calling back-end services
Some of the sections include challenges; many of these are for you to take home after the workshop, since it's not feasible to get everybody set up with the right tools and subscriptions. A few of the challenges require just a web browser, and can be completed during the workshop as time permits.