This is frontend repository of HoneyWorks Info.
Made with ❤️ by HoneyWorks fans.
- props definition
- page options (e.g.
, ...) - user options (ref definition, e.g.
const showEvolved = ref(false);
) - fetch, filter and paginate data (if need)
- watches (if need)
- function parsing from fetched data to data displayed on page, and (e.g.
- if the source code of file is more than 200 lines, it's recommend to split into multiple files.
- Also, if one part of a file work separately with other parts, or with little data to share, it's also recommend to split into multiple files.
- When considering splitting a part of code,
a. if the code is re-usable for other pages, it's recommend to put the code into upper code folder (
). b. if the code is only needed in current page, it's recommend to put the code to internal folder, CharacterCardDetail.vue is an example.