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Merge pull request #3826 from Hannah-Sten/package-updates
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Add inspection to check for LaTeX package updates
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PHPirates authored Dec 28, 2024
2 parents c748e1f + 96e5aed commit 90b30fd
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Showing 9 changed files with 240 additions and 60 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
* Support label references to user defined listings environment
* Add option to disable automatic compilation in power save mode
* Convert automatic compilation settings to a combobox
* Add inspection to check for LaTeX package updates
* Add checkboxes to graphic insertion wizard for relative width or height

### Fixed
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7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions Writerside/topics/
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Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,13 @@ This inspection is for TeX Live only, MiKTeX automatically installs packages on
When using `\usepackage` or `\RequirePackage`, TeXiFy checks if the packages is installed.
If it isn’t installed, it provides a quick fix to install the package.

## Package update available
_Since b0.9.10_

When a package has an update available on CTAN, this inspection will provide a quickfix to update the package.
Currently, it only works when tlmgr (TeX Live manager) is installed.
The list of available package updates is cached until IntelliJ is restarted or the quickfix is used.

## Package name does not match file name
_Since b0.6.10_

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groupPath="LaTeX" groupName="Probable bugs" displayName="Package is not installed"
level="WARNING" />
<localInspection language="Latex" implementationClass="nl.hannahsten.texifyidea.inspections.latex.probablebugs.packages.LatexPackageUpdateInspection"
groupPath="LaTeX" groupName="Probable bugs" displayName="Package has an update available"
level="WARNING" />
<localInspection language="Latex" implementationClass="nl.hannahsten.texifyidea.inspections.latex.probablebugs.packages.LatexPackageNameDoesNotMatchFileNameInspection"
groupPath="LaTeX" groupName="Probable bugs" displayName="Package name does not match file name"
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1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion resources/META-INF/extensions/startup.xml
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<extensions defaultExtensionNs="com.intellij">
<postStartupActivity implementation="nl.hannahsten.texifyidea.startup.StartEvinceInverseSearchListener"/>
<postStartupActivity implementation="nl.hannahsten.texifyidea.startup.TexLivePackageListInitializer"/>
<postStartupActivity implementation="nl.hannahsten.texifyidea.startup.LatexPackageLocationCacheInitializer"/>
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions resources/inspectionDescriptions/LatexPackageUpdate.html
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@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@

The package given in a <tt>\usepackage</tt> or <tt>\RequirePackage</tt> has an update available.
<!-- tooltip end -->
This inspection only checks installed packages on texlive systems (with tlmgr).
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@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package nl.hannahsten.texifyidea.inspections.latex.probablebugs.packages

import com.intellij.codeInsight.daemon.DaemonCodeAnalyzer
import com.intellij.codeInsight.intention.preview.IntentionPreviewInfo
import com.intellij.codeInspection.InspectionManager
import com.intellij.codeInspection.LocalQuickFix
import com.intellij.codeInspection.ProblemDescriptor
Expand All @@ -17,10 +18,13 @@ import com.intellij.psi.SmartPsiElementPointer
import nl.hannahsten.texifyidea.index.LatexDefinitionIndex
import nl.hannahsten.texifyidea.inspections.InsightGroup
import nl.hannahsten.texifyidea.inspections.TexifyInspectionBase
import nl.hannahsten.texifyidea.lang.commands.LatexGenericRegularCommand
import nl.hannahsten.texifyidea.psi.LatexCommands
import nl.hannahsten.texifyidea.reference.InputFileReference
import nl.hannahsten.texifyidea.settings.sdk.LatexSdkUtil
import nl.hannahsten.texifyidea.settings.sdk.TexliveSdk
import nl.hannahsten.texifyidea.util.TexLivePackages
import nl.hannahsten.texifyidea.util.magic.cmd
import nl.hannahsten.texifyidea.util.parser.childrenOfType
import nl.hannahsten.texifyidea.util.parser.requiredParameter
import nl.hannahsten.texifyidea.util.projectSearchScope
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -49,48 +53,54 @@ class LatexPackageNotInstalledInspection : TexifyInspectionBase() {
override fun inspectFile(file: PsiFile, manager: InspectionManager, isOntheFly: Boolean): List<ProblemDescriptor> {
val descriptors = descriptorList()
// We have to check whether tlmgr is installed, for those users who don't want to install TeX Live in the official way
if (LatexSdkUtil.isTlmgrAvailable(file.project)) {
val installedPackages = TexLivePackages.packageList
val customPackages = LatexDefinitionIndex.Util.getCommandsByName(
"\\ProvidesPackage", file.project,
.map { it.requiredParameter(0) }
.mapNotNull { it?.lowercase(Locale.getDefault()) }
val packages = installedPackages + customPackages

val commands = file.childrenOfType(LatexCommands::class)
.filter { == "\\usepackage" || == "\\RequirePackage" }

for (command in commands) {
val `package` = command.getRequiredParameters().firstOrNull()?.lowercase(Locale.getDefault()) ?: continue
if (`package` !in packages) {
// Use the cache or check if the file reference resolves (in the same way we resolve for the gutter icon).
if (
knownNotInstalledPackages.contains(`package`) ||
command.references.filterIsInstance<InputFileReference>().mapNotNull { it.resolve() }.isEmpty()
) {
"Package is not installed or \\ProvidesPackage is missing",
if (!LatexSdkUtil.isTlmgrAvailable(file.project)) return descriptors

if (TexLivePackages.packageList.isEmpty() && TexliveSdk.Cache.isAvailable) {
val result = "tlmgr list --only-installed".runCommand() ?: return emptyList()
TexLivePackages.packageList = Regex("i\\s(.*):").findAll(result)
.map { it.groupValues.last() }.toMutableList()

val installedPackages = TexLivePackages.packageList
val customPackages = LatexDefinitionIndex.Util.getCommandsByName(
LatexGenericRegularCommand.PROVIDESPACKAGE.cmd, file.project,
.map { it.requiredParameter(0) }
.mapNotNull { it?.lowercase(Locale.getDefault()) }
val packages = installedPackages + customPackages

val commands = file.childrenOfType(LatexCommands::class)
.filter { == LatexGenericRegularCommand.USEPACKAGE.cmd || == LatexGenericRegularCommand.REQUIREPACKAGE.cmd }

for (command in commands) {
val `package` = command.getRequiredParameters().firstOrNull()?.lowercase(Locale.getDefault()) ?: continue
if (`package` !in packages) {
// Use the cache or check if the file reference resolves (in the same way we resolve for the gutter icon).
if (
knownNotInstalledPackages.contains(`package`) ||
command.references.filterIsInstance<InputFileReference>().mapNotNull { it.resolve() }.isEmpty()
) {
"Package is not installed or \\ProvidesPackage is missing",
else {
// Apparently the package is installed, but was not found initially by the TexLivePackageListInitializer (for example stackrel, contained in the oberdiek bundle)
else {
// Apparently the package is installed, but was not found initially by the TexLivePackageListInitializer (for example stackrel, contained in the oberdiek bundle)
Expand All @@ -101,6 +111,11 @@ class LatexPackageNotInstalledInspection : TexifyInspectionBase() {

override fun getFamilyName(): String = "Install $packageName"

override fun generatePreview(project: Project, previewDescriptor: ProblemDescriptor): IntentionPreviewInfo {
// Nothing is modified
return IntentionPreviewInfo.EMPTY

* Install the package in the background and add it to the list of installed
* packages when done.
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@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
package nl.hannahsten.texifyidea.inspections.latex.probablebugs.packages

import com.intellij.codeInsight.daemon.DaemonCodeAnalyzer
import com.intellij.codeInsight.intention.preview.IntentionPreviewInfo
import com.intellij.codeInspection.InspectionManager
import com.intellij.codeInspection.LocalQuickFix
import com.intellij.codeInspection.ProblemDescriptor
import com.intellij.codeInspection.ProblemHighlightType
import com.intellij.notification.Notification
import com.intellij.notification.NotificationType
import com.intellij.openapi.progress.ProgressIndicator
import com.intellij.openapi.progress.ProgressManager
import com.intellij.openapi.progress.Task.Backgroundable
import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project
import com.intellij.psi.PsiFile
import com.intellij.psi.SmartPointerManager
import com.intellij.psi.SmartPsiElementPointer
import nl.hannahsten.texifyidea.inspections.InsightGroup
import nl.hannahsten.texifyidea.inspections.TexifyInspectionBase
import nl.hannahsten.texifyidea.psi.LatexCommands
import nl.hannahsten.texifyidea.settings.sdk.LatexSdkUtil
import nl.hannahsten.texifyidea.settings.sdk.TexliveSdk
import nl.hannahsten.texifyidea.util.magic.CommandMagic
import nl.hannahsten.texifyidea.util.parser.childrenOfType
import nl.hannahsten.texifyidea.util.parser.requiredParameter
import nl.hannahsten.texifyidea.util.runCommand
import nl.hannahsten.texifyidea.util.runCommandWithExitCode

* Check for available updates for LaTeX packages.
* Also see [LatexPackageNotInstalledInspection].
class LatexPackageUpdateInspection : TexifyInspectionBase() {

object Cache {
/** Map package name to old and new revision number */
var availablePackageUpdates = mapOf<String, Pair<String?, String?>>()

override val inspectionGroup = InsightGroup.LATEX

override val inspectionId = "PackageUpdate"

override fun getDisplayName() = "Package has an update available"

override fun inspectFile(file: PsiFile, manager: InspectionManager, isOntheFly: Boolean): List<ProblemDescriptor> {
if (!LatexSdkUtil.isTlmgrAvailable(file.project) || !TexliveSdk.Cache.isAvailable) return emptyList()

if (Cache.availablePackageUpdates.isEmpty()) {
val tlmgrExecutable = LatexSdkUtil.getExecutableName("tlmgr", file.project)
val result = runCommand(tlmgrExecutable, "update", "--list") ?: return emptyList()
Cache.availablePackageUpdates = """update:\s*(?<package>[^ ]+).*local:\s*(?<local>\d+), source:\s*(?<source>\d+)""".toRegex()
.mapNotNull { Pair(it.groups["package"]?.value ?: return@mapNotNull null, Pair(it.groups["local"]?.value, it.groups["source"]?.value)) }
.associate { it }

return file.childrenOfType<LatexCommands>()
.filter { in CommandMagic.packageInclusionCommands }
.filter { it.requiredParameter(0) in Cache.availablePackageUpdates.keys }
.mapNotNull {
val packageName = it.requiredParameter(0) ?: return@mapNotNull null
val packageVersions = Cache.availablePackageUpdates[packageName] ?: return@mapNotNull null
"Update available for package $packageName",
UpdatePackage(SmartPointerManager.getInstance(file.project).createSmartPsiElementPointer(file), packageName, packageVersions.first, packageVersions.second),
UpdatePackage(SmartPointerManager.getInstance(file.project).createSmartPsiElementPointer(file), "--all", null, null),

private class UpdatePackage(val filePointer: SmartPsiElementPointer<PsiFile>, val packageName: String, val old: String?, val new: String?) : LocalQuickFix {

override fun getFamilyName(): String = if (packageName == "--all") "Update all packages" else if (old != null && new != null) "Update $packageName from revision $old to revision $new" else "Update $packageName"

override fun generatePreview(project: Project, previewDescriptor: ProblemDescriptor): IntentionPreviewInfo {
// Nothing is modified
return IntentionPreviewInfo.Html("Run tlngr update $packageName")

override fun applyFix(project: Project, descriptor: ProblemDescriptor) {
val message = if (packageName == "--all") "Updating all packages" else "Updating $packageName..."
ProgressManager.getInstance().run(object : Backgroundable(project, message) {
override fun run(indicator: ProgressIndicator) {
val tlmgrExecutable = LatexSdkUtil.getExecutableName("tlmgr", project)

val timeout: Long = if (packageName == "--all") 1200 else 15
var (output, exitCode) = runCommandWithExitCode(tlmgrExecutable, "update", packageName, returnExceptionMessage = true, timeout = timeout)
if (output?.contains("tlmgr update --self") == true) {
val (tlmgrOutput, tlmgrExitCode) = runCommandWithExitCode(tlmgrExecutable, "update", "--self", returnExceptionMessage = true, timeout = 20)
if (tlmgrExitCode != 0) {
"Package $packageName not updated",
"Could not update tlmgr: $tlmgrOutput",
title = message
val (secondOutput, secondExitCode) = runCommandWithExitCode(tlmgrExecutable, "update", packageName, returnExceptionMessage = true, timeout = timeout)
output = secondOutput
exitCode = secondExitCode

if (exitCode != 0) {
if (packageName == "--all") "Could not update packages" else "Package $packageName not updated",
"Could not update $packageName${if (exitCode == 143) " due to a timeout" else ""}: $output",

override fun onSuccess() {
// Clear cache, since we changed something
Cache.availablePackageUpdates = mapOf()
// Rerun inspections
?: return

This file was deleted.

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@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
package nl.hannahsten.texifyidea.inspections.latex.probablebugs.packages

import io.mockk.every
import io.mockk.mockkObject
import nl.hannahsten.texifyidea.inspections.TexifyInspectionTestBase
import nl.hannahsten.texifyidea.settings.sdk.LatexSdkUtil
import nl.hannahsten.texifyidea.settings.sdk.TexliveSdk
import nl.hannahsten.texifyidea.util.TexLivePackages

class LatexPackageUpdateInspectionTest : TexifyInspectionTestBase(LatexPackageUpdateInspection()) {

fun testWarning() {

LatexPackageUpdateInspection.Cache.availablePackageUpdates = mapOf(Pair("amsmath", Pair("71408", "72779")))

testHighlighting("<warning descr=\"Update available for package amsmath\">\\usepackage{amsmath}</warning>")

private fun texliveWithTlmgr(texlive: Boolean = true, tlmgr: Boolean = true) {
every { TexliveSdk.Cache.isAvailable } returns texlive

every { LatexSdkUtil.isTlmgrInstalled } returns tlmgr

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