This folder contains the lectures.
Participants have been assigned to a breakout room to be used for group discussions. Find your room here.
- Discussion Monday
- Introduction to sequencing techniques - Robert Lyle]
- Introduction to linux - Ramiro Logares
- Introduction to R - Ramiro Logares
- Introduction to Rstudio - Anders K. Krabberød
- Introduction to VSEARCH (and SWARM) - Torbjørn Rognes
- The DADA2 pipeline
- Contamination issues during DNA metabarcoding - Kristine Bohmann
- Taxonomic assignment - Marie Davey
- Estimating abundance from DNA-based data - Douglas Yu
- Bulk-sample Metabarcoding without PCR - Douglas Yu (part II)
- Discussion Wednesday
- Diet Analysis - Galina Gusarova
- Phylogenetic placement - Micha Dunthorn, Lucas Czech
- OTUs, ASVs and phylospecies - Micha Dunthorn
- Long-read metabarcoding - Mahwash Jamy
- Case study - Sundy Maurice
- Metacoder - Ella Thoen
- Networks
- Methods to retrieve intra-species diversity information - Owen S. Wangensteen Fuentes
- Discussion groups