This is a small GUI project which makes use of tkinter, OOP, and algorithms to create a contacts book.
This project is a part of the python group project for Introduction to Computing using Python class at PES University.
Started: Nov 3rd 2019 Finished: Nov 18th 2019
This program will create a GUI interface using tkinter and display all of the contacts stored in the contacts.txt file. All of the GUI code is contanined in the new_interface module. To make the program functional we add in all of the backend features in the Contact_book module. This program is able to save and retrieve data without losing edits made while running. It edits the txt file and parses it every time an action is performed so that the actions are instantaneous.
The GUI is broken down into four differnt frames.
Frame 1: Contains the starting page with all of the contacts on the left side of the screen. It contains a entry box to search the contacts by their name.
Frame 2: Placed on the right side, this frame contains a display box followed by 3 features underneath.
Frame 3: This frame is lifted when the edit feature is called. It contains several boxes to let the user edit the information of the contact.
Frame 4: This frame is lifted when the add feature is called. It contains several boxes to let the user enter the infomation of the new contact to be added.
During this project my groupmate and I picked up a several new tools. They are as follows:
- Object oriented programing
- Using the tkinter library
- File I/O
- Basic searching and sorting algorithms