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My purpose in life is to cleanup stale apps and services on a Cloud Foundry foundation. I can be configured to report on and remove orphaned services and stopped app instances older than a configurable duration. I do other useful things too.


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Pivotal Application Service > Butler

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You are a platform operator working for a Fortune 500 enterprise. You've witnessed first-hand how the product development teams your team supports are super productive; happily invoking cf push, cf create-service and cf bind-service many times per day to deploy applications, create services and bind them to those applications.

This is great, except that over time, on your non-production foundations, as you've browsed organizations and spaces, you have noticed a large number of stopped application instances and orphaned services (i.e., those not bound to any applications).

Reaching out to each development team to tell them to clean-up has become a chore. Why not implement some automation that allows you a) to obtain snapshot and usage reports and b) define and enforce some house-keeping policies for your non-production foundations where applications and services are perhaps more volatile and c) easily handle multi-organization or system-wide use-cases like application instance scaling or stack changes?

This is where cf-butler has your back.

What does it do?

Please take 5-10 mintues to view this short video demonstration to get a sense of what cf-butler can do.

Youtube screenshot

Tell me, don't show me

Cf-butler exposes a number of self-service endpoints that perform house-keeping for your foundation. You define policies and an execution schedule. E.g., applications and service instances could be removed based on policy crtieria. Cf-butler also provides detail and summary snapshot reporting on all applications, service instances, user accounts, organizations and spaces. Lastly, cf-butler aspires to provide operators insight into the "freshness" of installed tiles, stemcells and buildpacks.

And what about Pivotal Telemetry Collector?

Pivotal Telemetry Collector supports collection of configuration data from Operations Manager, certificate data from Credhub, and usage data from Pivotal Application Service. Customers download and install a CLI from Pivotal Network. Typically, a Concourse pipeline is configured to automate collection. The result of collection is a foundation details tarball. Customers may opt to transmit this data to Pivotal.

Telemetry is also available for PCF Dev and Pivotal Container Service.

Note: the Pivotal Telemetry program is opt-in.

Cf-butler is configured and deployed as an application instance. Its capabilities overlap only on usage data collection from Pivotal Application Service. However, cf-butler performs other useful duties like a) snapshot usage reporting and b) policy registration and execution.





  • git 2.20.1 or better
  • JDK 11 or better
  • cf CLI 6.41.0 or better
  • uaac 4.1.0 or better


git clone

How to configure

Make a copy of then edit the contents of the application.yml file located in src/main/resources. A best practice is to append a suffix representating the target deployment environment (e.g., application-pws.yml, application-pcfone.yml). You will need to provide administrator credentials to Apps Manager for the foundation if you want the butler to keep your entire foundation tidy.

You really should not bundle configuration with the application. To take some of the sting away, you might consider externalizing and/or encrypting this configuration.

Managing secrets

Place secrets in config/secrets.json, e.g.,

  "PIVNET_API-TOKEN": "xxxxx"
  "CF_API-HOST": "xxxxx",
  "CF_USERNAME": "xxxxx",
  "CF_PASSWORD": "xxxxx",

We'll use this file later as input configuration for the creation of either a credhub or user-provided service instance.

Replace occurrences of xxxxx above with appropriate values

Minimum required keys

At a minimum you should supply values for the following keys

  • cf.apiHost - a Pivotal Application Service API endpoint
  • token.provider - Pivotal Application Service authorization token provider, options are: userpass or sso
  • pivnet.apiToken - a Pivotal Network legacy API Token, visit your profile

Based on choice of the authorization token provider

Username and password

  • cf.username - a Pivotal Application Service account username (typically an administrator account)
  • cf.password - a Pivotal Application Service account password

Single-sign on

  • cf.refreshToken - the refresh token to be found within ~/.cf/config.json after your authenticate

General configuration notes

If you copied and appended a suffix to the original application.yml then you would set to be that suffix

E.g., if you had a configuration file named application-pws.yml

./gradlew bootRun

See the samples directory for some examples of configuration when deploying to Pivotal Web Services or PCF One.

Using an external database

By default cf-butler employs an in-memory H2 instance.

If you wish to configure an external database you must set set spring.r2dbc.* properties as described here.

Before you cf push, stash the credentials for your database in config/secrets.json like so

  "R2DBC_URL": "rdbc:postgresql://<server>:<port>/<database>",
  "R2DBC_USERNAME": "<username>",
  "R2DBC_PASSWORD": "<password>"

Replace place-holders encapsulated in <> above with real credentials

Or you may wish to cf bind-service to a database service instance. In this case you must abide by a naming convention. The name of your service instance must be cf-butler-backend.

DDL scripts for each supported database are managed underneath src/main/resources/db. Supported databases are: h2, mysql and postgresql.

A sample script and secrets for deploying cf-butler to Pivotal Web Services with an ElephantSQL backend exists for your perusal. If you're rather interested in MySQL as a backend, take a look at this version of secrets and the accompanying script.

Managing policies

Creation and deletion of policies are managed via API endpoints by default. When an audit trail is important to you, you may opt to set cf.policies.provider to git. When you do this, you shift the lifecycle management of policies to Git. You will have to specify additional configuration, like

  • cf.policies.uri the location of the repository that contains policy files in JSON format
  • cf.policies.commit the commit id to pull from
  • cf.policies.filePaths an array of file paths of policy files

Policy files must adhere to a naming convention where:

A sample Github repository exists here.

Have a look at secrets.pws.json for an example of how to configure secrets for deployment of cf-butler to PAS integrating with the aforementioned sample Github repository.

On startup cf-butler will read files from the repo and cache in a database. Each policy's id will be set to the commit id.

Query policies

Query policies are useful when you want to step out side the canned snapshot reporting capabilties and leverage the underlying schema to author one or more of your own queries and have the results delivered as comma-separated value attachments using a defined email notification template.

As mentioned previously the policy file must adhere to a naming convention

  • a filename ending with -QP.json encapsulates an individual QueryPolicy

If you intend to deploy query policies you must also configure the notification.engine property. You can define it in your


  engine: <engine>




Replace <engine> above with one of either java-mail, or sendgrid

Furthermore, you will need to define additional properties depending on which engine you chose. Checkout the secrets profile in application.yml to get to know what they are.

E.g, if you intended to use sendgrid as your email notification engine then your secrets-{env}.yml might contain

  "NOTIFICATION_ENGINE": "sendgrid",
  "SENDGRID_API-KEY": "replace_me"

To set the operations schedule

Update the value of the cron properties in application.yml. Consult this article and the Javadoc to understand how to tune it for your purposes.

cron has two sub-properties: collection and execution. Make sure execution is scheduled to trigger after collection.

To discriminate user from service accounts

Consult for the default pattern value used to discriminate between user and service accounts. You may override the default by adding to

  • application.yml

      accountRegex: "some other pattern"


  • config/secrets.json

      "CF_ACCOUNT-REGEX": "some other pattern"

Filtering organizations


Set cf.organizationBlackList. The system organization is excluded by default.

Edit application.yml and add

    - system


Add an entry in your config/secrets.json like



Within each ApplicationPolicy or ServiceInstancePolicy you may optionally specify a list of organizations that will be whitelisted. Policy execution will be restricted to just these organizations in the whitelist.

If the organization whitelist is not specified in a policy then that policy's execution applies to all organizations on the foundation (except for those in the organization blacklist).

Integration w/ Operations Manager

You must add the following configuration properties to application-{env}.yml if you want to enable integration with an operations manager instance

  • om.apiHost - a Pivotal Operations Manager API endpoint
  • om.enabled - a boolean property that must be set to true

the {env} filename suffix above denotes the Spring Profile you would activate for your environment


Add entries in your config/secrets.json like

  "OM_API-HOST": "xxxxxx",
  "OM_ENABLED": true

How to Build

./gradlew build

alternative build with MySQL support

If you want to target a MySQL database as your back-end you will need to run a script to fetch and build the mysql-r2dbc dependency. (As of 2019-07-08 it's not currently available as a release from a public repository).

Note: You will need to have a distribution of Java JDK 8 available to package and install the dependency to be later resolved from your local Maven repository.

./gradlew -b build.w-mysql.gradle

How to Run with Gradle

./gradlew bootRun{target_foundation_profile}

where {target_foundation_profile} is something like pws or pcfone

You'll need to manually stop to the application with Ctrl+C

How to Run with Docker

You might choose this option when experimenting with an external database provider image like postgres or mysql


docker build -t pivotalio/cf-butler:latest .


Start database

docker run --name butler-mysql -e MYSQL_DATABASE=butler -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=p@ssw0rd! -e MYSQL_USER=butler -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=p@ssw0rd -p 3306:3306 -d mysql:5.7.26



docker run --name butler-postgres -e POSTGRES_DB=butler -e POSTGRES_USER=butler -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=p@ssw0rd -p 5432:5432 -d postgres:11.4


Start application

docker run -it --rm -e SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE={env} pivotalio/cf-butler

Note: You should have authored an application-{env}.yml that encapsulates the appropriate configuration within src/main/resources before you built the cf-butler-{version}-SNAPSHOT.jar artifact with Gradle


docker ps -a
docker stop {pid}

where {pid} is a Docker process id


docker rm {pid}

where {pid} is the Docker process id

How to deploy to Pivotal Application Service

with Username and password authorization

The following instructions explain how to get started when token.provider is set to userpass

Authenticate to a foundation using the API endpoint.

E.g., login to Pivotal Web Services

cf login -a

with SSO authorization

The following instructions explain how to get started when token.provider is set to sso

Authenticate to a foundation using the API endpoint

E.g., login to PCF One

cf login -a -sso

Visit the link in the password prompt to retrieve a temporary passcode, then complete the login process


Inspect the contents of ~/.cf/config.json and copy the value of RefreshToken.

Paste the value as the value for CF_REFRESH-TOKEN in your config/secrets.json

  "TOKEN_PROVIDER": "sso",
  "CF_API-HOST": "xxxxx",
  "CF_REFRESH-TOKEN": "xxxxx",

using scripts

Please review the manifest.yml before deploying.

Deploy the app (w/ a user-provided service instance vending secrets)


Deploy the app (w/ a Credhub service instance vending secrets)

./scripts/ --with-credhub

Shutdown and destroy the app and service instances


Note: If you are seeing OutOfMemory exceptions shortly after startup you may need to cf scale the available memory for large foundations.


These REST endpoints have been exposed for reporting and administrative purposes.

Operations Manager

These endpoints are only available when the om.enabled property is set to true. A valid om.apiHost property must also have been defined. Mimics a reduced set of the Operations Manager API. For each request, the Request header must contain an Authorization bearer token. To obtain a token, consult the Authentication section of the Operations Manager API.

GET /products/deployed

List of all tiles installed on foundation.

GET /products/stemcell/assignments

Lists all stemcells associated with installed tiles (includes staged and available stemcell versions).

GET /products/om/info

Returns the current version of the Operations Manager instance

Pivotal Network

These endpoints are only available when the pivnet.enabled property is set to true. A valid pivnet.apiToken property must also have been defined. Mimics a reduced set of the Pivotal Network API.

GET /store/product/catalog

Retrieves a list of all products from Pivotal Network (includes buildpacks, stemcells and tiles)

GET /store/product/releases?q=latest

Returns a list of the latest available releases for all products on Pivotal Network (includes buildpacks, stemcells and tiles)

GET /store/product/releases?q=all

Returns a list of all available releases for all products on Pivotal Network (includes buildpacks, stemcells and tiles)


GET /snapshot/organizations

Lists organizations

GET /snapshot/organizations/count

Counts the number of organizations on a foundation

GET /snapshot/spaces/users

Provides details and light metrics for users by role within all organizations and spaces on a foundation

Sample output

    organization: "Northwest",
    space: "akarode",
    auditors: [ ],
    developers: [
    managers: [
    users: [
    user-count: 2,
    organization: "Northwest",
    space: "arao",
    auditors: [ ],
    developers: [
    managers: [
    users: [
    user-count: 1

users is the unique subset of all users from each role in the organization/space

GET /snapshot/{organization}/{space}/users

Provides details and light metrics for users by role within a targeted organization and space

GET /snapshot/users

Lists all unique user accounts on a foundation

GET /snapshot/users/count

Counts the number of user accounts on a foundation

GET /snapshot/summary

Provides summary metrics for applications, service instances, and users on a foundation

Note: this summary report does not take the place of an official foundation Accounting Report. The Accounting Report is focussed on calculating aggregates (on a monthly basis) such as: (a) the total hours of application instance usage, (b) the largest # of application instances running (a.k.a. maximum concurrent application instances), c) the total hours of service instance usage and (d) the largest # of service instances running (a.k.a. maximum concurrent service instances).

Sample output

  "application-counts": {
    "by-organization": {
      "Northwest": 35
    "by-buildpack": {
      "java": 28,
      "nodejs": 2,
      "unknown": 5
    "by-stack": {
      "cflinuxfs2": 20,
      "cflinuxfs3": 15
    "by-dockerimage": {
      "--": 0
    "by-status": {
      "stopped": 15,
      "started": 20
    "total-applications": 35,
    "total-running-application-instances": 21,
    "total-stopped-application-instances": 18,
    "total-crashed-application-instances": 3,
    "total-application-instances": 42,
    "velocity": {
      "between-two-days-and-one-week": 6,
      "between-one-week-and-two-weeks": 0,
      "between-one-day-and-two-days": 3,
      "between-one-month-and-three-months": 5,
      "between-three-months-and-six-months": 4,
      "between-two-weeks-and-one-month": 1,
      "in-last-day": 0,
      "between-six-months-and-one-year": 10,
      "beyond-one-year": 6
  "service-instance-counts": {
    "by-organization": {
    "Northwest": 37
    "by-service": {
      "rediscloud": 2,
      "elephantsql": 4,
      "mlab": 2,
      "p-service-registry": 2,
      "cleardb": 10,
      "p-config-server": 2,
      "user-provided": 9,
      "app-autoscaler": 2,
      "cloudamqp": 4
    "by-service-and-plan": {
      "cleardb/spark": 10,
      "mlab/sandbox": 2,
      "rediscloud/30mb": 2,
      "p-service-registry/trial": 2,
      "elephantsql/turtle": 4,
      "p-config-server/trial": 2,
      "cloudamqp/lemur": 4,
      "app-autoscaler/standard": 2
    "total-service-instances": 37,
    "velocity": {
      "between-two-days-and-one-week": 4,
      "between-one-week-and-two-weeks": 1,
      "between-one-day-and-two-days": 2,
      "between-one-month-and-three-months": 3,
      "between-three-months-and-six-months": 0,
      "between-two-weeks-and-one-month": 1,
      "in-last-day": 0,
      "between-six-months-and-one-year": 5,
      "beyond-one-year": 8
  "user-counts": {
    "by-organization": {
      "zoo-labs": 1,
      "Northwest": 14
    "total-users": 14
GET /snapshot/detail

Provides lists of all applications and service instances (by organization and space) and accounts (split into sets of user and service names) on the foundation

Note: this detail report does not take the place of an official foundation Accounting Report. However, it does provide a much more detailed snapshot of all the applications that were currently running at the time of collection.

GET /snapshot/detail/ai

Provides lists of all applications in comma-separated value format

Sample output

Application inventory detail from generated 2019-03-22T07:13:07.086572.

organization,space,application id,application name,buildpack,image,stack,running instances,total instances,urls,last pushed,last event,last event actor,last event time,requested state
GET /snapshot/detail/si

Provides a list of all service instances in comma-separated value format

Sample output

Service inventory detail from generated 2019-03-22T07:07:28.166022.

organization,space,service instance id,name,service,description,plan,type,bound applications,last operation,last updated,dashboard url,requested state
"mvptime","default",,"reactive-cassy-secrets","credhub","Stores configuration parameters securely in CredHub","default","managed_service_instance","reactive-cassy","create","2018-11-20T00:00",,"succeeded"
"planespotter","default",,"planespotter-vault","credhub","Stores configuration parameters securely in CredHub","default","managed_service_instance","planespotter-alpha","update","2019-03-21T00:00",,"succeeded"
GET /snapshot/detail/users

Provides a list of all space users (ignoring role) in comma-separated value format by organization and space, where multiple users in each space are comma-separated. Service accounts are filtered.

Sample output

User accounts from generated 2019-05-17T00:19:45.932764.

organization,space,user accounts
GET /snapshot/demographics

Yields organization, space user account, and service account totals on the foundation

Sample output

  "total-organizations": 4,
  "total-spaces": 11,
  "total-user-accounts": 3,
  "total-service-accounts": 3


Note: /accounting/** endpoints below require a user with cloud_controller.admin or usage_service.audit scope. See Creating and Managing Users with the UAA CLI (UAAC).

GET /accounting/applications

Produces a system-wide account report of application usage

Note: Report excludes application instances in the system org

GET /accounting/services

Produces a system-wide account report of service usage

Note: Report excludes user-provided service instances

GET /accounting/tasks

Produces a system-wide account report of task usage


POST /policies

  "application-policies": [
      "description": "Remove stopped applications that are older than some date/time from now and restricted to whitelisted organizations",
      "state": "stopped",
      "options": {
        "from-datime": "2019-07-01T12:30:00",
        "delete-services": true
      "organization-whitelist": [
      "description": "Scale running applications restricted to whitelisted organizations",
      "operation": "scale-instances",
      "state": "started",
      "options": {
        "instances-from": 1,
        "instances-to": 2
      "organization-whitelist": [
      "description": "Change the stack for applications restricted to whitelisted organizations",
      "operation": "change-stack",
      "state": "started",
      "options": {
        "stack-from": "cflinuxfs2",
        "stack-to": "cflinuxfs3"
      "organization-whitelist": [
  "service-instance-policies": [
      "description": "Remove orphaned services that are older than some duration from now and restricted to whitelisted organizations",
      "options": {
        "from-duration": "P1D"
      "organization-whitelist": [
  "query-policies": [
      "description":"Query policy that will run two queries and email the results as per the template configuration.",
      "queries": [
              "name": "docker-images",
              "description": "Find all running Docker image based containers",
              "sql": "select * from application_detail where running_instances > 0 and requested_state = 'started' and image is not null"
              "name": "all-apps-pushed-and-still-running-in-the-last-week",
              "description": "Find all running applications pushed in the last week not including the system organization",
              "sql": "select * from application_detail where running_instances > 0 and requested_state = 'started' and week(last_pushed) = week(current_date) -1 AND year(last_pushed) = year(current_date) and organization not in ('system')"
        "from": "",
        "to": [ "" ],
        "subject": "Query Policy Sample Report",
        "body": "Results are herewith attached for your consideration."

Establish policies to delete and scale applications, delete service instances, and query for anything from schema. This endpoint is only available when cf.policies.provider is set to dbms.

Consult the java.time.Duration javadoc for other examples of what you can specify when setting values for from-duration properties above.

GET /policies

List current policies

DELETE /policies

Delete all established policies. This endpoint is only available when cf.policies.provider is set to dbms.

GET /policies/application/{id}

Obtain application policy details by id

GET /policies/serviceInstance/{id}

Obtain service instance policy details by id

GET /policies/query/{id}

Obtain query policy details by id

DELETE /policies/application/{id}

Delete an application policy by its id. This endpoint is only available when cf.policies.provider is set to dbms.

DELETE /policies/serviceInstance/{id}

Delete a service instance policy by its id. This endpoint is only available when cf.policies.provider is set to dbms.

DELETE /policies/query/{id}

Delete a query policy by its id. This endpoint is only available when cf.policies.provider is set to dbms.

GET /policies/report

Produces text/plain historical output detailing what policies had an effect on applications and service instances. (Does not track execution of query policies).

GET /policies/report?start={startDate}&end={endDate}

Produces text/plain historical output detailing what policies had an effect on applications and service instances constrained by date range. {startDate} must be before {endDate}. Both parameters are LocalDate. (Does not track execution of query policies).



My purpose in life is to cleanup stale apps and services on a Cloud Foundry foundation. I can be configured to report on and remove orphaned services and stopped app instances older than a configurable duration. I do other useful things too.



Code of conduct





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  • Java 95.8%
  • Shell 3.1%
  • Other 1.1%