Create and manage panels stand-alone panels for Leaflet maps, or load panels to house Leaflet plugins
Installation and Use:
Add PanelManager to the map
- Link
in the head section - Link
in the body section after instantiating a map in a "map" div - After
, add PanelManager to the map:var panelManager = L.PanelManager.addTo(map);
Create Panels
position: "bottom",
toggleHide: true,
title: "Hi there"
position: "right",
toggleHide: "button",
title: "I am another panel"
Panel Options for constructing panels directly
- position
- toggleHide
- title
- initiallyVisible
- toggleOnCallback
- toggleOffCallback
- silentToggleOnEvent
- silentToggleOffEvent
- responsiveRules (not yet implemented)
Load a plugin (e.g. Redliner)
var redliner = L.Redliner.addTo(map);
- The plugin must have a "GUI" property, which exposes a "loadPanels" function
Plugin Development Guide
PluginManager can be used as a kind of front-end for Leaflet plugins which employ the interface. Plugins must have a GUI property with a "loadPanels" function, which must return an array of panel specifications objects. The array can contain as many panel specifications as desired. (See Redliner for an example of implementing both a button-list panel and a document-list panel.
A panel is specified as such:
title - string (for display)
panelName - string (an identifier)
position - "top" | "bottom" | "right" | "left"
toggleHide - "button" | "peek" | true | false | null
if "button":
toggleIcon: - path to an image
toggleOnCallback - function exectued when panel is shown
toggleOffCallback - function executed when panel is hidden
type - "button-list" | "document-list" | null
if "button-list":
buttons - array of button objects where a button is
name - string
icon - class name (in your styles, you can style the button with this)
callback - function which is executed when your button is clicked
if "document-list":
documentSource: the array of objects to display
documentActions: array of actions associated with the documents (e.g. delete, share), shown as buttons.
Each action is
- name: string (identifier, you can make a class in your styles named after this to style the specific action button)
- displayName: string (what is displayed in the button)
- action: function (executed when the button is clicked)