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Commandline arguments overview

Moritz Brückner edited this page Mar 6, 2020 · 7 revisions

Dox has several command line arguments and prints its usage options by running haxelib run dox without any arguments.

Argument Expected value description
-o, --output-path path Set the output path for generated pages (directory or a .zip file)
-i, --input-path path Set the xml input path (file names correspond to platform names)
-t, --template-path path Add template directory
-res, --resource-path dir Add a resource directory whose contents are copied to the output directory
-in, --include regex Add a path include filter
-ex, --exclude regex Add a path exclude filter
--include-private Include private fields and types
--title name Set the page main title
--toplevel-package dot path Set the package which serves as top-level
--no-markdown Disables the markdown rendering
-theme name Set the theme name or path
-D, --define <key> <value> Defines key = value

Default theme settings

The default theme has some settings/defines:

Define description
-D version Sets the version of the documentation
-D source-path Sets the view-source button path, example:
-D themeColor sets the background color of header/footer - default value 0xFAFAFA
-D textColor sets the text color of header/footer - defaults to a contrasting color to the themeColor
-D website url to website for logo and footer. defaults to the root path in some cases
-D logo path to image. if not provided no logo is shown
-D description A paragraph at the landing page / toplevel package view

Using these settings allows to style the API documentation very easily. Check out the Default theme examples.