It is a convertor program that converts .csv format file to .xml format file with several seperator and end line character options.
● CSV2XML tool takes the following command line arguments:
○ -separator
defines separator between each datum (1=comma, 2=tab, 3=semicolon)
○ -opsys
defines the end of line character format (1=windows, 2=linux, 3=macos)
○ -h
print information to screen about how other arguments can be used.
● Usage of CSV2XML file as follows:
CSV2XML [-separator ][-opsys ][-h]
● The sample command line usage converting from CSV to XML as follows:
./CVS2XML Contacts.csv Contacts.xml -separator 1 -opsys 1
CVS2XML will produce an XML file in basic form. Please check the example in the repository.