Project contains source code that was made originally for the Django file upload example at StackOverflow.
The goal with minimal-django-file-upload-example is to demonstrate and teach how file uploading is done with Django. Because of the academic nature of the project all the extra functionality is left out. Otherwise you would have hard time to guess what is important and what is not.
First ensure you have Django 1.10 installed. Then:
$ git clone https://github.com/HealthHackAu2016/BNE_superFriendsAgainstSuperBugs.git
$ python manage.py makemigrations myapp
$ python manage.py migrate
$ python manage.py runserver
Download dependencies used in the project listed in requirements.txt file
- Alan Robertson http://github.com/alaniscool
- Jacek Serafinski http://github.com/jackpotek
- Jacek Sokolowski http://github.com/jsokol89
- Jake Parker http://github.com/GeneMachines
- Lisa Pomery
- Michael Hall http://github.com/mbhall88
- Miranda Pitt