Crawler with websocket and rest api
By default tcp server run on 8181
[0] Log
[0] REST POST method
[✓] GET api/version
Response json: {"apiVersion":"v1.0"}
Send message:
{"Message":"Need api version"}
{"Message": "Version of API", "Data": {"API version": "v1.0"}
Send message:
"Message": "Get items from categories of company",
"Data": {
"Iri": "http://link of company",
"Name": "Name of company",
"Categories": ["Some categories id or name"],
"Pages": [{
"Path": "path to search page",
"PageInPaginationSelector": ".pagination-list .pagination-item",
"PageParamPath": "/f/page=",
"CityParamPath": "?cityId=",
"CityParam": "CityCZ_975",
"ItemSelector": ".grid-view .product-tile",
"NameOfItemSelector": ".product-tile-title",
"PriceOfItemSelector": ".product-price-current"
Response for all connected clients:
"Data": {
"Item": {
"Name": "Смартфон Samsung Galaxy J5 Prime Black",
"Price": {
"Value": "12990",
"DateTime": "2017-05-01T16:27:18.543653798Z",
"City": "Москва"
"Company": {
"ID": "",
"Iri": "link",
"Name": "Company name",
"Categories": ["Some categories id or name"]
"Message": "Item from categories of company parsed"