Jenkins exporter is an exporter to get metrics of Jenkins server, deployed on FSOFT environment.
Jenkins exporter has been written in python3. It's been tested with Jenkins versions 2.143, 2.176.1 and 2.332.2, 2.387.3
Note: Supported Python versions are Python 3.11.x, so make sure you are running Jenkins Exporter with those versions
You can download the source code and build docker yourself, or use the docker image under the Docker Hub repository:
docker build -t jenkins_exporter .
docker run -p 9118:9118 --name jenkins_exporter -d \
-e "JENKINS_SERVER=https://jenkins_server" \
-e "JENKINS_USERNAME=example" \
-e "JENKINS_PASSWORD=123456" \
-e "PROM_METRIC_TYPES=node,queue" \
-e "PROM_EXPORTER_PORT=9118" jenkins_exporter
- JENKINS_SERVER: is the URL of Jenkins
- JENKINS_HTTPS_INSECURE: true for self-signed certificates, false for valid ones
- JENKINS_USERNAME: is the user of Jenkins who has permission to access Jenkins resource
- JENKINS_PASSWORD: is the password of the user
- PROM_METRIC_TYPES: a comma-separated list of metric types you would like to see, e.g. "job, node,queue" or simply "all"
- PROM_EXPORTER_PORT: the port where the exporter will listen.
docker run -p 9118:9118 --name jenkins_exporter -d \
-v "/link/to/your/jenkins/config/file.ini:/root/config.ini" \
-e "PROM_EXPORTER_PORT=9118" jenkins_exporter
with config.ini: