Flexible declarative framework for web sites and web applications.
- @heleonix/testing wrapped mocks, auto deep mocks, auto shallow mocks, manual mocks
○ @heleonix/testing-jasmine
○ @heleonix/testing-jest
- Store full path to each view being rendered in the presenter and pass it to an exception if any
- Review all implementation and implement validation functions which throw exceptions for all components and all cases
- Use Object.is to compare values in setters of data, property, state decorators
Context is an object with string values, which splits resources of applications:
"env": "dev",
"customer": "customer1",
"culture": "uk-UK"
In webpack plugins context is specified as below:
// Least specific
"name": "env",
"values": ["dev", "test", "prod"],
"name": "customer",
"values": ["customer1", "customer2", "customer3"],
"name": "culture",
"values": ["en-US", "uk-UK"],
// Most specific
Context-specific files are named in format:
MyFile.ext MyFile.uk-UK.customer1.dev.ext MyFile.uk-UK.ext MyFile.dev.ext MyFile.customer1.ext
Buttons.en-US.dic Buttons.en-US.customer1.dic Buttons.es-ES.customer1.dic
<Ok>OK {usertitle}</Ok>
<!--for this message you must provide params: username, usertitle-->
Hi {username}! Are you {.Ok} or {@BaseControls.Cancel}?
Compiled into:
"name": "Buttons",
"context": {
"env": "test",
"customer": "customer1",
"culture": "en-US"
"items": {
"Add": "Add",
"Remove": "Remove",
"Ok": "OK {usertitle}",
"OkOrCancel": "Hi {username}! Are you {.Ok} or {#BaseControls.Cancel}?"
Have methods:
- setup(definition), like controls
- getValue(key, args)
Key/Value pairs like dictionaries but with values of any JSON type and they cannot have replacement parameters and references to other keys or settings.
Style is applied as class="auto generated classes" to the root native html elements only, i.e.:
<div class="auto generated classes">
<button />
<button />
<button />
<li class="auto generated classes">one</li>
<li class="auto generated classes">two</li>
<li class="auto generated classes">three</li>
MyView.style MyView.customer1.style MyView.en-US.customer1.style
<Style extends="MyBaseView">
<border-color value="#aaa" />
<!-- Think about conditional setting -->
Compiled into:
"extends": "MyBaseView",
"items": {
"border-color": "#aaa";
"color": "vm => vm.isValid ? 'green' : 'red'"
<button />
<OnChanging property="extraValueForCustomControls=" name="handleChanging">
<FromToList name="roleSelector"
isReadonly="settings.UIConfig.isReadonly | converter1"
add.template="dictionaries.MyTemplates.CustomAddButton - for exactly the control with the 'add' name"
Button.template="dictionaries.MyTemplates.CustomAddButton - for all buttons in this control. If there is a control with name 'Button' and Button control, handle it as an error"
subControlName.Button.template="dictionaries.MyTemplates.CustomAddButton - for all buttons in the 'subControlName' control"
add.text="dictionaries.Buttons.add | converter1"
<OnAdding property="roleSelector.from.items" name="doSomethingOnAdding">
<Update property="roleSelector.prop1" value="roleSelector.add.prop2" />
<Add />
<Remove />
<Move />
<Raise event="someEvent" />
<Call task="FetchSomething" prop1="prop1" prop2="prop2" prop3="prop3" />
<OnRaising event="add.clicked" name="doSomethingOnClicked">
<List name="from" />
<Button name="add" />
<Button name="remove" />
<List name="to" />
<List name="myUsers" for="users" by="id" extraProperty="extraValue" Item.template="Dictionaries.Templates.CustomListItem" />
<!--CustomListItem: Dynamic name is [0], [1], [2] etc for getting/setting properties via myUsers.[0].id-->
<button name="id" value="extraProperty">item.id</button>
Can inject another services.
HttpService - provides many scenarios with requests:
- sequential requests
- parallel requests
- polling with intervals and specified number of retries
- optimistic updates with pending statuses
- etc
- Returns an empty object with internal promise, so it can be bound to a view, so when promise is resolved, the empty object is populated with data and model is updated and view is refreshed.
classes with "format", "parse", getDictionary(dictionaryName, keyName, ...args), getSetting(...) functions.
have "run" function and any number of properties. have getSetting(settingName, settingKey) function. Can inject services.
Provide dictionary definitions, control definitions, style definitions, theme definitions, settings definitions. Can inject services. have getSetting(settingName, settingKey) function.
index.html -> <div id="root"></div>
index.js -> new MyApplication().run()