- Apk can run on android devices with API level 25 to API level 30
- Back-And-Forth Motion
- Game player char moves Back-And-Forth
- Cam moves Back-And-Forth
- Plats move Back-And-Forth
- Coins move Back-And-Forth
- Enemies move Back-And-Forth (too OP so removed lol)
She is a boss~
She is a girl~
She is a BOSS Girl~
- Same as "## Tasks done"
Splash screen
Menu screen
Game screen
Exit button
"Camera" scroll
Game audio (music and sounds)
Animations in splash screen
Collision detection and response (between player and platforms)
Screen transition (for all existing screens)
Sprite animation
Text on screen
Pause button
Level generation
Scoring (basic)
Player controls
Player mechanics (jumping, falling, moving back and forth on platform)
Coloring of platforms
Detection of player death
Event system
Adaptive icon
Using custom font
Game Over screen
- Display of score
- Checkbox to indicate whether or not to save score
- Text input box to indicate player name
- Continue button
Game screen
- Gif BG
- Game player character dies when hitting enemy, top of screen and bottom of screen
- Vibrational feedback on game player character's death
- Player can collect coins
- Particle system
- Platform pop with easing
- Moving platforms move horizontally with random easing function
- Improved level generation
- Improved scrolling of level
- Created a camera and made it follow the game player character horizontally
- CircleAABB (collision between game player character and coin)
- PlatAABB (collision between game player character and platform)
- AABBAABB (collision betwen game player character and enemy)
- CircleCircle (not used)
- Sound for collecting coins
- Sound for jumping
- Cam tries to catch up if game player character goes too high
Menu screen
- Pressing the built-in android back button opens a dialog
- Gif BG
- Show UpdateFPS and RenderFPS on screen
- Adjusted menu player character
- Ball with accelerometer
- Buttons for going to different screens
Options screen
- Music and sound vol can be adjusted
- Stylized sliders
- Percentage is shown on screen and follows thumb
- Save button
- Reset button
- Left Arrow button
- Pressing Left Arrow button without saving causes a dialog to pop up
Rankings screen
- Sorting of rankings from highest to lowest
- Vertical scrolling (only works if there are enough rankings shown)
- Allows for multiple different players to have the same score
- Allows for the same player to have multiple different scores
- Left Arrow button
Shop screen
- Horizontal scrolling
- Display of amount of coins
- Buy button
- Cancel button
- Equip/Unequip button
- Back button
- Left Arrow button
Splash screen
- Smoother transition between opening the app to splash screen and between splash screen to menu screen
- Exit button
- Button animations with easing
- Social Media (connecting to Facebook)
- Used 1 thread for updating and 1 thread for rendering
- All elements scale according to screen dimensions
- Object Pooling
- Saving and loading of music and sound vol with shared preferences
- Saving and loading of amount of coins with shared preferences
- Saving and loading of backgrounds bought and equipped with serialization
- Saving and loading of rankings with serialization
- Lvl selection and lvl selection screen (not gonna do in A2 as it's too much work for too little value)
- End screen
- Options screen (10% done)
- Moving platforms
- Collectables
- Feedback
- Button animation
- Polish for several areas (moving on because I'm gonna run out of time if I don't)