** Nameless Engine ** DM2122 PPHY
** Completion Time: > a week **
Generic Controls: F1 - Fullscreen
Menu Controls: LMB - Select menu option
Game Controls: VK_LEFT - Flip left flipper VK_RIGHT - Flip right flipper VK_SPACE - Launch ball
Game Objects: Ball Thin Walls (Static) Thick Walls (Static and Rotating) Curved Wall Polygonal Walls (Triangle, Square, Pentagon, Decagon) Portal Diode (1-sided wall) Coins Flippers
Features: Friction Inelastic collision Flipper physics Diff UV mapped meshes (Quad, Cube, Sphere, Cylinder) with textures Lighting (deferred rendering/shading, spotlight on ball) 2D (for menu, scoreboard and gameOver) and 3D (for game) cam Audio (BG music and relevant sounds for buttons and game) File I/O for saving and loading Tracking of high scores and listing of top 5 scores HDR rendering Bloom Sprite Animation