Releases: Henrik-Peters/ActivFlex-Media
Releases · Henrik-Peters/ActivFlex-Media
- Access counter for library items
- Star rating function for library items
- Configuration updates can also be done at runtime
- Sort function for library items with different modes
- Switching between ascending and descending sorting
- Mouse cursor is hidden in fullscreen video playbacks
- Context menu for the unused library browsing area
- Containers can now be created without library browsing
- Performance improvements for thumbnails without cache
- Configuration options for the thumbnail cache
- Thumbnail cache for library images and library videos
- Renaming of media containers with the name preview
- Media containers are shown as sub-containers
- Multiple library items can be deleted at once
- Renaming of library items with a direct name preview
- Media import from the file browser with drag and drop
- Drag and drop media import in the navigation and browsing view
- Performance and memory improvements for item selections
- Multi-selection of media items with the mouse or shift key
- Keyboard shortcuts for selecting library items
- Infobox for empty media containers
- Show in file explorer for all media items
- Library items can be removed from media containers
- Thumbnail and image preloading of library items
- Media presentation from media container items
- Drag and drop of media files to make a media import
- Media item import dialog to create new library items
- Changes of media containers will update the container browsing
- Path and navigation controls for media container browsing
- Media container browsing similar to the file browsing
- Direct renaming of media containers in the navigation
- Custom scroll viewer and scrollbar styles
- Persistent data storage for media libraries
- Hierarchical structure and navigation for media containers
- Media containers can be created inside media libraries
- Delete confirm dialog for deleting library items
- Configuration window for media libraries
- Media libraries can be created in the navigation view
- Preloading of images in the presentation mode
- Limited the memory usage for loaded images without preloading
- Information window showing the version number or application descriptions
- The Media control area can be collapsed to save space
- Display of music and video items in the file system browser
- Music and videos will be presented when passed as startup arguments
- Thumbnail generation for video items with keeping their aspect ratio
- Video thumbnails have a video indicator to distinguish them from pictures
- Video thumbnail images have a default icon when not loaded
- Music and video items can be opened with the default program
- Music and video playback functions that can be controlled by the media bar
- Media control bar with play, pause, stop, next track, previous track
- Global media hotkeys can be used to control the media playback
- The sound of the media playback can be muted/unmuted
- Sound volume slider for the media control bar to change the playback volume
- The previous sound volume from the last session will be restored
- Timeline showing the current position of the media playback with time labels
- The playback position can be changed by dragging and clicking in the timeline
- Fullscreen mode can be toggled with a double click on the media presentation area
- Asynchronous thumbnail image loading
- The default window startup layout can be customized
- Pixel decode size of thumbnail images can be customized
- Browsing shortcut in the navigation for the user's picture folder
- The GUI can be now be localized with different languages
- Thumbnail images have a default icon when they are not loaded
- Context menus for thumbnail controls and navigation items
- New navigation category for media libraries available
- Configuration file to save the application settings
- Images will be presented when passed as startup arguments
- Size and position of images can be changed in presentation mode
- Images can be displayed and exchanged in presentation mode
- Navigation control for the browsing path added
- The thumbnail size can be changed with a zoom control
- Images have thumbnails that keep their aspect ratio
- Browsing in the file system is now possible
- The main navigation contains all logical drives from the filesystem
- GUI allows switching between normal and fullscreen mode
- Custom window layout design and resize logic