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3905 lines (2526 loc) · 144 KB

File metadata and controls

3905 lines (2526 loc) · 144 KB


  • Removed use of deduced return types in jsonpath extension (C++ 14 feature)


  • Fixed issue #473 about bigint and -Werror=stringop-overflow


Defect fixes:

  • Fixed issue #473 about bigint and -Werror=stringop-overflow

  • Fixed jmespath issue #471 about jmespath::search and ojson with AddressSanitizer in macos environment

  • Fixed jsonpointer issue with json_pointer::parse for empty string keys (which had implications for jsonschema definitions keyword with empty keys.)

  • Fixed jsonschema issue with definitions keyword with empty keys

  • Fixed jsonschema issue #474 about JSON Schema maximum keyword error message

  • Fixed jsonschema issue with multipleOf keyword and type integer and multipleOf a floating point number

  • Fixed jsonschema issue with the behavior of $id for rebasing in some keywords, particularly if, then, and else.


  • The jsonschema::make_schema functions now support providing a retrieval URI, to initialize the base URI.


Defect fixes:

  • Fixed issue #470 concerning jsonpath::make_expression with ec broken


Defect fixes:

  • Fixed issue #469 affecting JSMESPath expressions with terminating CR

Enhancements to jsonpath

  • Added result_option sort_descending.

  • Added new classes basic_json_location, basic_path_element, and basic_path_node.

  • Added a new function get for selecting a single JSON value from a JSON document at a location represented by a json_location.

  • Added a new function remove for removing a single JSON value from a JSON document at a location represented by a json_location.

  • Added member function select to jsonpath_expression.

  • Added member function select_paths to jsonpath_expression.

  • Added member function update to jsonpath_expression, to support update-in-place for compiled JSONPath expressions.

Enhancements to jsonpointer:

  • Added free functions to_string and to_wstring.

  • Added append function to basic_json_pointer.


Defect fixes:

  • Fixed issue #441 concerning misaligned allocation for string data.

  • Fixed issue #436 concerning overflow warning.

  • Changed internal variable names to avoid shadow warnings

  • Fixed signature of dump_pretty #438

  • Fixed basic_json_decode_options constructor #437


  • Improved error messages (with field names) for invalid type mappings when using the json_type_traits convenience macros.

  • Support char8_t and u8string for C++ 20

  • Added compare for bigint/bigdec/bigfloat as double or exact text match. This makes JSON Query work if you use options.lossless_number(true) for parsing JSON.



  • basic_json supports allocators that automatically propagate,

    • std::pmr::polymorphic_allocator

    • std::scoped_allocator_adaptor

  • Defines aliases and alias templates for basic_json using polymorphic allocators in the jsoncons::pmr namespace.

namespace jsoncons { namespace pmr {
    template<class CharT, class Policy>
    using basic_json = jsoncons::basic_json<CharT, Policy, std::pmr::polymorphic_allocator<char>>;

    using json = basic_json<char,sorted_policy>;
    using wjson = basic_json<wchar_t,sorted_policy>;
    using ojson = basic_json<char, order_preserving_policy>;
    using wojson = basic_json<wchar_t, order_preserving_policy>;

  • Added a class allocator_set for holding an allocator for persistent data and an allocator for temporary allocations.

  • Added the ability to pass an allocator_set object to functions basic_json::parse, decode_json, decode_csv, decode_bson, decode_cbor, decode_msgpack, decode_ubjson, encode_json, encode_csv, encode_bson, encode_cbor, encode_msgpack, encode_ubjson.

  • Added the ability to set a JSON parse error handler through options (rather than as a separate parameter.)

  • Added an error handler allow_trailing_commas


  • For users creating a custom basic_json with a user provided Policy, the name string in Policy must be changed to member_key.

  • Non-propagating stateful allocators are no longer supported. Attempting to use a regular stateful allocator will produce a compile error. Regular stateful allocators must be wrapped with std::scoped_allocator_adaptor

  • Until 0.171.0, the basic_json functions try_emplace, emplace, and emplace_back allowed an allocator argument, and one was required when using stateful allocators. Since 0.171.0, try_emplace, emplace, and emplace_back must not be passed an allocator argument, because both std::pmr::polymorphic_allocator and std::scoped_allocator_adaptor use uses-allocator construction.

Note: Non-stateful custom allocators are supported as before.

  • The tag type result_allocator_arg_t and constant result_allocator_arg have been deprecated.

  • The jsonpath::json_replace function no longer supports an optional result_options parameter.

  • The order preserving versions of basic_json, ojson and wojson, no longer use indexes to support search, but rely on sequential search instead. The feedback from users was that the additional allocations and overhead wasn't worth any gains, particularly as the number of members in JSON objects is typically not large.

Defect fixes

  • Fixed issue danielaparker/jsoncons/#430 with jsonpath::json_replace


Defect fixes

  • Fixed issue with jsonschema default values (introduced in 0.170.0)


Defect fixes:

  • Fixed issue danielaparker/jsoncons/#418 where use of std::aligned_storage produced a diagnostic that it is deprecated in C++2023.

  • Fixed issue danielaparker/jsoncons/#420 where to_integer_base16 produced warnings when passed a wide character string.

  • Fixed issue danielaparker/jsoncons/#391 where parsing JSON resulted in temporary allocations from std::stable_sort

  • Fixed issue danielaparker/jsoncons/#421 where PVS-Studio found vulnerabilities in code.

  • Fixed issue danielaparker/jsoncons/#425 where basic_byte_string::assign and basic_byte_string::append failed to compile

  • Fixed issue danielaparker/jsoncons/#426 where enum keyed maps didn't serialize correctly.



  • Removed static functions jsonpath_expression::compile. These have long been superceded with function make_expression.

Defect fixes:

  • Fixed issue danielaparker/jsoncons/#416 where length operator failed for array of length zero.

  • Fixed issue danielaparker/jsoncons/#411 where an overeager g++ 12.2.0 compiler reported a spurious stringop-overflow warning.

  • Fixed issue danielaparker/jsoncons/#410 where jsoncons::jsonpath::json_location::to_string escaped only single quotes.

  • Merged PR danielaparker/jsoncons/#406 that fixed multiple float parsing and boolean pretty print issues with wjson. This included reverting a change to use std::from_chars in 0.169.0.


  • The jsonpath library now works with stateful allocators. In particular, the make_expression, json_query and json_replace functions now accept an allocator argument for use in allocating
    memory during expression compilation and evaluation.

  • Merged PR danielaparker/jsoncons/#395 that added a ser_context::end_position() function.


Defect fixes:

Performance Enhancement:

  • Use std::from_chars for chars to double conversion when supported in GCC and VC.


  • Added a size() accessor function to basic_staj_event. If the event type is a key or a string_value or a byte_string_value, returns the size of the key or string or byte string value. If the event type is a begin_object or a begin_array, returns the size of the object or array if known, otherwise 0. For all other event types, returns 0.

  • Extended the parsers/cursors/encoder for JSON, CBOR, Msgpack, BSON, CSV, UBJSON so that they are resettable to new sources/sinks, contributed by ecorm


  • For consistency with library naming conventions, the directory include/jsoncons/json_merge_patch has been renamed to include/jsoncons/mergepatch, the namespace json_merge_patch to mergepatch, and the include file json_merge_patch.hpp to mergepatch.hpp.


Defect fixes:


Bug Fix:

  • Fixed an issue with the order preserving ojson erase function that takes two iterator arguments.


  • The basic_json::erase function return value, previously void, is now an iterator following the last removed element,
array_iterator erase(const_array_iterator pos);
object_iterator erase(const_object_iterator pos);

array_iterator erase(const_array_iterator first, const_array_iterator last);
object_iterator erase(const_object_iterator first, const_object_iterator last);

See Issue #363


Issues fixed:

  • Fixed issue #355, "Array move constructor of basic_json copies provided array".


Issues fixed:

  • Fixed issue #352 regarding json_type_traits macro failure when number of parameters reached 47.


Increased maximum number of parameters in json_type_traits macros from 50 to 70.


Issues fixed:

  • Preseve original error messages when decoding into C++ data structures (related to issue #345)

  • Fixed issue #348) concerning compilation issue on OSx with C++11


Issues fixed:

  • Fixed issue #343 concerning segfault using JMESPath with Apple clang version 12.0.0 and x86_64-apple-darwin19.6.0.

  • Fixed issue #344 concerning compile error with gcc on archlinux with -Werror=nonnull.


Bugs fixed:

  • Fixed jsonpath issue of normalized path component not being computed for expression, issue #338.


Bugs fixed:

  • Fixed issue #335. The 0b... notation used in a cbor header file has been replaced with 0x... notation. The 0b... notation used is only standard compliant with C++14 and later, although supported in some C++ 11 compilers.

  • Fixed issue with csv automatic number detection discovered while investigating issue #333.

Enhancements to jsonpointer extension:

  • Support construction of a json_pointer from a URI fragment representation of a JSON Pointer.

  • Support stringifying a json_pointer to a URI fragment representation with the to_uri_fragment function.


Bugs fixed:

  • Fixed compilation error with clang version 8.0.1, issue #328.


Bugs fixed:

  • Fixed issue with a json_cursor hanging if opened with an empty file or string, detected by google/OSS-fuzz.

  • Fixed issue with the unary minus in a JSONPath filter expression, where an expression such as $[?-@.key > -42] would fail to parse.

  • Fixed issue with private typedef and Intel C++ Compiler via PR #327


  • In the csv extension, the enum name mapping_kind has been renamed to csv_mapping_kind, and the csv_options.mapping function has been renamed to csv_options.mapping_kind. The old names have been deprecated but are still usable.


  • Added support for JSON Merge Patch.

  • Added support in JSONPath expressions for '%' (modulus) operator


jsonpath bugs fixed:

  • Fixed issue with normalized paths produced by JSONPath expressions with filters

jsonpath enhancements:

  • Added support for a parent selector, using the `^' symbol, following jsonpath-plus.

  • Implemented a number of performance optimizations.

jsonschema enhancements:

  • Improved error messages reported when compiling a schema document

  • Added a check that the "$schema" keyword, if present, is Draft 7.


Enhancements for bson extension:

  • Added semantic tags float128, id, regex, and code to support bson decode and encode for decimal128, ObjectId, regex, and Javascript code.

  • Support has been added for ObjectId, regex, decimal128 and the other non-deprecated bson types, as requested in issue #321.

  • Parsing now checks that the the number of bytes read for a document, embedded document and array matches the expected total.


Changes to jsonpath:

  • The values in the result_options bitmask have been changed from

    enum class result_options {value=1, path=2, nodups=4|path, sort=8|path}; (until 0.164.0)


enum class result_options {value=0, nodups=1, sort=2, path=4};            (since 0.164.0)

In practice this means that any combination of these values that includes result_options::value has the same meaning as before, except that result_options::value can now be omitted. And any combination that includes result_options::path but not result_options::value has the same meaning as before.

Enhancements to jsonpath:

  • Functions now allow expressions to be passed as arguments, e.g.

    $.books[?(ceil(@.price*100) == 2272)]

  • User provided custom functions are now supported

Changes to json_reader and csv_reader:

  • The typedefs json_reader and wjson_reader have been deprecated, but for backwards compatibility they are still supported. They have been replaced by json_string_reader and wjson_string_reader for string sources, and json_stream_reader and wjson_stream_reader, for stream sources.

  • The typedefs csv_reader and wcsv_reader have been deprecated, but for backwards compatibility they are still supported. They have been replaced by csv_string_reader and wcsv_string_reader for string sources, and csv_stream_reader and wcsv_stream_reader, for stream sources.


Bugs fixed:

  • Fixed a jsonpath issue where the two overloads of json_query and json_replace that took a callback function argument used a deprecated typedef in an SFINAE condition.


Bugs fixed:

  • Fixed a jmespath issue with reusing compiled expressions, see #317


Bugs fixed:

  • Reversed change made in 0.163.0 to removal of duplicates with the result_options::nodups, reverting to previous behaviour (only consider as duplicates nodes with the exact same path starting from the root.) That seems to be the consensus.

  • Fixed a memory leak in jsoncons::jsonpath::node_set, see #314, also related, #316

  • Fixed some gcc warnings about non-virtual destructors in the jsonpath, jmespath, and jsonschema extensions by making the destructors protected, see #313. Added the gcc compiler flag -Wnon-virtual-dtor for gcc in the tests/CMakeLists.txt file.


Bugs fixed:

  • Fixed a jsonpath issue with removal of duplicates with the result_options::nodups flag in the case of a union with different paths


  • Fixed a sign-compare warning in android builds, #309


  • Fixed a sign-compare warning



Enhancements to jsonpointer

  • The jsonpointer functions get, add, add_if_absent, and replace have an additonal overload with a create_if_missing parameter. If passed true, creates key-object pairs when object keys are missing.

Enhancements to jsonpath

  • Improved syntax checking for JSONPath unions
  • Simplified function signatures for make_expression, json_query, and json_replace.


  • The jsonpointer function insert has been deprecated and renamed to add_if_absent, for consistency with the other names.


The jsoncons::jsonpath extension has been rewritten, see JSONPath extension revisited.

Enhancements to JSONPath extension

  • Added a new function make_expression for creating a compiled JSONPath expression for later evaluation.
  • The json_query and json_replace functions now take an optional result_options parameter that allows duplicate values (i.e. values with the same node paths) to be excluded from results, and for results to be sorted in path order.

Changes to json_query

  • The parameter result_type has been replaced by a bitmask type result_options. For backwards compatability, result_type has been typedefed to result_options, and the value and path enumerators are still there. In addition, result_options provides options for excluding duplicates from results, and for results to be sorted in path order.

  • Until 0.161.0, json_query was limited to returning an array of results, a copy. With 0.161, json_query allows the user to provide a binary callback that is passed two arguments - the path of the item and a const reference to the original item.

  • Until 0.161.0, json_replace allowed the user to provide a unary callback to replace an item in the original JSON with a returned value. This overload is still there, but has been deprecated. With 0.161, json_replace allows the user to provide a binary callback that is passed two arguments - the path of the item and a mutable reference to the original item.

Changes to supported JSONPath syntax

  • Previous versions allowed optionally omitting the '$' representing the root of the JSON instance in path selectors. This is no longer allowed. In 0.161.0, all path selectors must start with either '$', if relative to the root of the JSON instance, or '@', if relative to the current node. E.g. is not allowed, rather, $
  • Previous versions supported union of completely separate paths, e.g. $..[name.first,]. 0.161.0 does too, but requires that the relative paths name.first and start with a '@', so the example becomes $..[,] .
  • Previous versions supported unquoted names with the square bracket notation, this is no longer allowed. E.g. $[books] is not allowed, rather $['books'] or $["books"].
  • Previous versions allowed an empty string to be passed as a path argument to json_query. This is no longer allowed, a syntax error will be raised.
  • In 0.161.0, unquoted names in the dot notation are restricted to digits 0-9, letters A-Z and a-z, the underscore character _, and unicode coded characters that are non-ascii. All others names must be enclosed with single or double quotes. In particular, names with hypens (-) must be enclosed with single or double quotes.

Enhancements to JMESPath extension

  • Function arity errors are now raised during compilation of the JMESPath expression rather than during evaluation.


Bugs fixed:

  • A C++20 change caused a basic_json overloaded operator '==' to be ambiguous despite there being a unique best viable function. Fixed.

  • When parsing MessagePack buffers, lengths were being incorrectly parsed as signed integers. Fixed.


  • Added jsonschema extension that implements the JSON Schema Draft 7 specification for validating input JSON, #280


  • Until 0.160.0, jsonpointer::flatten, when applied to an an empty array or empty object, would produce a flattened value of null rather than [] or {}. Since 0.160.0, it will produce [] or {}. For example, given {"bar":{},"foo":[]}, the flattened output was {"/bar":null,"/foo":null}, but is now {"/bar":{},"/foo":[]}. jsonpointer::unflatten will now return the original object.

Deprecated function removed:

  • The long deprecated basic_json function to_string(const basic_json_encode_options<char_type>&, char_allocator_type&) const has been removed (replacement is dump).


Bugs fixed:

  • Fixed clang 11 compile issues #284 and #285.


  • In the jsonpointer extension, the type names json_ptr and wjson_ptr have been deprecated and renamed to json_pointer and wjson_pointer.


  • The json_pointer operators /= and / now support integers.

  • New override for jsonpath::json_replace that searches for all values that match a JSONPath expression and replaces them with the result of a given function, see #279

  • New factory function jmespath::make_expression to create compiled JMESPath expressions.


Bugs fixed:

  • Fixed compilation error with gcc 11, #276 (thanks to Laurent Stacul)


  • In 0.157.0, the _NAME_ convenience macros were augmented to allow an optional mode parameter (JSONCONS_RDWR or JSONCONS_RDONLY) and three optional function object parameters, match (value matches expected), from (convert from type known to jsoncons) and into (convert into type known to jsoncons). In this release - 0.158.0 - the order of the from and into function object parameters has been reversed. If you've provided from and into function objects as arguments in your json traits convenience macros, you'll need to reverse their order, or if you've provided just a from function argument, you'll need to precede it with jsoncons::identity() (or std::identity() if C++20). For the rationale for this change, see #277

  • Conversion errors during decode are now reported more consistently as jsoncons::convert_error, parsing errors remain jsoncons::ser_error (or std::error_code) as before.


Warnings fixed:

  • Fixed C20 deprecated move_iterator access with arrow operator.
  • Fixed PVS-Studio warnings

OSS-Fuzz issues fixed:

  • Fixed OSS-Fuzz failed throw issue 25891 affecting decode_ubjson and potentially other decode functions. This means that decode functions will throw a ser_error instead of an assertion_error in the presence of certain kinds of bad data.


Bugs fixed:

  • The macros JSONCONS_ALL_MEMBER_NAME_TRAITS and JSONCONS_N_MEMBER_NAME_TRAITS failed at compile time when provided with exactly two optional member arguments, JSONCONS_RDWR followed by a Match function object (other cases were fine.) This has been fixed.

Change reverted:

  • The name change ser_error to codec_error introduced in 0.157.0 has been reverted back to ser_error. Just in case anybody used it, the name codec_error has been typedefed to ser_error.



  • The name ser_error has been deprecated and renamed to codec_error.


  • The _NAME_ convenience macros now allow an optional mode parameter (JSONCONS_RDWR or JSONCONS_RDONLY) and three function objects, match (value matches expected), from (convert from type known to jsoncons) and into (convert into type known to jsoncons), #267


Bugs fixed:

  • Fixed issue with jsonpath exception raised when querying empty string, #270

  • Included pull request #273 that fixes an issue with a misnamed macro (BOOST_HAS_FLOAT128 instead of JSONCONS_HAS_FLOAT128) introduced in 0.156.0.


Bugs Fixed:

  • Fixed issue with JSONCONS_N_MEMBER_NAME_TRAITS macro, #263


  • New basic_json(json_const_pointer_arg_t, const basic_json*) constructor to allow basic_json values to contain non-owning views of other basic_json values.

  • New deep_copy function to make a deep copy of a basic_json value that contains non-owning views on other basic_json values.

  • Reduced memory allocations in the jmespath extension using the new basic_json(json_const_pointer_arg_t, const basic_json*) constructor.

  • Support for encoding std::bitset into base16 encoded strings (JSON) and byte strings (binary formats), and decoding std::bitset from integer values, byte strings and base16 encoded strings.

  • Support 128 bit integer types __int128 and unsigned __int128, if supported on the platform.



  • Improved support for bson_parser to switch to array parsing when the BSON root object is a document but decode_bson needs to convert to an std::array, std::tuple or std::pair.



  • The semantic_tag enum value timestamp has been deprecated. It has been replaced by epoch_second, epoch_milli and epoch_nano. The deprecated timestamp value has been aliased to epoch_second.


  • Allow bson_parser to switch to array parsing when the root object is a document but decode_bson expects an array.

  • Added json_type_traits support for std::nullptr_t

  • Added json_type_traits support for std::chrono::duration

  • Improved memory efficiency of jmespath extension

  • Added function json_encode_pretty as the preferred alternative
    to the json_encode overload with indenting::indent argument.

  • Added basic_json member function dump_pretty as the preferred alternative
    to the dump overload with indenting::indent argument.

  • Generalized the basic_json member function dump and the functions encode_json and encode_csv to write to any back insertable character container.

  • Generalized the basic_json function parse and the functions decode_json and decode_csv to read from any contiguous character sequence.


Bugs fixed:

  • Fixed g++ compile issue with -Wnoexcept compiler flag, #260

  • Fixed issue with creating a patch to remove array elements using json_patch::from_diff, #261

  • Fixed memory leak issue introduced in 0.154.2




Bugs fixed:

  • Fixed issue with encode_cbor overload for user type input and output stream, #259


Bugs fixed:

  • Fixed issue with escaping special characters in the jsonpath::flatten function #255
  • Added workaround for clang xcode 10 bug in std::optional implementation
  • Fixed bug in basic_json less operator with left hand side uint64_value and right hand side int64_value


  • The function name jsonpointer::insert_or_assign has been deprecated and renamed to jsonpointer::add. Rationale: consistency with JSON Patch names.

  • Until 0.154.0, the position() member function of ser_context was defined for JSON name and string events only, and indicated the position of the first character of the name or string in the input. Since 0.154.0, the position() member function of ser_context is defined for all JSON parse events, and indicates the position of the character at the beginning of the event, e.g. '[' for an array, '{' for an object, and '"' for a string. #256


  • Added jmespath extension for JMESPath support, #204
  • Added json_type_traits support for std::variant, #257


Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug in jsonpath array slice when the step component is negative and the start and stop components are omitted, #252. jsoncons jsonpath slices now have the same semantics as Python slices including for negative steps.

  • Fixed a bug in jsonpath line/column error reporting when using functions.


Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug in jsonpath array slice when the end argument is negative, #250


  • Support for QNX Neutrino (thanks to Oleh Derevenko for #244 and #245)


Bug fixes for BSON:

  • Fixed int32 encoding error in the BSON encoder #243
  • Fixed issue with default binary subtype when not specified, was 0, now 0x80 (user defined.)


Bug fixes:

  • Fixed decode issue with json_type_traits defined for set, unordered_set, multiset, unordered_multiset and forward_list #242

  • Fixed issue with preserving original CBOR semantic tag for CBOR byte strings
    associated with an unknown (to jsoncons) tag.


  • basic_json::parse, decode_json, decode_csv, decode_bson, decode_cbor, decode_msgpack, and decode_ubjson now support reading data from a pair of LegacyInputIterators that specify a character or byte sequence.

  • byte_string_view now has an explicit constructor that allows any contiguous byte sequence container.


Bug fixes:

  • Fixed compile error when building with Android SDK level less than 21 #240

  • Fixed bson encode/decode of binary type (wasn't reading/writing subtype.)


  • basic_json_compressed_encoder has been deprecated and renamed to basic_compact_json_encoder. Rationale: consistency with other names. The typedefs json_compressed_stream_encoder, wjson_compressed_stream_encoder, json_compressed_string_encoder, and wjson_compressed_string_encoder have been deprecated and renamed to compact_json_stream_encoder, compact_wjson_stream_encoder, compact_json_string_encoder, and compact_wjson_string_encoder.

  • The factory function make_array_iterator() has been replaced by staj_array().

  • The factory function make_object_iterator() has been replaced by staj_object().

  • The constructors for json_cursor, csv_cursor, bson_cursor, cbor_cursor, msgpack_cursor, and ubjson_cursor that take a filter argument have been deprecated. Instead filters may be applied to a cursor using the pipe syntax, e.g.

    json_cursor cursor(is); auto filtered_c = cursor | filter1 | filter2;


  • Generalized basic_json(byte_string_arg_t, ... constructor to accomodate any contiguous byte sequence container, which is a contiguous container that has member functions data() and size(), and member type value_type with size exactly 8 bits. Any of the values types int8_t, uint8_t, char, unsigned char and std::byte (since C++17) are allowed.

  • Generalized the functions decode_bson, decode_cbor, decode_msgpack and decode_ubjson to read from any contiguous byte sequence.

  • Generalized the json_visitor member function byte_string_value to accept any contiguous byte sequence argument. In particular this means that byte_string_value can be called on an encoder with any bytes sequence argument.

  • Generalized the functions encode_bson, encode_cbor, encode_msgpack and encode_ubjson to write to any back insertable byte container. Any of the values types int8_t, uint8_t, char, unsigned char and std::byte (since C++17) are allowed.

  • Generalized the json_type_traits for maps to accomodate all key types that themselves have json_type_traits defined #241

  • Unknown CBOR tags preceding a byte string (unknown to jsoncons), MessagePack types associated with the MessagePack ext family, and bson binary subtypes associated with a binary value are now captured.

  • If in basic_json tag() == semantic_tag::ext, the function ext_tag() will return a format specific tag associated with a byte string value.

  • The basic_json constructor with parameter byte_string_arg_t now allows constructing a byte string associated with a format specific tag.


Bug fixes:

  • Fixed jsoncons::semantic_tag::uri, jsoncons::semantic_tag::base64 and jsoncons::semantic_tag::base64url applied to text strings incorrectly encoded into CBOR \238


Bug fixes:

  • Fixed eternal loop in csv parser #220

  • Fixed JSONPath issue with filter expressions containing regular expressions #233

  • Fixed OSS-Fuzz failed throw issue in CSV parser #232

  • Fixed OSS-Fuzz integer-overflow issue in CSV parser #231

  • Fixed OSS-Fuzz timeout issues #230

  • Fixed UBJSON issue parsing arrays with end markers #229

  • Fixed OSS-Fuzz memory allocation issues #228

  • Fixed OSS-Fuzz stack overflow issues #225

  • OSS-Fuzz failed throw issue in CBOR parser #235

  • Msg pack bin8 wrong format #237


  • The cbor_option name enable_typed_arrays has been deprecated and renamed to use_typed_arrays.

  • jsonpointer::unflatten_method has been deprecated and replaced with jsonpointer::unflatten_options.

  • The cursor functions named read have been deprecated and renamed to read_to.


  • Added classes bson_options, msgpack_options, and ubjson_options

  • Until this release, only JSON parsing supported a max_nesting_depth option. Since this release, JSON, BSON, CBOR, MessagePack and UBJSON all support a max_nesting_depth option for both parsing and serializing. The default is 1024.

  • UBJSON supports a max_items option for parsing and serializing. The default is 16,777,216.


Defects fixed:


  • The names basic_json_content_handler and basic_default_json_content_handler have been deprecated and renamed to basic_json_visitor and basic_default_json_visitor. The private visitor functions do_xxx have been renamed to visit_xxx. This change should be transparent to most users.

  • The name staj_event_type::name has been deprecated and renamed to staj_event_type::key. Rationale: consistency with other names. The old name is still supported.

  • The class null_ser_context has been deprecated. For defaults, ser_context() is now used in place of null_ser_context().


  • Added jsonpointer unflatten function


Defects fixed:

  • Fixed vs issue (since 0.148.0) with basic_json constructor disambiguation with a combination of type tag and std::initializer_list arguments.

Non-breaking change:

  • For consistency with naming conventions across json_type_traits convenience macros, macro names containing GETTER_CTOR now contain CTOR_GETTER, e.g. JSONCONS_ALL_GETTER_CTOR_NAME_TRAITS is now JSONCONS_ALL_CTOR_GETTER_NAME_TRAITS. The old names are still supported.


  • Added jsonpath functions flatten and unflatten that flatten a json object or array to a single depth object of key-value pairs, and unflatten that object back to the original json.



  • The json_type_traits convenience macro names ending in NAMED_TRAITS have been deprecated and now end in NAME_TRAITS, e.g. the old name JSONCONS_ALL_GETTER_SETTER_NAMED_TRAITS is now JSONCONS_ALL_GETTER_SETTER_NAME_TRAITS. Rationale: name consistency.

  • Fixed some deprecated json_type_traits convenience macro names. All of the convenience macro names that have ever been deprecated should work.


  • Added overload with leading temp_allocator_arg_t parameter to encode_json, encode_bson, encode_csv, encode_cbor, encode_msgpack and encode_ubjson, which allows the user to supply a custom allocator that serialization will use for temporary work areas.


Fixed bugs:

  • Fixed an issue with the jsonpatch_error class implementation of what(), likely related to issue #212


  • Added support to the convenience macros JSONCONS_N_GETTER_CTOR_TRAITS and JSONCONS_ALL_GETTER_CTOR_NAMED_TRAITS for-non mandatory members to be omitted altogether from the serialized JSON. These macros had been overlooked when this feature was added to the _N_ macros in 0.146.0.

  • Added jsonpointer function flatten to flatten a json object or array into a single depth object of JSONPointer-value pairs.

  • Added overload with leading temp_allocator_arg_t parameter to decode_json, decode_bson, decode_csv, decode_cbor, decode_msgpack and decode_ubjson, which allows the user to supply a custom allocator that deserialization will use for temporary work areas.


Fixed issue with json_type_traits specializations of std::shared_ptr<T> and std::unique_ptr<T> when converting from JSON null.



  • The name rename_object_member_filter has been deprecated and renamed to rename_object_key_filter

  • The json_content_handler public function name has been deprecated and renamed to key. Rationale: in the future we'll likely support overloads for non-string keys for binary formats

  • The json_content_handler private virtual function do_name has been removed and replaced with do_key. Rationale: in the future we'll likely support overloads for non-string keys for binary formats


  • New json_type_traits specialization for std::shared_ptr<T> for T that is not a polymorphic class, i.e., does not have any virtual functions

  • New json_type_traits specialization for std::unique_ptr<T> for T that is not a polymorphic class

  • For the _N_ convenience macros that allow some non-mandatory members, the generated traits to_json function will exclude altogether empty values for std::shared_ptr and std::unique_ptr non-mandatory members, as they do currently for std::optional.


Defect fixes:

  • Fixed issue with json_type_traits specialization for optional


Bug fixes:

  • Fixed issue with jsoncons::optional


Bug fixes:

Name changes:

  • The json_type_traits convenience macro names ending in _DECL have been shortened by dropping the _DECL suffix, e.g. the old name JSONCONS_N_MEMBER_TRAITS_DECL is now JSONCONS_N_MEMBER_TRAITS. The old names are still supported.


  • Includes json_type_traits specialization for std::optional if C++ 17. nullopt values are mapped to JSON null values.

  • When encoding to JSON, the json_type_traits convenience macros will exlude altogether a non-mandatory std::optional nullopt value from the JSON output.


Bug fixes:

Fixed issue json with preserve_order_policy does not preserve order of elements #210

Implemented feature requests:

  • 208 Added member function to basic_json
template <class T>
T as(byte_string_arg_t, semantic_tag hint) const; 


Bug fix:

  • Fixed bug in destructor of typed_array class


  • Improved performance of decoding CBOR typed arrays


Bug fix:

  • 0.143.1 fixs a bug in the jsonpath filter < comparison operator that was introduced in 0.143.0


  •<int>(),<uint64_t>() etc. supported for binary, octal and hex string values, in addition to decimal string values.

  • Includes json_type_traits specialization for integer keyed maps, with conversion to/from string keys in a basic_json.

  • The json_type_traits specializations for type T generated by the convenience macros now include a specialization of is_json_type_traits_declared<T> with member constant value equal true.

  • New basic_json member function json_type type()

  • New basic_json member function get_value_or that gets a value as type T if available, or a default value if not:

    template <class T,class U> T get_value_or(const string_view_type& name, U&& default_value) const;

get_value_or is the preferred alternative to

template<class T>
T get_with_default(const string_view_type& name, const T& default_value) const

Note that get_value_or requires that the first template parameter T be specified explicitly (unlike get_with_default)


  • The basic_json get_with_default(name) function, which returned a const reference to the value if available and to a json null constant if not, has been deprecated and renamed to at_or_null(name). Rationale: get_with_default(name) is more like at(name) (both return a const reference) than get_with_default(name,default_value) (which returns a value.)

  • The tag type bstr_arg_t has been renamed to byte_string_arg_t, and the constant bstr_arg to byte_string_arg.

  • The cbor_content_handler public member functions typed_array() and private virtual functions do_typed_array() have been moved to basic_json_content_handler. The do_typed_array() private virtual functions have been given default implementations. cbor_content_handler has been deprecated.

  • Replaced Martin Moene's span-lite with simpler implementation until std::span is available (primarily for typed array interface.)


Defect fixes:


Name change:



  • New tag types json_object_arg_t, json_array_arg_t and bstr_arg_t have been introduced that make it simpler to construct basic_json values of objects, arrays and byte strings.


Changes to the json_type_traits convenience macros:

  • In Issue 190, Twan Springeling raised an issue with the macro JSONCONS_GETTER_CTOR_TRAITS_DECL, that it did not come with "strict" and "non-strict" versions. In this release we introduce new macros, where _N_ is mnemonic for the number of mandatory properties provided (possibly zero), and ALL is mnemonic for all properties are mandatory:
                                   getter_name1,...) // (11)

                                     getter_name0,getter_name1,...) // (12)

                                       getter_name0,getter_name1,...) // (13)

                                         getter_name0,getter_name1,...) // (14)

                                         (getter_name1,"name1")...) // (15)

                                          (getter_name1,"name1")...) // (16)

                                             (getter_name1,"name1")...) // (17)

                                               (getter_name1,"name1")...) // (18)
  • When the traits generated by e.g. JSONCONS_N_GETTER_CTOR_TRAITS_DECL need to pass an argument to a constructor that is not present in the JSON, they pass a default constructed parameter value. The legacy macros e.g. JSONCONS_GETTER_CTOR_TRAITS_DECL remain, and have the same meaning as before, but are deprecated.

  • With the introduction of the JSONCONS_POLYMORPHIC_TRAITS_DECL macro, and the support for polymorhic types, there comes a problem with the "non-strict" macros JSONCONS_MEMBER_TRAITS_DECL, JSONCONS_PROPERTY_TRAITS_DECL, JSONCONS_SETTER_GETTER_TRAITS_DECL, etc., when a class has non-mandatory properties. Type selection is based on the presence of properties, but the json_type_traits generated by the non-strict macros don't know which properties are mandatory and which non-mandatory, hence type selection becomes impossible when members are absent in the JSON. For this reason, twelve new _N_ macros have been introduced to allow you to specify which properties are mandatory (_N_ is mnemonic for number of mandatory properties):












  • The legacy non-strict macros remain, and have the same meaning as before, but are deprecated.

  • For consistency with the new naming, and to allow the legacy JSONCONS_GETTER_CTOR_TRAITS_DECL to keep the same meaning for backwards compatibility, the _STRICT_ names are deprecated and renamed substituting _ALL_ for STRICT.

See json_type_traits for complete documentation of the convenience macros.



  • New convenience macro for generating json_type_traits from getter and setter functions that will serialize to the stringified property names,



  • JSONCONS_POLYMORPHIC_TRAITS_DECL now specializes json_type_traits for std::unique_ptr<base_class> in addition to std::shared_ptr<base_class>.


Defect fix:

  • Fixes issue in csv_parser parsing a CSV file with mapping_kind::m_columns, when parsing a quoted string containing a numeric value, processing it as a number rather than as a string.


  • It is no longer neccessay to place a semicolon after JSONCONS_TYPE_TRAITS_FRIEND


  • New convenience macro for generating json_type_traits for polymorphic types, based on the presence of properties,

  • basic_csv_encoder now supports json values that map to multi-valued fields and json objects where each member is a name-array pair.

  • basic_csv_parser and basic_csv_encoder now support nan, infinity, and minus infinity substitution

Deprecated basic_csv_options functions removed:

  • basic_csv_options& column_names(const std::vector<string_type>&)
  • basic_csv_options& column_defaults(const std::vector<string_type>& value)
  • column_types(const std::vector<string_type>& value) (Instead, use the versions that take comma-delimited strings)


Defect fixes:

  • Fixes GCC 9.2 warning: �class jsoncons::json_exception� has virtual functions and accessible non-virtual destructor, contributed by KonstantinPlotnikov.


  • Includes Martin Moene's span-lite to support a C++20-like span in the jsoncons namespace.

  • Includes enhancements to the CBOR encode and decode classes and functions to support the CBOR extension Tags for Typed Arrays. The implementation uses the span class.


  • The json_options parameter to precision() has been changed from int to int8_t

  • The json_options parameter to indent_size() has been changed from size_t to uint8_t

  • The csv_options parameter to precision() has been changed from int to int8_t

  • The CSV extension enum name quote_style_type has been deprecated and renamed to quote_style_kind.

  • The CSV extension enum name mapping_type has been deprecated and renamed to mapping_kind.

  • The do_ virtual functions in basic_json_content_handler have been augmented with a std::error_code output parameter, e.g.

    virtual bool do_begin_object(semantic_tag tag, const ser_context& context, std::error_code& ec) = 0;


Defect fixes:

  • This version fixes a defect in the erase functions for the order preserving basic_json specializations, in particular, for ojson (issue 188.)


For consistency with other names, the names of the convenience macros below for classes with templates and JSON with given names have been deprecated.


They have been renamed to


See json_type_traits


New macros that generate the code to specialize json_type_traits from the getter and setter functions and serialize to given names:

  • JSONCONS_GETTER_SETTER_TRAITS_NAMED_DECL(class_name,(getter_name0,setter_name0,"name0"),(getter_name1,setter_name1,"name1")...)

  • JSONCONS_STRICT_GETTER_SETTER_TRAITS_NAMED_DECL(class_name,(getter_name0,setter_name0,"name0"),(getter_name1,setter_name1,"name1")...)

  • JSONCONS_TEMPLATE_GETTER_SETTER_TRAITS_NAMED_DECL(num_template_params,class_name,(getter_name0,setter_name0,"name0"),(getter_name1,setter_name1,"name1")...)

  • JSONCONS_STRICT_TEMPLATE_GETTER_SETTER_TRAITS_NAMED_DECL(num_template_params,class_name,(getter_name0,setter_name0,"name0"),(getter_name1,setter_name1,"name1")...)

Support for disabling exceptions

  • Support compilation with exceptions disabled


  • Fixed Compilation issue #178.

  • The name jsonpointer::address has been deprecated and renamed to jsonpointer::json_ptr

  • basic_json::contains declared noexcept

  • Support stateful result and work allocators in json_decoder

  • Support stateful work allocators in basic_json_reader, basic_json_parser, basic_csv_reader and basic_csv_parser.


  • Deprecation warnings should now show for all supported versions of GCC and clang

  • New single argument basic_json::get_value_with_default, which has default value basic_json::null(), to replace deprecated basic_json::get.

  • basic_json::get_value_with_default now returns the default value if a basic_json has a null value, previously threw.


  • Fixed vs2019 warnings




  • The enum name jsoncons::chars_format used in json_options and csv_options has been deprecated and renamed to float_chars_format.

  • The function name floating_point_format() used in json_options and csv_options has been deprecated and renamed to float_format.

New macros that serialize to given names (instead of the c++ names)

  • JSONCONS_MEMBER_TRAITS_NAMED_DECL(class_name,(member_name0,"name0"),(member_name1,"name1")...)
  • JSONCONS_STRICT_MEMBER_TRAITS_NAMED_DECL(class_name,(member_name0,"name0"),(member_name1,"name1")...)
  • JSONCONS_TEMPLATE_MEMBER_TRAITS_NAMED_DECL(num_template_params,class_name,(member_name0,"name0"),(member_name1,"name1")...)
  • JSONCONS_STRICT_TEMPLATE_MEMBER_TRAITS_NAMED_DECL(num_template_params,class_name,(member_name0,"name0"),(member_name1,"name1")...)
  • JSONCONS_GETTER_CTOR_TRAITS_NAMED_DECL(class_name,(getter_name0,"name0"),(getter_name1,"name1")...)
  • JSONCONS_ENUM_TRAITS_NAMED_DECL(enum_type_name,(identifier0,"name0"),(identifier1,"name1")...)

Deprecated features removed

  • Constructor basic_json(double, const floating_point_options&, semantic_tag)


Bug fix

  • Fixed issue with serializing a C++ standard library container class to a binary format, and getting an indefinite length array or map.



  • New non-member functions make_array_iterator and make_object_iterator for creating a staj_array_iterator and a staj_object_iterator (especially for CSV example)



  • The decode_csv and encode_csv functions have been moved from csv_reader.hpp and csv_encoder.hpp to csv.hpp. Rationale: avoid circular reference with new implementation of decode_csv.


  • basic_msgpack_parser template class rewritten to avoid recursive function calls
  • basic_bson_parser template class rewritten to avoid recursive function calls
  • New basic_msgpack_cursor template class with msgpack_stream_cursor and msgpack_bytes_cursor typedefs
  • New basic_bson_cursor template class with bson_stream_cursor and bson_bytes_cursor typedefs
  • New basic_csv_cursor template class with csv_cursor and wcsv_cursor typedefs

Bug fix:

  • Fixed issue with commented out first line of CSV file and column labels on next line
  • Fixed issue with parsing BSON arrays


Bug fix:

  • Fixed issue with cbor_cursor not reporting name events and terminal event


  • New basic_cbor_cursor constructor that takes a filter parameter
  • Rewrote basic_ubjson_parser template class to avoid recursive function calls
  • New basic_ubjson_cursor template class with ubjson_stream_cursor and ubjson_bytes_cursor typedefs


  • Fixed issue with deprecated class used in decode_bson, decode_msgpack, and decode_ubjson


New features:

  • Pull parsers for reporting CBOR parse events, cbor_stream_cursor for streams and cbor_bytes_cursor for buffers, have been added.

  • Added compile-time deprecation warnings


  • The long since deprecated basic_json member type null_type has been removed. Instead, use jsoncons::null_type.

  • The return type of key_value::key() has been changed from string_view_type to key_type.

  • The classes staj_filter and filtered_staj_reader have been removed, instead, use a lambda expression in the constructor of json_pull_reader.

  • The names default_parse_error_handler and strict_parse_error_handler have been deprecated and renamed to default_json_parsing and strict_json_parsing. Rationale: these apply only to JSON.

  • The typedef'ed names json_encoder, bson_encoder, cbor_encoder, csv_encoder, cbor_encoder, msgpack_encoder, and ubjson_encoder have been deprecated and renamed to json_stream_encoder, bson_stream_encoder, cbor_stream_encoder, csv_stream_encoder, cbor_stream_encoder, msgpack_stream_encoder, and ubjson_stream_encoder. Rationale: consistency for type names that are different for stream and string or bytes buffer specializations.



  • basic_json function name get_semantic_tag() deprecated and replaced with tag()
  • staj_reader function name get_semantic_tag() deprecated and replaced with tag()

Defect fixes:

  • This version fixes a defect in the macros JSONCONS_MEMBER_TRAITS_DECL etc. which meant that the generated json_traits_type specializations were not compatible with wchar_t sources and results.

  • This version fixes a defect when the operator[](const string_view_type& key) is applied to a non const basic_json, which returns a proxy where the member associated with the key may or may not exist, and an accessor declared noexcept is called in the case that it doesn't. In particular, the accessors is_xxx and is<T> now return false in this case.

New macros

  • JSONCONS_TEMPLATE_MEMBER_TRAITS_DECL(num_template_params,class_name,member_name1,member_name2,...)
  • JSONCONS_TEMPLATE_STRICT_MEMBER_TRAITS_DECL(num_template_params,class_name,member_name1,member_name2,...)
  • JSONCONS_TEMPLATE_GETTER_CTOR_TRAITS_DECL(num_template_params,class_name,getter_name1,getter_name2,...)

JSONCONS_TEMPLATE_MEMBER_TRAITS_DECL, JSONCONS_TEMPLATE_STRICT_MEMBER_TRAITS_DECL and JSONCONS_TEMPLATE_GETTER_CTOR_TRAITS_DECL are for specializing json_type_traits for template types. The parameter num_template_params gives the number of template parameters.

  • JSONCONS_ENUM_TRAITS_DECL(enum_type_name,value1,value2,...)

JSONCONS_ENUM_TRAITS_DECL allows you to encode and decode an enum type as a string.


Changes to staj streaming classes

  • json_cursor no longer has a constructor that accepts a staj_filter. Use a filtered_staj_reader instead.

  • The staj_event function as<T> has been deprecated and renamed to get<T>.

  • The staj_event function accept has been renamed to read_to.


  • New macro JSONCONS_NONDEFAULT_MEMBER_TRAITS_DECL, that, when decoding to a C++ object, requires all data members declared for the object to be present in the JSON (or other supported format.)

  • Types that are specialized in json_type_traits are no longer required to have a public default constructor. In particular, types that are specialized using JSONCONS_MEMBER_TRAITS_DECL or JSONCONS_NONDEFAULT_MEMBER_TRAITS_DECL may have a private default constructor + JSONCONS_TYPE_TRAITS_FRIEND, and types that are specialized with JSONCONS_GETTER_CTOR_TRAITS_DECL are not required to have a default constructor at all.



  • The json_reader and csv_reader constructors have been generalized to take either a value from which a jsoncons::string_view is constructible (e.g. std::string), or a value from which a source_type is constructible (e.g. std::istream).

  • With this enhancement, the convenience typedefs json_string_reader and csv_string_reader are no longer needed, and have been deprecated.

Name change

  • The name json_pull_reader has been deprecated (still works) and renamed to json_cursor

Changes to bigfloat mapping

In previous versions, jsoncons arrays that contained

  • an int64_t or a uint64_t (defines base-2 exponent)
  • an int64_t or a uint64_t or a string tagged with semantic_tag::bigint (defines the mantissa)

and that were tagged with semantic_tag::bigfloat, were encoded into CBOR bigfloats. This behaviour has been deprecated.

CBOR bigfloats are now decoded into a jsoncons string that consists of the following parts

  • (optional) minus sign
  • 0x
  • nonempty sequence of hexadecimal digits (defines mantissa)
  • p followed with optional minus or plus sign and nonempty sequence of hexadecimal digits (defines base-2 exponent)

and tagged with semantic_tag::bigfloat (before they were decoded into a jsoncons array and tagged with semantic_tag::bigfloat)

jsoncons strings that consist of the following parts

  • (optional) plus or minus sign
  • 0x or 0X
  • nonempty sequence of hexadecimal digits optionally containing a decimal-point character
  • (optional) p or P followed with optional minus or plus sign and nonempty sequence of decimal digits,

and tagged with semantic_tag::bigfloat are now encoded into CBOR bignums.


CMake build fix

  • The CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE variable is now left alone if already set

Non-breaking changes to lighten semantic_tag names

  • The semantic_tag enum values big_integer, big_decimal, big_float and date_time have been deprecated (still work) and renamed to bigint, bigdec, bigfloat and datetime.

  • The json_content_handler functions big_integer_value, big_decimal_value, date_time_value and timestamp_value have been deprecated (still work.) Calls to these functions should be replaced by calls to string_value with semantic_tag::bigint, semantic_tag::bigdec, and semantic_tag::datetime, and by calls to int64_vaue with semantic_tag::timestamp.

  • The enum type big_integer_chars_format has been deprecated (still works) and renamed to bigint_chars_format.

  • The json_options modifier big_integer_format has been deprecated (still works) and renamed to bigint_format.

Non-breaking changes to ser_context, ser_error and jsonpath_error

  • The function names line_number and column_number have been deprecated (still work) and renamed to line and column.


  • Fixed bug in json_encoder with pad_inside_array_brackets and pad_inside_object_braces options

  • Fixed issue with escape character in jsonpath quoted names.

  • Fixed pedantic level compiler warnings

  • Added doozer tests for CentOS 7.6 and Fedora release 24

  • New macro JSONCONS_GETTER_CTOR_TRAITS_DECL that can be used to generate the json_type_traits boilerplate from getter functions and a constructor.


defect fix:



jsonpath bug fixes:

  • Fixed bug in construction of normalized paths #177.

  • Fixed bug in jsonpath recursive descent with filters which could result in too many values being returned


Warning fix:

  • Removed redundant macro continuation character #176

Non-breaking change to names (old name still works)

  • The name JSONCONS_TYPE_TRAITS_DECL has been deprecated and changed to JSONCONS_MEMBER_TRAITS_DECL

Changes to jsonpath:

  • jsonpath unions now return distinct values (no duplicates)
  • a single dot immediately followed by a left bracket now results in an error (illegal JSONPath)

Enhancements to jsonpath

  • Union of completely separate paths are allowed, e.g.


  • Names in the dot notation may be single or double quoted

Other enhancements:

  • basic_json now supports operators <, <=, >, >=



  • The template parameter CharT has been removed from the binary encoders basic_bson_encoder, basic_cbor_encoder, basic_msgpack_encoder, and basic_ubjson_encoder.



  • Generalized the csv_encode, bson_encode, cbor_encode, msgpack_encode and ubjson_encode functions to convert from any type T that implements json_type_traits

  • Generalized the csv_decode, bson_decode, cbor_decode, msgpack_decode and ubjson_decode functions to convert to any type T that implements json_type_traits


Bug fix:

  • Fixed issue with cbor_reader only reading tag values 0 through 23

Name change

  • The name json::semantic_tag() has been renamed to json::get_semantic_tag()

Non-breaking changes (old names still work)

  • The name semantic_tag_type has been deprecated and renamed to semantic_tag
  • The names json_serializer, bson_serializer, cbor_serializer, csv_serializer, msgpack_serializer, and ubjson_serializer have been deprecated and renamed to json_encoder, bson_encoder, cbor_encoder, csv_encoder, msgpack_encoder, and ubjson_encoder
  • The names bson_buffer_serializer, cbor_buffer_serializer, msgpack_buffer_serializer, and ubjson_buffer_serializer have been deprecated and renamed to bson_bytes_encoder, cbor_bytes_encoder, msgpack_bytes_encoder, and ubjson_bytes_encoder
  • The names bson_buffer_reader, cbor_buffer_reader, msgpack_buffer_reader, and ubjson_buffer_reader have been deprecated and renamed to bson_bytes_reader, cbor_bytes_reader, msgpack_bytes_reader, and ubjson_bytes_reader


  • Cleanup of encode_json and decode_json functions and increased test coverage
  • Rewrote cbor_reader to avoid recursive function call
  • CBOR reader supports stringref extension to CBOR
  • New cbor_options has packed_strings option


Bug fix:

  • Fixed issue with<byte_string_view>()

Non-breaking changes

  • The name is_json_type_traits_impl has been deprecated and renamed to is_json_type_traits_declared
  • The name serializing_context has been deprecated and renamed to ser_context
  • The name serialization_error has been deprecated and renamed to ser_error


  • json as_byte_string attempts to decode string values if semantic_tag_type is base64, base64url, or base16.

  • New macro JSONCONS_TYPE_TRAITS_DECL that can be used to generate the json_type_traits boilerplate for your own types.

  • New basic_json member function get_allocator


Bug fix:

Fixed issue wjson dump() not formatting booleans correctly #174


Name change:

  • The name json_staj_reader has been deprecated and renamed to json_pull_reader

Bug fix:

  • Fixed a bug in json function empty() when type is byte_string.
  • Fixed a bug with preserving semantic_tag_type when copying json values of long string type.


  • Removed deprecated feature cbor_view

  • CBOR decimal fraction and bigfloat string formatting now consistent with double string formatting


  • json to_string() and to_double() now work with CBOR bigfloat

  • JSONPath operators in filter expressions now work with big_integer, big_decimal, and big_float tagged json values

  • json is_number() function now returns true if string value is tagged with big_integer or big_decimal, or if array value is tagged with big_float.

  • json as_string() function now converts arrays tagged with big_float to decimal strings

  • json as_double() function now converts arrays tagged with big_float to double values


New features

  • New csv option lossless_number. If set to true, parse numbers with exponent and fractional parts as strings with semantic tagging semantic_tag_type::big_decimal (instead of double.) Defaults to false.

  • A class jsonpointer::address has been introduced to make it simpler to construct JSON Pointer addresses

Name change

  • The json_options name dec_to_str has been deprecated and renamed to lossless_number.


Deprecated features:

  • cbor_view has been deprecated. Rationale: The complexity of supporting and documenting this component exceeded its benefits.

New features

  • New json_options option dec_to_str. If set to true, parse decimal numbers as strings with semantic tagging semantic_tag_type::big_decimal instead of double. Defaults to false.

  • The ojson (order preserving) implementation now has an index to support binary search for retrieval.

  • Added std::string_view detection

  • jsoncons-CBOR semantic tagging supported for CBOR tags 32 (uri)

Name changes (non-breaking)

  • The json options name bignum_chars_format has been deprecated and replaced with big_integer_chars_format.
  • big_integer_chars_format::integer (bignum_chars_format::integer) has been deprecated and replaced with big_integer_chars_format::number
  • The json_options function bignum_format has been deprecated and replaced with big_integer_format

Changes to floating-point printing

  • If the platform supports the IEEE 754 standard, jsoncons now uses the Grisu3 algorithm for printing floating-point numbers, falling back to a safe method using C library functions for the estimated 0.5% of floating-point numbers that might be rejected by Grisu3. The Grisu3 implementation follows Florian Loitsch's grisu3_59_56 implementation. If the platform does not support the IEEE 754 standard, the fall back method is used.

  • In previous versions, jsoncons preserved information about the format, precision, and decimal places of the floating-point numbers that it read, and used that information when printing them. With the current strategy, that information is no longer needed. Consequently, the floating_point_options parameter in the do_double_value and double_value functions of the SAX-style interface have been removed.

  • The json functions precision() and decimal_places() have been deprecated and return 0 (as this information is no longer preserved.)

  • The constructor json(double val, uint8_t precision) has been deprecated.

  • Note that it is still possible to set precision as a json option when serializing.


New features:

  • New jsonpath functions keys and tokenize.

  • jsoncons-CBOR data item mappings supported for CBOR tags 33 (string base64url) and 34 (string base64)


New features:

  • bson UTC datetime associated with jsoncons semantic_tag_type::timestamp

  • New traits class is_json_type_traits_impl that addresses issues #133 and #115 (duplicates)

  • Following a proposal from soberich, jsonpath functions on JSONPath expressions are no longer restricted to filter expressions.

  • New jsonpath functions sum, count, avg, and prod

  • Added semantic_tag_type::base16, semantic_tag_type::base64, semantic_tag_type::base64url

Non-breaking changes:

  • The json constructor that takes a byte_string and a byte_string_chars_format has been deprecated, use a semantic_tag_type to supply an encoding hint for a byte string, if any.

  • The content handler byte_string_value function that takes a byte_string and a byte_string_chars_format has been deprecated, use a semantic_tag_type to supply an encoding hint for a byte string, if any.


  • The byte_string_chars_format parameter in the content handler do_byte_string_value function has been removed, the semantic_tag_type parameter is now used to supply an encoding hint for a byte string, if any.


Bug fixes:

  • On Windows platforms, fixed issue with macro expansion of max when including windows.h (also in 0.113.1)

  • Fixed compile issue with j = json::make_array() (also in 0.113.2)

Breaking changes to jsoncons semantic tag type names:

  • semantic_tag_type::bignum to semantic_tag_type::big_integer
  • semantic_tag_type::decimal_fraction to semantic_tag_type::big_decimal
  • semantic_tag_type::epoch_time to semantic_tag_type::timestamp

Non-breaking name changes:

The following names have been deprecated and renamed (old names still work)

  • bignum_value to big_integer_value in json_content_handler

  • decimal_value to big_decimal_value in json_content_handler

  • epoch_time_value to timestamp_value in json_content_handler

  • cbor_bytes_serializer to cbor_buffer_serializer

  • msgpack_bytes_serializer to msgpack_buffer_serializer

  • json_serializing_options to json_options

  • csv_serializing_options to csv_options

  • parse_error to serialization_error

The rationale for renaming parse_error to serialization_error is that we need to use error category codes for serializer errors as well as parser errors, so we need a more general name for the exception type.

Message Pack enhancements

  • New msgpack_serializer that supports Message Pack bin formats

  • New msgpack_parser that supports Message Pack bin formats

  • encode_msgpack and decode_msgpack have been rewritten using msgpack_serializer and msgpack_parser, and also now support bin formats.

New features:

  • decode from and encode to the Universal Binary JSON Specification (ubjson) data format

  • decode from and encode to the Binary JSON (bson) data format

  • The cbor, msgpack and ubjson streaming serializers now validate that the expected number of items have been supplied in an object or array of pre-determined length.


Bug fix

  • Fixed issue with indefinite length byte strings, text strings, arrays, and maps nested inside other CBOR items (wasn't advancing the input pointer past the "break" indicator.)


  • FILE and LINE macros removed from JSONCONS_ASSERT if not defined _DEBUG (contributed by zhskyy.)

  • semantic_tag_type name decimal changed to decimal_fraction

New CBOR feature

  • CBOR semantic tagging of expected conversion of byte strings to base64, base64url and base16 are preserved and respected in JSON serialization (unless overridden in json_serializing_options.)

  • CBOR semantic tagging of bigfloat preserved with semantic_tag_type::bigfloat

  • CBOR non text string keys converted to strings when decoding to json values

Changes to json_serializing_options

New options

  • spaces_around_colon (defaults to space_after)
  • spaces_around_comma (defaults to space_after)
  • pad_inside_object_braces (defaults to false)
  • pad_inside_array_brackets (defaults to false)
  • line_length_limit (defaults to '120`)
  • new_line_chars (for json serialization, defaults to \n)

nan_replacement, pos_inf_replacement, and neg_inf_replacement are deprecated (still work) These have been replaced by

  • nan_to_num/nan_to_str
  • inf_to_num/inf_to_str
  • neginf_to_num/neginf_to_str (default is - followed by inf_to_num/inf_to_str)

nan_to_str, inf_to_str and neginf_to_str are also used to substitute back to nan, inf and neginf in the parser.

  • Long since deprecated options array_array_block_option, array_object_block_option, object_object_block_option and object_array_block_option have been removed.

  • The names object_array_split_lines, object_object_split_lines, array_array_split_lines and array_object_split_lines have been deprecated (still work) and renamed to object_array_line_splits, object_object_line_splits, array_array_line_splits and array_object_line_splits. Rationale: consistency with line_split_kind name.

Changes to json_serializer

  • Previously the constructor of json_serializer took an optional argument to indicate whether "indenting" was on. json_serializer now always produces indented output, so this argument has been removed.

  • A new class json_compressed_serializer produces compressed json without indenting.

    The jsoncons functions that perform serialization including json::dump, pretty_print and the output stream operator are unaffected.


Changes to json_content_handler

  • The function byte_string_value no longer supports passing a byte string as


(shown in some of the examples.) Instead use


(or a pointer to utf8_t data and a size.)

  • The function bignum_value no longer supports passing a CBOR signum and byte string, bignum_value now accepts only a string view. If you have a CBOR signum and byte string, you can use the bignum class to convert it into a string.

Name changes (non breaking)

  • The name json_stream_reader has been deprecated and replaced with json_staj_reader.

  • The name stream_event_type has been deprecated and replaced with staj_event_type

  • The names basic_stream_event (stream_event) have been deprecated and replaced with basic_staj_event (staj_event)

  • The names basic_stream_filter (stream_filter) have been deprecated and replaced with basic_staj_filter (staj_filter) (staj stands for "streaming API for JSON, analagous to StAX in XML)

  • The json_parser function end_parse has been deprecated and replaced with finish_parse.


  • json double values convert to CBOR float if double to float round trips.

  • csv_parser ignore_empty_values option now applies to m_columns style json output.

  • json_reader and json_staj_reader can be initialized with strings in addition to streams.

Extension of semantic tags to other values

- The `json_content_handler` functions `do_null_value`, `do_bool_value`,
  `do_begin_array` and `do_begin_object` have been given the
  semantic_tag_type parameter.  

- New tag type `semantic_tag_type::undefined` has been added

- The `cbor_parser` encodes a CBOR undefined tag to a json null
  value with a `semantic_tag_type::undefined` tag, and the 
  `cbor_serializer` maps that combination back to a CBOR undefined tag. 


  • Long since deprecated value() functions have been removed from json_content_handler



  • Improved efficiency of json_decoder

  • Improved efficiency of json_proxy

  • Conversion of CBOR decimal fraction to string uses exponential notation if exponent is positive or if the exponent plus the number of digits in the mantissa is negative.

Bug fix

  • Fixed issue with conversion of CBOR decimal fraction to string when mantissa is negative


Bug and warning fixes:

  • A case where the json parser performed validation on a string before all bytes of the string had been read, and failed if missing part of a multi-byte byte sequence, is fixed.

  • An issue with reading a bignum with the pull parser json_stream_reader (in the case that an integer value overflows) has been fixed.

  • GCC and clang warnings about switch fall through have been fixed

Non-breaking changes:

  • The functions json::has_key and cbor::has_key have been deprecated (but still work) and renamed to json::contains and cbor::contains. Rationale: consistency with C++ 20 associative map contains function.

  • The json function as_integer() is now a template function,

template <class T = int64_t>
T as_integer();

where T can be any integral type, signed or unsigned. The default parameter is for backwards compatability, but is a depreated feature, and may be removed in a future version. Prefer<int64_t>().

  • The json functions is_integer() and is_uinteger() have been deprecated and renamed to is_int64(), is_uint64(). Prefer<int64_t>() and<uint64_t>().

  • The json function as_uinteger() has been deprecated. Prefer<uint64_t>().

and as_uinteger() have been deprecated and renamed to is_int64(), is_uint64(), as_int64() and as_uint64().

Change to pull parser API:

  • The stream_filter function accept has been changed to take a const stream_event& and a const serializing_context&.

  • stream_event_type::bignum_value has been removed. stream_event now exposes information about optional semantic tagging through the semantic_tag() function.


  •<bignum>() has been enhanced to return a bignum value if j is an integer, floating point value, or any string that contains an optional minus sign character followed by a sequence of digits.

  •<T>() has been enhanced to support extended integer types that have std::numeric_limits specializations. In particular, it supports GCC __int128 and unsigned __int128 when code is compiled with std=gnu++NN, allowing a bignum to be returned as an __int128 or unsigned __int128. (when code is compiled with -std=c++NN, __int128 and unsigned __int128 do not have std::numeric_limits specializations.)

New feature:

This release accomodate the additional semantics for the CBOR data items date-time (a string), and epoch time (a positive or negative integer or floating point value), and decimal fraction (converted in the jsoncons data model to a string).

But first, some of the virtual functions in json_content_handler have to be modified to preserve these semantics. Consequently, the function signatures

bool do_int64_value(int64_t, const serializing_context&)

bool do_uint64_value(uint64_t, const serializing_context&)

bool do_double_value(double, const floating_point_options&, const serializing_context&)

bool do_string_value(const string_view_type&, const serializing_context&)

bool do_byte_string_value(const uint8_t*, size_t, const serializing_context&)

have been given an additonal parameter, a semantic_tag_type,

bool do_int64_value(int64_t, semantic_tag_type, const serializing_context&)

bool do_uint64_value(uint64_t, semantic_tag_type, const serializing_context&)

bool do_double_value(double, const floating_point_options&, semantic_tag_type, const serializing_context&)

bool do_string_value(const string_view_type&, semantic_tag_type, const serializing_context&)

bool do_byte_string_value(const uint8_t*, size_t, semantic_tag_type, const serializing_context&)

For consistency, the virtual function

bool do_bignum_value(const string_view_type&, const serializing_context&)

has been removed, and in its place do_string_value will be called with semantic_tag_type::bignum_type.

For users who have written classes that implement all or part of json_content_handler, including extensions to json_filter, these are breaking changes. But otherwise users should be unaffected.


Continuous integration:

  • jsoncons is now cross compiled for ARMv8-A architecture on Travis using clang and executed using the emulator qemu.

  • UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer (UBSan) is enabled for selected gcc and clang builds.


  • Removed compiler warnings


Bug fixes contributed by Cebtenzzre

  • Fixed a case where as_double(), as_integer() etc on a basic_json value led to an infinite recursion when the value was a bignum

  • Fixed undefined behavior in bignum class


New features

  • A JSON pull parser, json_stream_reader, has been added. This required a change to the json_content_handler function signatures, the return values has been changed to bool, to indicate whether parsing is to continue. (An earlier version on master was called json_event_reader.)

  • json_parser has new member function stopped().

  • The json::is function now supports is<jsoncons::string_view>(), and if your compiler has std::string_view, is<std::string_view>() as well. It returns true if the json value is a string, otherwise false.

  • The json::as function now supports as<jsoncons::string_view>(), and if your compiler has std::string_view, as<std::string_view>() as well.

Changes to json_content_handler and related streaming classes

Non-breaking changes

These changes apply to users that call the public functions defined by json_content_handler, e.g. begin_object, end_object, etc., but are non-breaking because the old function signatures, while deprecated, have been preserved. Going forward, however, users should remove calls to begin_document, replace end_document with flush, and replace integer_value and end_integer_value with int64_value and uint64_value.

  • The public functions defined by json_content_handler have been changed to return a bool value, to indicate whether parsing is to continue.

  • The function names integer_value and uinteger_value have been changed to int64_value and uint64_value.

  • The function names begin_document and end_document have been deprecated. The deprecated begin_document does nothing, and the deprecated end_document calls do_flush.

  • The function flush has been added, which calls do_flush.

  • The json member function dump_fragment has been deprecated, as with the dropping of begin_document and end_document, it is now equivalent to dump.

  • The function encode_fragment has been deprecated, as with the dropping of begin_document and end_document, it is now equivalent to encode_json.

  • The json_filter member function downstream_handler has been renamed to destination_handler.

Breaking changes

These changes will affect users who have written classes that implement all or part of json_content_handler, including extensions to json_filter.

  • The virtual functions defined for json_content_handler, do_begin_object, do_end_object, etc. have been changed to return a bool value, to indicate whether serializing or deserializing is to continue.

  • The virtual functions do_begin_document and do_end_document have been removed. A virtual function do_flush has been added to allow producers of json events to flush whatever they've buffered.

  • The function names do_integer_value and do_uinteger_value have been changed to do_int64_value and do_uint64_value.

  • The signature of do_bignum_value has been changed to

    bool do_bignum_value(const string_view_type& value, 
                         const serializing_context& context)



  • Added byte string formatting option byte_string_chars_format::base16


  • Scons dropped as a build system for tests and examples, use CMake

  • Tests no longer depend on boost, boost test framework replaced by Catch2. boost code in tests moved to examples_boost directory.

  • Previously, if json_parser encountered an unopened object or array, e.g. "1]", this would cause a JSONCONS_ASSERT failure, resulting in an std::runtime_error. This has been changed to cause a json_parse_errc::unexpected_right_brace or json_parse_errc::unexpected_right_bracket error code.

Warning fixes

  • Eliminated vs2017 level 3 and level 4 warnings



  • bignum_chars_format::base64 is supported

  • The incremental parser json_parser has been documented

Changes (non-breaking)

  • Previously, jsonpointer::get returned values (copies) Now, jsonpointer::get returns references if applied to basic_json, and values if applied to cbor_view

  • bignum_chars_format::string has been deprecated (still works) and replaced with bignum_chars_format::base10

  • json_parser_errc, cbor_parser_errc, and csv_parser_errc have been deprecated (still work) and renamed to json_parse_errc, cbor_parse_errc, and csv_parse_errc


Bug fixes:

  • Fixed issue with UINT_MAX not declared in bignum.hpp


Bug fixes:

  • Fixed issue with cbor_view iterators over indefinite length arrays and maps


  • csv_serializer recognizes byte strings and bignums.



  • Support for CBOR bignums
  • Added json serializing options for formatting CBOR bignums as integer, string, or base64url encoded byte string
  • Added json serializing options for formatting CBOR bytes strings as base64 or base64url
  • Enhanced interface for cbor_view including dump, is<T>, and as<t> functions


  • If the json parser encounters an integer overflow, the value is now handled as a bignum rather than a double value.

  • The json_content_handler names begin_json and end_json have been deprecated and replaced with begin_document and end_document, and the names do_begin_json and do_end_json have been removed and replaced with do_begin_document, and do_end_document. Rationale: meaningfullness across JSON and other data formats including CBOR.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed bug in base64url encoding of CBOR byte strings
  • Fixed bug in parsing indefinite length CBOR arrays and maps



  • If a fractional number is read in in fixed format, serialization now preserves that fixed format, e.g. if 0.000071 is read in, serialization gives 0.000071 and not 7.1e-05. In previous versions, the floating point format, whether fixed or scientific, was determined by the behavior of snprintf using the g conversion specifier.

Bug fix:

  • Fixed issue with parsing cbor indefinite length arrays and maps

Warning fix:

  • Use memcpy in place of reinterpret_cast in binary data format utility from_big_endian

Compiler fix:

  • Fixed issues with g++ 4.8



  • The CSV extension now supports multi-valued fields separated by subfield delimiters

  • New functions decode_json and encode_json convert JSON formatted strings to C++ objects and back. These functions attempt to perform the conversion by streaming using json_convert_traits, and if streaming is not supported, fall back to using json_type_traits. decode_json and encode_json will work for all types that have json_type_traits defined.

  • The json::parse functions and the json_parser and json_reader constructors optionally take a json_serializing_options parameter, which allows replacing a string that matches nan_replacement(), pos_inf_replacement(), and neg_inf_replacement().

Changes to Streaming

  • The basic_json_input_handler and basic_json_output_handler interfaces have been combined into one class basic_json_content_handler. This greatly simplifies the implementation of basic_json_filter. Also, the name parsing_context has been deprecated and renamed to serializing_context, as it now applies to both serializing and deserializing.

    If you have subclassed json_filter or have fed JSON events directlty to a json_serializer, you shouldn't have to make any changes. In the less likely case that you've implemented the basic_json_input_handler or basic_json_output_handler interfaces, you'll need to change that to json_content_handler.

Other Changes

  • serialization_traits and the related dump free functions have been deprecated, as their functionality has been subsumed by json_convert_traits and the encode_json functions.

  • The option bool argument to indicate pretty printing in the json dump functions and the json_serializer class has been deprecated. It is replaced by the enum class indenting with enumerators indenting::no_indent and indenting::indent.

  • The name serialization_options has been deprecated (still works) and renamed to json_serializing_options. Rationale: naming consistency.

  • The json_reader max_nesting_depth getter and setter functions have been deprecated. Use the json_serializing_options max_nesting_depth getter and setter functions instead.

  • The name csv_parameters has been deprecated (still works) and renamed to csv_serializing_options. Rationale: naming consistency.



  • decode_csv by default now attempts to infer null, true, false, integer and floating point values in the CSV source. In previous versions the default was to read everything as strings, and other types had to be specified explicitly. If the new default behavior is not desired, the csv_parameters option infer_types can be set to false. Column types can still be set explicitly if desired.



  • Default string_view_type operator std::basic_string<CharT,Traits,Allocator>() const made explicit to be consistent with std::string_view

  • The virtual method do_double_value of json_input_handler and json_output_handler takes a number_format parameter

Performance improvements

  • Faster json dump to string (avoids streams)
  • Faster floating point conversions for linux and MacOSX
  • Memory allocation decoding larger string values reduced by half
  • Optimization to json_parser parse_string
  • Improvements to json_decoder


Bug fix:

Fixed an off-by-one error that could lead to an out of bounds read. Reported by mickcollyer (issue #145)


Bug fixes:

Fixed issue with how jsonpath filters are applied to arrays in the presence of recursion, resulting in duplicate results.


The signatures of jsonpointer::get, jsonpointer::insert, jsonpointer::insert_or_assign, jsonpointer::remove and jsonpointer::replace have been changed to be consistent with other functions in the jsoncons library. Each of these functions now has two overloads, one that takes an std::error_code parameter and uses it to report errors, and one that throws a jsonpointer_error exception to report errors.

The function jsonpatch::patch has been replaced by jsonpatch::apply_patch, which takes a json document, a patch, and a std::error_code& to report errors. The function jsonpatch::diff has been renamed to jsonpatch::from_diff

The old signatures for encode_cbor and encode_msgpack that returned a std::vector<uint8_t> have been deprecated and replaced by new signatures that have void return values and have an output parameter 'std::vector<uint8_t>&'. The rationale for this change is consistency with other functions in the jsoncons library.



  • Fixes to string_view code when JSONCONS_HAS_STRING_VIEW is defined in jsoncons_config.hpp


  • as_double throws if json value is null (previously returned NaN)


  • Added convenience functions decode_csv and encode_csv
  • Support custom allocaor (currently stateless only) in json_decoder, json_reader, csv_reader, csv_parameters


Resolved warnings on GCC Issue #127


Fix for platform issue with vs2017:

  • Renamed label minus to minus_sign in json_parser.hpp


  • New classes byte_string and byte_string_view, to augment support for cbor byte strings in json values



  • template <class CharT> json_traits<CharT> replaced with sorted_policy

  • template <class CharT> o_json_traits<CharT> replaced with preserve_order_policy

  • The return type for the json::get_with_default function overload for const char* has been changed from const char* to json::string_view_type, which is assignable to std::string.

  • New functions byte_string_value and do_byte_string_value have been added to basic_json_input_handler and basic_json_output_handler

  • json::is<const char*>() and json::as<const char*>() specializations (supported but never documented) have been deprecated

  • In android specific string_to_double, strtod_l changed to strtold_l


  • The json class and the decode_cbor and encode_cbor functions now support byte strings A json byte string value will, when serialized to JSON, be converted to a base64url string.

  • version.hpp added to include directory

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed issue with jsonpatch::diff (fix contributed by Alexander (rog13))


  • New class cbor_view for accessing packed cbor values. A cbor_view satisfies the requirements for jsonpointer::get.

Changes (non breaking)

  • jsonpointer::erase renamed to jsonpointer::remove, old name deprecated

New features

  • JSON Pointer implementation

  • JSON Patch implementation, includes patch and diff

  • json::insert function for array that inserts values from range [first, last) before pos.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue with serialization of json array of objects to csv file

Changes (non breaking)

  • The member function name json::dump_body has been deprecated and replaced with json::dump_fragment.

  • The non member function name dump_body has been deprecated and replaced with dump_fragment.

  • The class name rename_name_filter has been deprecated and replaced with rename_object_member_filter.

  • In the documentation and examples, the existing function json::insert_or_assign is now used instead of the still-supported json::set. The reason is that insert_or_assign follows the naming convention of the C++ standard library.


  • The recently introduced class json_stream_traits has been renamed to serialization_traits

  • Removed template parameter CharT from class basic_parsing_context and renamed it to parsing_context

  • Removed template parameter CharT from class basic_parse_error_handler and renamed it to parse_error_handler

New features

  • Added json functions push_back and insert for appending values to the end of a json array and inserting values at a specifed position

Rationale: While these functions provide the same functionality as the existing json::add function, they have the advantage of following the naming conventions of the C++ library, and have been given prominence in the examples and documentation (add is still supported.)

New features

  • cbor extension supports encoding to and decoding from the cbor binary serialization format.

  • json_type_traits supports std::valarray


  • Documentation is now in the repository itself. Please see the documentation link in the file


  • Removed CharT template parameter from json_stream_traits



  • Visual Studio 2013 is no longer supported (jsonpath uses string initilizer lists)

  • json_input_handler overloaded functions value(value,context)have been deprecated. Instead usestring_value(value,context), integer_value(value,context), uinteger_value(value,context), double_value(value,precision,context), bool_value(value,context)andnull_value(context)`

  • json_output_handler overloaded functions value(value)have been deprecated. Instead usestring_value(value), integer_value(value), uinteger_value(value), double_value(value,precision=0), bool_value(value)andnull_value(context)`

  • For consistency, the names jsoncons_ext/msgpack/message_pack.hpp, encode_message_pack and decode_message_pack have been deprecated and replaced with jsoncons_ext/msgpack/msgpack.hpp, encode_msgpack and decode_msg_pack

Bug fixes

  • Fixed operator== throws when comparing a string against an empty object

  • Fixed jsonpath issue with array 'length' (a.length worked but not a['length'])

  • msgpack extension uses intrinsics for determing whether to swap bytes

New features

  • Stream supported C++ values directly to JSON output, governed by json_stream_traits

  • json::is() and json::as() accept template packs, which they forward to the json_type_traits is and as functions. This allows user defined json_type_traits implementations to resolve, for instance, a name into a C++ object looked up from a registry. See Type Extensibility, Example 2.

  • jsonpath json_query now supports returning normalized paths (with optional return_type::path parameter)

  • New jsonpath max and min aggregate functions over numeric values

  • New json::merge function that inserts another json object's key-value pairs into a json object, if they don't already exist.

  • New json::merge_or_update function that inserts another json object's key-value pairs into a json object, or assigns them if they already exist.

  • json_type_traits supports std::pair (convert to/from json array of size 2)

  • parse_stream renamed to parse (backwards compatible)

  • kvp_type renamed to key_value_pair_type (backwards compatible)

  • The _json and _ojson literal operators have been moved to the namespace jsoncons::literals. Access to these literals now requires

    using namespace jsoncons::literals;    

Rationale: avoid name clashes with other json libraries

  • The name owjson has been deprecated (still works) and changed to wojson. Rationale: naming consistency

  • Added json array functions emplace_back and emplace, and json object functions try_emplace and insert_or_assign, which are analagous to the standard library vector and map functions.

Bug fix

  • A bug was introduced in 0.99.7 causing the values of existing object members to not be changed wiht set or assignment operations. This has been fixed.


  • jsoncons_ext/binary changed to jsoncons_ext/msgpack
  • namespace jsoncons::binary changed to jsoncons::msgpack

  • Workarounds in unicode_traits and jsonpath to maintain support for vs2013
  • Added mapping_type::n_rows, mapping_type::n_objects, and mapping_type::m_columns options for csv to json


Bug fixes

  • Issues with precedence in JsonPath filter evaluations have been fixed
  • An issue with (a - expression) in JsonPath filter evaluations has been fixed

New feature

  • The new binary extension supports encoding to and decoding from the MessagePack binary serialization format.
  • An extension to JsonPath to allow filter expressions over a single object.
  • Added support for * and / operators to jsonpath filter
  • literal operators _json and _ojson have been introduced

Non-breaking changes

  • The json write functions have been renamed to dump. The old names have been deprecated but still work.
  • Support for stateful allocators
  • json function object_range() now returns a pair of RandomAccessIterator (previously BidirectionalIterator)
  • json operator [size_t i] applied to a json object now returns the ith object (previously threw)

Breaking change (if you've implemented your own input and output handlers)

In basic_json_input_handler, the virtual functions

virtual void do_name(const CharT* value, size_t length, 
                     const basic_parsing_context<CharT>& context)

virtual void do_string_value(const CharT* value, size_t length, 
                             const basic_parsing_context<CharT>& context)

have been changed to

virtual void do_name(string_view_type val, 
                     const basic_parsing_context<CharT>& context) 

virtual void do_string_value(string_view_type val, 
                             const basic_parsing_context<CharT>& context) 

In basic_json_output_handler, the virtual functions

virtual void do_name(const CharT* value, size_t length) 

virtual void do_string_value(const CharT* value, size_t length) 

have been changed to

virtual void do_name(string_view_type val)

virtual void do_string_value(string_view_type val)

Removed features:

  • The jsonx extension has been removed


  • Validations added to utf8 and utf16 string parsing to pass all JSONTestSuite tests
  • The name json_encoder introduced in 0.99.4 has been changed to json_decoder. Rationale: consistencty with common usage (encoding and serialization, decoding and deserialization)


Fixes Issue #101, In json.hpp, line 3376 change "char__type" to "char_type" Fixes Issue #102, include cstring and json_error_category.hpp in json.hpp



  • The deprecated class json::any has been removed.
  • The jsoncons boost extension has been removed. That extension contained a sample json_type_traits specialization for boost::gregorian::date, which may still be found in the "Type Extensibility" tutorial.
  • The member json_type_traits member function assign has been removed and replaced by to_json. if you have implemented your own type specializations, you will also have to change your assign function to to_json.
  • json_type_traits specializations no longer require the is_assignable data member

Non-breaking name changes

  • The names json_deserializer,ojson_deserializer,wjson_deserializer,owjson_deserializer have been deprecated (they still work) and replaced by json_encoder<json>, json_encoder<ojson>, json_encoder<wjson> and json_encoder<owjson>.
  • The name output_format has been deprecated (still works) and renamed to serialization_options.
  • The name wojson has been deprecated (still works) and renamed to owjson.
  • The json_filter member function input_handler has been deprecated (still works) and renamed to downstream_handler.
  • The name elements has been deprecated (still works) and renamed to owjson.
  • The json member function members() has been deprecated (still works) and renamed to object_range().
  • The json member function elements() has been deprecated (still works) and renamed to array_range().
  • The json member_type function name() has been deprecated (still works) and renamed to key(). Rationale: consistency with more general underlying storage classes.

New features

  • json_filter instances can be passed to functions that take a json_output_handler argument (previously only a json_input_handler argument)
  • New jsonpath function json_replace that searches for all values that match a JsonPath expression and replaces them with a specified value.
  • json class has new method has_key(), which returns true if a json value is an object and has a member with that key
  • New filter class rename_name allows search and replace of JSON object names



The json initializer-list constructor has been removed, it gives inconsistent results when an initializer has zero elements, or one element of the type being initialized (json). Please replace

json j = {1,2,3} with json j = json::array{1,2,3}, and

json j = {{1,2,3},{4,5,6}} with json j = json::array{json::array{1,2,3},json::array{4,5,6}}

  • Initializer-list constructors are now supported in json::object as well as json::array, e.g.
json j = json::object{{"first",1},{"second",json::array{1,2,3}}};
  • json::any has been deprecated and will be removed in the future

  • The json method to_stream has been renamed to write, the old name is still supported.

  • output_format object_array_block_option, array_array_block_option functions have been deprecated and replaced by object_array_split_lines, array_array_split_lines functions.


  • A new method get_with_default, with return type that of the default, has been added to json

  • A new template parameter, JsonTraits, has been added to the basic_json class template.

  • New instantiations of basic_json, ojson and wojson, have been added for users who wish to preserve the alphabetical sort of parsed json text and to insert new members in arbitrary name order.

  • Added support for json is<T>, as<T>, constructor, and assignment operator for any sequence container (std::array, std::vector, std::deque, std::forward_list, std::list) whose values are assignable to JSON types (e.g., ints, doubles, bools, strings, STL containers of same) and for associative containers (std::set, std::multiset, std::unordered_set, std::unordered_multiset.)

  • Added static method null() to json class to return null value

  • A new extension jsonx that supports serializing JSON values to JSONx (XML)

  • json parser will skip bom in input if present


  • Fixes to the jsonpath extension, including the union operator and applying index operations to string values

  • Fixes to remove warnings and issues reported by VS2015 with 4-th warnings level, PVS-Studio static analyzer tool, and UBSAN.


  • Included workaround for a C++11 issue in GCC 4.8, contributed by Alex Merry

  • Fixed operator== so that json() == json(json::object())

  • Fixed issue with json assignment to initializer list

  • Fixed issue with assignment to empty json object with multiple keys, e.g.

    json val; val["key1"]["key2"] = 1;


  • Fix to json_filter class
  • Fix to readme_examples


  • Fixes to deprecated json parse functions (deprecated, but still supposed to work)
  • The Visual C++ specific implementation for reading floating point numbers should have freed a _locale_t object, fixed
  • Added json_type_traits specialization to support assignment from non-const strings
  • When parsing fractional numbers in text, floating point number precision is retained, and made available to serialization to preserve round-trip. The default output precision has been changed from 15 to 16.
  • Added json std::initializer_list constructor for constructing arrays
  • The deprecated json member constants null, an_object, and an_array have been removed
  • Microsoft VC++ versions earlier than 2013 are no longer supported


  • Fixes issues with compilation with clang


New features

  • Supports Stefan Goessner's JsonPath.
  • json member function find added
  • json member function count added
  • json array range accessor elements() added, which supports range-based for loops over json arrays, and replaces begin_elements and end_elements
  • json object range accessor members() added, which supports range-based for loops over json objects, and replaces begin_members and end_members
  • New version of json add member function that takes a parameter array_iterator
  • json member function shrink_to_fit added

API Changes

  • The json internal representation of signed and unsigned integers has been changed from long long and unsigned long long to int64_t and uint64_t. This should not impact you unless you've implemented your own json_input_handler or json_output_handler, in which case you'll need to change your json_input_handler function signatures

    void do_longlong_value(long long value, const basic_parsing_context& context) override void do_ulonglong_integer_value(unsigned long long value, const basic_parsing_context& context) override


void do_integer_value(int64_t value, const basic_parsing_context<Char>& context) override
void do_uinteger_value(uint64_t value, const basic_parsing_context<Char>& context) override

and your json_output_handler function signatures from

void do_longlong_value(long long value) override
void do_ulonglong_integer_value(unsigned long long value) override


void do_integer_value(int64_t value) override
void do_uinteger_value(uint64_t value) override
  • output_format drops support for floatfield property

Non-beaking API Changes

  • remove_range has been deprecated, use erase(array_iterator first, array_iterator last) instead
  • remove has been deprecated, use erase(const std::string& name ) instead
  • json::parse_string has been renamed to json::parse, parse_string is deprecated but still works
  • json member function is_emptyhas been renamed toempty, is_empty` is deprecated but still works. Rationale: consistency with C++ containers
  • json member functions begin_elements and end_elements have been deprecated, instead use elements().begin() and elements.end()
  • json member functions begin_members and end_members have been deprecated, instead use members().begin() and members.end()
  • json member function has_member has been deprecated, instead use count. Rationale: consistency with C++ containers
  • json member function remove_member has been deprecated, instead use remove. Rationale: only member function left with _element or _member suffix
  • json_parse_exception renamed to parse_error, json_parse_exception typedef to parse_error
  • json::parse(std::istream& is) renamed to json::parse_stream. json::parse(std::istream is) is deprecated but still works.

0.98.2 Release

  • json constructor is now templated, so constructors now accept extended types
  • Following RFC7159, json_parser now accepts any JSON value, removing the constraint that it be an object or array.
  • The member json_type_traits member functions is, as, and assign have been changed to static functions. if you have implemented your own type specializations, you will also have to change your is, as and assign functions to be static.
  • Removed json deprecated functions custom_data, set_custom_data, add_custom_data
  • json_reader member function max_depth has been renamed to max_nesting_depth, the former name is still supported.
  • json member function resize_array has been renamed to resize, the former name is still supported.

jsoncons supports alternative ways for constructing null, object, and array values.


json a = jsoncons::null_type();  // Using type constructor
json b = json::null_type();      // Using alias
json c(json::null);              // From static data member prototype


json a();                 // Default is empty object
json b = json::object();  // Using type constructor
json c(json::an_object);  // From static data member prototype


json a = json::array();      // Using type constructor
json b = json::make_array(); // Using factory method
json c(json::an_array);      // From static data member prototype

Since C++ has possible order issues with static data members, the jsoncons examples and documentation have been changed to consistently use the other ways, and json::null, json::an_object and json::an_array have been, while still usable, deprecated.

0.98.1 Release

  • Enhances parser for CSV files that outputs JSON, see example below.
  • Adds get_result member function to json_deserializer, which returns the json value v stored in a json_deserializer as std::move(v). The root() member function has been deprecated but is still supported.
  • Adds is_valid member function to json_deserializer
  • Enhances json::any class, adds type checks when casting back to original value
  • Fixes some warning messages

0.98 Release

Bug fixes:

  • Fixes the noexcept specification (required for Visual Studio 2015 and later.) Fix contributed by Rupert Steel.
  • Fixes bug with proxy operator== when comparing object member values, such as in val["field"] == json("abc")


  • Refines error codes and improves error messages

  • Renames json_reader method read to read_next, reflecting the fact that it supports reading a sequence of JSON texts from a stream. The former name is deprecated but still works.

  • Adds json_reader method check_done that throws if there are unconsumed non-whitespace characters after one or more calls to read_next.

  • Adds getter and setter max_depth methods to allow setting the maximum JSON parse tree depth if desired, by default it is arbitrarily large (limited by heap memory.)

  • Modifies json static methods parse_string, parse_file, and parse behaviour to throw if there are unconsumed non-whitespace characters after reading one JSON text.

Changes to extensions:

  • Changes the top level namespace for the extensions from jsoncons_ext to jsoncons, e.g. jsoncons_ext::csv::csv_reader becomes jsoncons::csv::csv_reader
  • Modifies csv_reader and csv_serializer so that the constructors are passed parameters in a csv_parameters object rather than a json object.
  • Adds more options to csv_reader

0.97.2 Release

  • Incorporates test suite files from into test suite

  • The jsoncons parser accepts all of the JSON_checker files that its supposed to accept.

  • Failures to reject incorrect exponential notation (e.g. [0e+-1]) have been fixed.

  • The jsoncons parser now rejects all of the JSON_checker files that its supposed to reject except ones with stuff after the end of the document, e.g.

    ["Extra close"]]

    (Currently the jsoncons parser stops after reading a complete JSON text, and supports reading a sequence of JSON texts.)

  • Incorporates a fix to operator== on json objects, contributed by Alex Merry

0.97.1 Release

  • "Transforming JSON with filters" example fixed
  • Added a class-specific in-place new to the json class that is implemented in terms of the global version (required to create json objects with placement new operator.)
  • Reorganized header files, removing unnecessary includes.
  • Incorporates validation contributed by Alex Merry for ensuring that there is an object or array on parse head.
  • Incorporates fix contributed by Milan Burda for â��Switch case is in protected scopeâ�� clang build error

0.97 Release

  • Reversion of 0.96 change:

The virtual methods do_float_value, do_integer_value, and do_unsigned_value of json_input_handler and json_output_handler have been restored to do_double_value, do_longlong_value and do_ulonglong_value, and their typedefed parameter types float_type, integer_type, and unsigned_type have been restored to double, long long, and unsigned long long.

The rationale for this reversion is that the change doesn't really help to make the software more flexible, and that it's better to leave out the typedefs. There will be future enhancements to support greater numeric precision, but these will not affect the current method signatures.

  • Fix for "unused variable" warning message

0.96 Release

This release includes breaking changes to interfaces. Going forward, the interfaces are expected to be stable.

Breaking changes:

  • Renamed error_handler to parse_error_handler.

  • Renamed namespace json_parser_error to json_parser_errc

  • Renamed value_adapter to json_type_traits, if you have implemented your own type specializations, you will have to rename value_adapter also.

  • Only json arrays now support operator[](size_t) to loop over values, this is no longer supported for json objects. Use a json object iterator instead.

  • The virtual methods do_double_value, do_integer_value and do_uinteger_value of json_input_handler and json_output_handler have been renamed to do_float_value, do_integer_value, and do_unsigned_value, and their parameters have been changed from double, long long, and unsigned long long to typedefs float_type, integer_type, and unsigned_type. The rationale for this change is to allow different configurations for internal number types (reversed in 0.97.)

General changes

  • json member function begin_object now returns a bidirectional iterator rather than a random access iterator.

  • Static singleton instance methods have been added to default_parse_error_handler and empty_json_input_handler.

  • Added to the json class overloaded static methods parse, parse_string and parse_file that take a parse_error_handler as a parameter.

  • Added methods last_char() and eof() to parsing_context.

  • Enhancements to json parsing and json parse event error notification.

  • Added to json_input_handler and json_output_handler a non virtual method value that takes a null terminated string.

  • Added methods is_integer, is_unsigned and is_float to json to replace is_longlong, is_ulonglong and is_double, which have been deprecated.

  • Added methods as_integer, as_unsigned and as_float to json to replace is_longlong, is_ulonglong and is_double, which have been deprecated.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed issue with column number reported by json_reader

  • Where &s[0] and s.length() were passed to methods, &s[0] has been replaced with s.c_str(). While this shouldn't be an issue on most implementations, VS throws an exception in debug modes when the string has length zero.

  • Fixes two issues in 0.95 reported by Alex Merry that caused errors with GCC: a superfluous typename has been removed in csv_serializer.hpp, and a JSONCONS_NOEXCEPT specifier has been added to the json_error_category_impl name method.

  • Fixed a number of typename issues in the 0.96 candidate identifed by Ignatov Serguei.

  • Fixes issues with testsuite cmake and scons reported by Alex Merry and Ignatov Serguei



  • Added template method any_cast to json class.

  • The allocator type parameter in basic_json is now supported, it allows you to supply a custom allocator for dynamically allocated, fixed size small objects in the json container. The allocator type is not used for structures including vectors and strings that use large or variable amounts of memory, these always use the default allocators.

Non-breaking Change:

  • json_filter method parent has been renamed to input_handler (old name still works)

Breaking change (if you've implemented your own input and output handlers, or if you've passed json events to input and output handlers directly):

  • The input handler virtual method name(const std::string& name, const parsing_context& context) has been changed to do_name(const char* p, size_t length, const parsing_context& context)

  • The output handler virtual method name(const std::string& name) has been changed to do_name(const char* p, size_t length)

  • The input handler virtual method string_value(const std::string& value, const parsing_context& context) has been changed to do_string_value(const char* p, size_t length, const parsing_context& context)

  • The output handler virtual method string_value(const std::string& value) has been changed to do_string_value(const char* p, size_t length)

The rationale for the method parameter changes is to allow different internal representations of strings but preserve efficiency.

  • The input and output handler virtual implementation methods begin_json, end_json, begin_object, end_object, begin_array, end_array, name, string_value, longlong_value, ulonglong_value, double_value, bool_value and null_value have been renamed to do_begin_json, do_end_json, do_begin_object, do_end_object, do_begin_array, do_end_array, do_name, do_string_value, do_longlong_value, do_ulonglong_value, do_double_value, do_bool_value and do_null_value and have been made private.

  • Public non-virtual interface methods begin_json, end_json, begin_object, end_object, begin_array, end_array, name have been added to json_input_handler and json_output_handler.

The rationale for these changes is to follow best C++ practices by making the json_input_handler and json_output_handler interfaces public non-virtual and the implementations private virtual. Refer to the documentation and tutorials for details.

  • The error_handler virtual implementation methods have been renamed to do_warning and do_error, and made private. Non virtual public interface methods warning and error have been added. Error handling now leverages std::error_code to communicate parser error events in an extendable way.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed bug in csv_reader


Bug fixes:

  • Incorporates fix from Alex Merry for comparison of json objects


Bug fixes

  • Incorporates contributions from Cory Fields for silencing some compiler warnings
  • Fixes bug reported by Vitaliy Gusev in json object operator[size_t]
  • Fixes bug in json is_empty method for empty objects


  • json constructors that take string, double etc. are now declared explicit (assignments and defaults to get and make_array methods have their own implementation and do not depend on implicit constructors.)
  • make_multi_array renamed to make_array (old name is still supported)
  • Previous versions supported any type values through special methods set_custom_data, add_custom_data, and custom_data. This version introduces a new type json::any that wraps any values and works with the usual accessors set, add and as, so the specialized methods are no longer required.


  • json get method with default value now accepts extended types as defaults
  • json make_array method with default value now accepts extended types as defaults

New extensions

  • Added jsoncons_ext/boost/type_extensions.hpp to collect extensions traits for boost types, in particular, for boost::gregorian dates.

0.93 Release

New features

  • Supports wide character strings and streams with wjson, wjson_reader etc. Assumes UTF16 encoding if sizeof(wchar_t)=2 and UTF32 encoding if sizeof(wchar_t)=4.
  • The empty class null_type is added to the jsoncons namespace, it replaces the member type json::null_type (json::null_type is typedefed to jsoncons::null_type for backward compatibility.)

Defect fixes:

  • The ascii character 0x7f (del) was not being considered a control character to be escaped, this is fixed.
  • Fixed two issues with serialization when the output format property escape_all_non_ascii is enabled. One, the individual bytes were being checked if they were non ascii, rather than first converting to a codepoint. Two, continuations weren't being handled when decoding.

0.92a Release

Includes contributed updates for valid compilation and execution in gcc and clang environments

0.92 Release

Breaking change (but only if you have subclassed json_input_handler or json_output_handler)

  • For consistency with other names, the input and output handler methods new to 0.91 - value_string, value_double, value_longlong, value_ulonglong and value_bool - have been renamed to string_value, double_value, longlong_value, ulonglong_value and bool_value.

Non breaking changes (previous features are deprecated but still work)

  • name_value_pair has been renamed to member_type (typedefed to previous name.)

  • as_string(output_format format) has been deprecated, use the existing to_string(output_format format) instead


  • json now has extensibilty, you can access and modify json values with new types, see the tutorial Extensibility

Preparation for allocator support:

  • The basic_json and related classes now have an Storage template parameter, which is currently just a placeholder, but will later provide a hook to allow users to control how json storage is allocated. This addition is transparent to users of the json and related classes.

0.91 Release

This release should be largely backwards compatible with 0.90 and 0.83 with two exceptions:

  1. If you have used object iterators, you will need to replace uses of std::pair with name_value_pair, in particular, first becomes name() and second becomes value().

  2. If you have subclassed json_input_handler, json_output_handler, or json_filter, and have implemented value(const std::string& ..., value(double ..., etc., you will need to modify the names to value_string(const std::string& ..., value_double(double ... (no changes if you are feeding existing implementations.)

The changes are

  • Replaced std::pairstd::string,json with name_value_pair that has accessors name() and value()

  • In json_input_handler and json_output_handler, allowed for overrides of the value methods by making them non-virtual and adding virtual methods value_string, value_double, value_longlong, value_ulonglong, and value_bool

Other new features:

  • Changed implementation of is and as, the current implementation should be user extensible

  • make_multi_array makes a multidimensional array with the number of dimensions specified as a template parameter. Replaces make_2d_array and make_3d_array, which are now deprecated.

  • Added support for is<std::vector> and as<std::vector>

  • Removed JSONCONS_NO_CXX11_RVALUE_REFERENCES, compiler must support move semantics

Incorporates a number of contributions from Pedro Larroy and the developers of the clearskies_core project:

  • build system for posix systems
  • GCC to list of supported compilers
  • Android fix
  • fixed virtual destructors missing in json_input_handler, json_output_handler and parsing_context
  • fixed const_iterator should be iterator in json_object implementation

To clean up the interface and avoid too much duplicated functionality, we've deprecated some json methods (but they still work)


Use json val(json::an_array) or json::make_multi_array<1>(...) instead (but make_array will continue to work)


Use make_multi_array<2> and make_multi_array<3> instead


Use as<std::vector> etc. instead


Use as, as, and as instead

Release 0.90a

Fixed issue affecting clang compile

Release 0.90

This release should be fully backwards compatible with 0.83.

Includes performance enhancements to json_reader and json_deserializer

Fixes issues with column numbers reported with exceptions

Incorporates a number of patches contributed by Marc Chevrier:

  • Fixed issue with set member on json object when a member with that name already exists
  • clang port
  • cmake build files for examples and test suite
  • json template method is for examining the types of json values
  • json template method as for accessing json values


Optimizations (very unlikely to break earlier code)

  • get(const std::name& name) const now returns const json& if keyed value exists, otherwise a const reference to json::null

  • get(const std::string& name, const json& default_val) const now returns const json (actually a const proxy that evaluates to json if read)

Bug fixes

  • Line number not incremented within multiline comment - fixed

Deprecated features removed

  • Removed deprecated output_format properties (too much bagage to carry around)


  • The const version of the json operator[](const std::string& name) didn't need to return a proxy, the return value has been changed to const json& (this change is transparent to the user.)

  • get(const std::name& name) has been changed to return a copy (rather than a reference), and json::null if there is no member with that name (rather than throw.) This way both get methods return default values if no keyed value exists.

  • non-const and const methods json& at(const std::name& name) have been added to replace the old single argument get method. These have the same behavior as the corresponding operator[] functions, but the non-const at is more efficient.


  • Added accessor and modifier methods floatfield to output_format to provide a supported way to set the floatfield format flag to fixed or scientific with a specified number of decimal places (this can be done in older versions, but only with deprecated methods.)

  • The default constructor now constructs an empty object (rather than a null object.) While this is a change, it's unlikely to break exisitng code (all test cases passed without modification.)

This means that instead of

json obj(json::an_object);
obj["field"] = "field";

you can simply write

json obj;
obj["field"] = "field";

The former notation is still supported, though.

  • Added a version of 'resize_array' to json that resizes the array to n elements and initializes them to a specified value.

  • Added a version of the static method json::make_array that takes no arguments and makes an empty json array

Note that

json arr(json::an_array);

is equivalent to

json arr = json::make_array();


json arr(json::an_array);

is equivalent to

json arr = json::make_array(10,0.0);

For consistency the json::make_array notation is now favored in the documentation.


  • Added resize_array method to json for resizing json arrays

  • Fixed issue with remove_range method (templated code failed to compile if calling this method.)

  • Added remove_member method to remove a member from a json object

  • Fixed issue with multiline line comments, added test case

  • Fixed issue with adding custom data to a json array using add_custom_data, added examples.


  • Since 0.50, jsoncons has used snprintf for default serialization of double values to string values. This can result in invalid json output when running on a locale like German or Spanish. The period character (ââ�¬Ë�.ââ�¬â�¢) is now always used as the decimal point, non English locales are ignored.

  • The output_format methods that support alternative floating point formatting, e.g. fixed, have been deprecated.

  • Added a template method as_vector to the json class. If a json value is an array and conversion is possible to the template type, returns a std::vector of that type, otherwise throws an std::exception. Specializations are provided for std::string, bool, char, int, unsigned int, long, unsigned long, long long, unsigned long long, and double. For example

    std::string s("[0,1,2,3]");

    json val = json::parse_string(s);

    std::vector v = val.as_vector();

  • Undeprecated the json member function precision


This release (0.60b) is fully backwards compatible with 0.50.

A change introduced with 0.60 has been reversed. 0.60 introduced an alternative method of constructing a json arrray or object with an initial default constructor, a bug with this was fixed in 0.60a, but this feature and related documentation has been removed because it added complexity but no real value.


  • Added swap member function to json

  • Added add and add_custom_data overrides to json that take an index value, for adding a new element at the specified index and shifting all elements currently at or above that index to the right.

  • Added capacity member functions to json

0.60 extensions

  • csv_serializer has been added to the csv extension


This release is fully backwards compatible with 0.4*, and mostly backwards compatible to 0.32 apart from the two name changes in 0.41

Bug fixes

  • When reading the escaped characters "\b", "\f", "\r" and "\t" appearing in json strings, json_reader was replacing them with the linefeed character, this has been fixed.


  • Deprecated modifiers precision and fixed_decimal_places from output_format. Use set_floating_point_format instead.
  • Deprecated constructor that takes indenting parameter from output_format. For pretty printing with indenting, use the pretty_print function or pass the indenting parameter in json_serializer.


  • When serializing floating point values to a stream, previous versions defaulted to default floating point precision with a precision of 16. This has been changed to truncate trailing zeros but keep one if immediately after a decimal point.

New features

  • For line reporting in parser error messages, json_reader now recognizes \r\n, \n alone or \r alone (\r alone is new.)
  • Added set_floating_point_format methods to output_format to give more control over floating point notation.

Non functional enhancements

  • json_reader now estimates the minimum capacity for arrays and objects, and reports that information for the begin_array and begin_object events. This greatly reduces reallocations.


  • Fixed another bug with multi line /**/ comments
  • Minor fixes to reporting line and column number of errors
  • Added fixed_decimal_places setter to output_format
  • Added version of as_string to json that takes output_format as a parameter
  • Reorganization of test cases and examples in source tree


  • Added non-member overload swap(json& a, json& b)
  • Fixed bug with multi line /**/ comments
  • Added begin_json and end_json methods to json_output_handler
  • json_deserializer should now satisfy basic exception safety (no leak guarantee)
  • Moved csv_reader.hpp to jsoncons_ext/csv directory
  • Changed csv_reader namespace to jsoncons::csv
  • json::parse_file no longer reads the entire file into memory before parsing (it now uses json_reader default buffering)


  • json_listener renamed to json_input_handler

  • json_writer renamed to json_output_handler

  • Added json_filter class

  • json get method that takes default argument now returns a value rather than a reference

  • Issue in csv_reader related to get method issue fixed

  • Issue with const json operator[] fixed

  • Added as_char method to json

  • Improved exception safety, some opportunites for memory leaks in the presence of exceptions removed


Added reserve method to json

Added static make_3d_array method to json

json_reader now configured for buffered reading

Added csv_reader class for reading CSV files and producing JSON events

Fixed bug with explicitly passing output_format in pretty_print.


Added remove_range method, operator== and operator!= to proxy and json objects

Added static methods make_array and make_2d_array to json


error_handler method content_error renamed to error

Added error_code to warning, error and fatal_error methods of error_handler


json_in_stream renamed to json_listener

json_out_stream renamed to json_writer

Added buffer accessor method to parsing_context


Added parsing_context class for providing information about the element being parsed.

error_handler methods take message and parsing_context parameters

json_in_stream handlers take parsing_context parameter


Added error_handler class for json_reader

Made json_exception a base class for all json exceptions

Added root() method to json_deserializer to get a reference to the json value

Removed swap_root() method from json_deserializer


Renamed serialize() class method to to_stream() in json

Custom data serialization supported through template function specialization of serialize (reverses change in 0.17)


Added is_custom() method to json and proxy

get_custom() method renamed to custom_data() in json and proxy

Added clear() method to json and proxy

set_member() method renamed to set()

set_custom() method renamed to set_custom_data()

push_back() method renamed to add() in json and proxy

Added add_custom_data method() in json and proxy

Custom data serialization supported through template class specialization of custom_serialization (replaces template function specialization of serialize)


Change to json_out_stream and json_serializer:

void value(const custom_data& value)


Free function serialize replaces free function to_stream for serializing custom data.

pretty print tidied up for nested arrays


Made eof() method on json_reader public, to support reading multiple JSON objects from a stream.


Added pretty_print class

Renamed json_stream_writer to json_serializer, implements pure virtual class json_out_stream

Renamed json_stream_listener to json_deserializer implements pure virtual class json_in_stream

Renamed json_parser to json_reader, parse to read.

Changed indenting so object and array members start on new line.

Added support for storing user data in json object, and serializing to JSON.


Replaced simple_string union member with json_string that wraps std::basic_string

name() and value() event handler methods on basic_json_stream_writer take const std::basic_string& rather than const Char* and length.


Implemented operator<< for json::proxy

Added to_stream methods to json::proxy


Added members to json_parser to access and modify the buffer capacity

Added checks when parsing integer values to determine overflow for long long and unsigned long long, and if overflow, parse them as doubles.