- Adding select for PHP 8.3 in the workflow files
- Adding select for Laravel 11 in the workflow files
- Adding select for Node 20 in the workflow files
- Updating GitHub Actions versions:
- symfonycorp/security-checker-action@v5
- github/codeql-action/upload-sarif@v3
- webfactory/ssh-agent@v0.9.0
- actions/checkout@v4
- actions/setup-node@v4
- actions/cache@v4
- Upgrading larastan usage in the Workflow
- Upgrading to Laravel v11
- Upgrading to PestPHP v2
- Upgrading to Livewire v3
- Upgrading to Larastan v2
- Switching from Webpack to Vite
- Updating node version for auto-generate command
- Updating PHP version for auto-generate command
- Updating dependencies (PHP and Node)
- Added Laravel 10 options for using L10 in the GitHub Actions workflows
- Upgrading Actions:
- actions/checkout@v3
- actions/setup-node@v3
- github/codeql-action/upload-sarif@v2
- symfonycorp/security-checker-action@v4
- webfactory/ssh-agent@v0.7.0
- Introducing Laravel Pint
- Introducing PestPHP
- Converting Feature tests for PestPHP, thanks to @dansysanalyst for #151
- Using composer scripts for executing code quality tools
- PHPStan Level 6
- Support for PHP 8.2
- added php8.1 for auto-detecting php version for matrix
- added make install command by @AlessandroMinoccheri
- fix load template for matrixTestbenchDependencies
- upgrade to Laravel 9 framework
- added laravel 9 mapping for testbench, thanks to @dkemper
- improve dark/light mode
- update npm packages
Welcome PHP 8.1
- update GitHub actions workflows for 8.1
- add option for 8.1 in the UI
- Now you can deploy with Forge with your CI workflow
- UI refactoring: Introducing DaisyUI components
- Report for command line execution
- Upgrade to PHPstan 1
- Command line: added --dry-run option
- Now is possible to install Ghygen with composer create-project hi-folks/ghygen
It's still Hacktoberfest!
- Welcome to PHP 8.1, you can select PHP8.1 (experimental) to check the compatibility of your application in CICD
It's still Hacktoberfest!
- You can schedule a workflow to run at specific UTC times using POSIX cron syntax;
- Security check
It's still Hacktoberfest!
- Welcome --save option for CLI (you can define the filename of the workflow file);
- Set automatically the workflow filename for auto generation (to much automation ;) with --save=auto option
- Twitter card :)
It is still Hacktoberfest!
- Psalm, create Sarif report for GitHub code scanning integration
- update to Alpinejs 3
- Allow user to set dependency stability (none, the latest stable, the lowest stable), thanks to @marulitua
- Phpstan Level 6 (from 5 to 6, report missing typehints)
Hacktoberfest, goes on...
- Updated Cover image
- Using phpstan.neon file, thanks to @ActuallyConnor
- autodetect usage of phpstan.neon from command line
- better management of title and description in meta html tags. Thanks to @zaratedev
It is time for Hacktoberfest!!!
- With template laravelpackage (no composer.lock), avoid cache vendors and cache package. Thanks to @hetpatel33 for the hacktoberfest contribution;
- Update PHP packages, also Laralens 0.2.6;
- Update contributing file for new contributors.
- Add command to generate automatically GitHub Actions workflow from composer.json, .env, migrations, packages.json
- Add launching tests via PestPHP
- Deploy Serverless Application via Vapor
- Deploy step with Ploi service. Thank you to @ashwind-19
- Add wildcard for branch names
- Psalm fix MissingReturnType,MissingParamType
- clean up developments stuff after deploy
- cleaning some test workflows for GitHub Actions
- Psalm as Static Code Analysis Tool
- Add composer install --no-dev before deploy
- Postgresql template option
- Update some style (template cards and header)
- Update default Node version to 15.x (stable)
- Fix some typos in the help labels in the Form
- Upgraded Node packages
- Select Template option: Laravel application, PHP package, Laravel package ( #62 );
- Select tool for code static analysis ( #63 )
- New option for installing phpstan in workflow
- New option for installing phpcs in workflow
- New option for defining directory to check for phpcs ("app" default )
- New option for defining directory to check for phpstan ("app" default)
- New option for execute (or not) 'php artisan key:generate'
- New option for copying .env template
- Install Phpstan and phpcs as composer dev
- Upgrade PHP packages
- Add Postgresql database
- Fix Dashboard when some old data is loaded (isMysqlService vs dataType)
- Add Sqlite (in memory) support in your workflow (now the user can select: none, mysql or sqlite);
- Add Validation for Laravel version
- All Hashcode configurations are logged into log_configurations table;
- Dashboard: Show the total configurations created daily;
- Add About page with /about URL.
- Dashboard: sort latest configurations by updated_at.
- Add API for listing configurations
- Add Dashboard for showing some infos from configurations
- Add permalink to load saved configuration
- Add Makefile for deploy
- Add check for Rate Limit https://github.com/danharrin/livewire-rate-limiting
- Add LaraLens package https://github.com/Hi-Folks/lara-lens
- Use database migrations in tests
- Change Demo URL: https://ghygen.hi-folks.dev/
- optimize js code after submit form
- Caching node_modules directory when npm build is selected
- add check for on events (just to avoid a mix of manual/automatic behaviour)
- Validation for some mandatory fields like name, "on events";
- Conditional validation for some mandatory fields that depend on a check (, branches if "On" event is selected, mysql parameter if Mysql service is selected);
- Add Makefile for development.
- Add Hints / Suggestions
- Add Laravel Matrix (for Laravel 8, Laravel 7 and Laravel 6)
- Add caching Schema Yaml file (to improve the speed during Yaml checks)
- Add syntax highlight for Yaml workflow file
- Add copy button. ONce the Yaml is generated, you can click Copy Button in order to copy in the clipboard the content (so you can paste in your .github/workflows/*.yml file)
- Add Open Graph meta in the main page
- Add Larastan for phpstan, for a better compatibility with Laravel for static code analysis
- fix margin and padding for checkboxes
- change input colors, from indigo to blue
- Fix load env parameters (load DB_ parameters only if database is needed)
- Fix Chrome driver version for Browser Tests (Laravel Dusk)
- new .env parameter for forcing HTTPS for assets: APP_FORCE_HTTPS;
- using Larastan (to enhance the compatibility for phpstan with Laravel)
- adding check for Laravel Dusk, so your workflow can launch browser test directly in the CICD
- Validate Yaml file generated
- Show errors if there is some syntax error in Yaml file
- red background if some error happens during the generation of Yaml file
- Tests execution (via phpunit)
- Code Sniffer (via phpcs)
- Static Analysis (via phpstan)
- Select Mysql Password: skip / from secret / hardcoded
- Run migrations (php artisan migrate)
- Nodejs setup (optional)
- Npm packages installation
- Caching Npm packages
- fix array/string conversion for branches
- MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD for mysql container service
- use features/** for triggering actions on push event
- fix indent jobs in yaml file
- initial release
- Collect some parameters about:
- name of workflow;
- "On" (events that trigger the workflow);
- setup mysql service container;
- Caching vendors and packages;
- select PHP versions;
- select NodeJs version (for npm build);
- some specific Laravel stuff (.env file, fix storage permissions).
- Generate Yaml file